Wednesday, January 6, 2021



The weather was hot today.  We kept thinking it was going to be cold but it started out warmish and this afternoon the air/con was back in action.  Now we’re told that next week will be the cold week.  (5), I laugh at your forecast.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Ticket to Ride” by The Beatles.  And now, a taste of ‘Jazzy Wednesday’, and a song first sung in 1946 by one of the first ladies of the Jazz/Blues genre.  “__ __ __, you old gloomy sight.  __ __ __, thought we said goodbye last night.  I turned and tossed until it seemed you had gone, but here you are with the dawn.”  Hint:  A feeling has been personified and is still in the house.

This was the day we got stuff done.  We started by disappointing JaiDee.  He gave us a really sad face when he got that he wasn’t going with us.  After we left, he was still on the landing, looking down with sad eyes.  Natcha took this photo not long after we left, and sent it to Lisa’s phone.

Our first stop was Chivit Thamma Da.  There was only one car in the lot, so it was pretty quiet.  We’ve been very conscious of spacing lately, since there have been covid sightings in Chiang Mai and one in Chiang Rai.  Nothing like an airy porch with empty tables all around to maintain confidence.  After Chivit we went into town to pick up some sewing and visit the flower market.  The mother of a friend passed and we wanted to take a wreath to the temple.  We were going to try and go to one of the services, but thought better of the idea of being in a crowd of people.  Our friend Towan is a mutual friend of the family and was there this morning.  We hadn’t seen him or Katai in weeks, so it was a treat.  After delivering the wreath and posing for the obligatory photos, Towan took us through the temple complex to meet a Golden Retriever that lives there.  We don’t know how old he is, but he was a handsome dog with very large feet.  He came down the steps from his house and let us pet him, and then returned to his mid-day nap.  

The last stop, on our way home, was at the service center for the new printer.  We were supposed to go back this afternoon and pick it up, but the afternoon heat and the needed nap changed the pick-up until tomorrow (555).

Thailand is making arrangements for several vaccines to be available, but it will take a few months.  There were more closures in Bangkok under the direction of the Health Minister.  A very long list of businesses will now be shut down for about three weeks.  There are checkpoints at each of the major roads leaving Bangkok and people are getting the basic check to see if they have any symptoms.  It seems like they are gradually moving back to the same measures that were taken the first time around.  That would be the right thing to do.  It worked in several other countries.  

Today’s photo was taken at the Flower Market, which is a collection of about 10 or 12 shops.  This orchid arrangement caught our eye.  There are 4 kinds of orchids in this pot.

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“If I have seen further than others,
it is by standing upon the shoulders 
of giants."
~Isaac Newton

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