Tuesday, June 30, 2020



The air was very hot and humid today.  Tonight, as we ended our walk, the rain began and it’s still coming down.  Giant thunder is the soundtrack of the night.  

A few of you remembered this wonderful tune about an international playboy.  “Coast to coast, L.A. to Chicago, western male.  Across the north and south, to Key Largo, love for sale.  Face-to-face, each classic case.  We shadow box and double cross, yet need the chase.  A license to love, insurance to hold,  melts all your memories and change into gold.  His eyes are like angels but his heart is cold.  No need to ask, he’s a __ __, __ __, __ __, __ __.”  Clue:
Think __ as silk.  If you get the first word, the rest should be easy.

This morning Khwan and Mercy came over for the doggie play-date.  JaiDee was excited before they even got out of their truck.  The dogs got along great, taking turns leading each other around the yard, exploring and racing around.  This was the playmate JaiDee has wanted for almost a year.  Mercy had to set JaiDee straight a few times, letting him know when to back off, etc.  They each did a little independent exploring, but mostly cruised the yard together.  They’ll be coming back next Wednesday for another episode.  

Today’s photo is two happy dogs after their morning of fun.

Tomorrow is a big day in Thailand.  Schools will open again and we know one little four year old who can hardly wait.  Nitchanan is very excited to be going back to school.  And then there are all the teachers who are going back to school.  It will be Cat’s first day as a real teacher, using her own lesson plans and being ‘in charge’ of a room of 7th graders.  We wish her well.

This afternoon we went to Bangkok Hospital where I had my last physical therapy treatment.  Before I started, I could not walk around the track with Lisa and JaiDee.  Now, I can do a whole lap, which is about 20 minutes, and not be in pain.  From here, I can slowly increase my time for a more aerobic exercise.  

Have a Happy Tuesday.     Follow the science, wear a mask.  The life you save could be someone else’s.


“The most common way people
give up their power is by thinking
they don’t have any.”
~Alice Walker

Monday, June 29, 2020



It’s almost 9pm and the temperature is 83°F.  That’s 10° lower than the high today.  The sky was clear as a bell this morning and filled with big, dark clouds this evening.  And yet, it’s not going to rain.

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Wake Up, Little Susie” by The Everly Brothers.  Here’s a real ‘Easy Monday’ tune for you:  “(Intro)  He’s laughing with another girl and playing with another heart.  Placing high stakes, making hearts ache.  He’s loved in seven languages.  Diamond night and ruby lights, high in the sky.  Heaven help him, when he falls.
(Verse)  Diamond life, lover boy, he moves in space with minimum waste and maximum joy.  City lights and business nights, when you require streetcar desire for higher heights… no need to ask, he’s a __ __, __ __, __ __, __ __.”
Hint:  I think you know this one.  Singer has one name.  From 1984.

We had a rather busy weekend.  Actually, JaiDee had a busy one, we were just spectators.  Saturday morning we went to Chivit Thamma Da for ginger tea and scones.  JaiDee had ice and another encounter with Nam Kok, the resident Golden Retriever at Chivit.  Kok, as he is called, is about 8 years old and usually can’t be bothered with young punks like JaiDee.  This time he tolerated him a little more and they played in slow-motion.  Sunday morning we went for the usual walk, then dashed over to The Wanderer for coffee and roti.  JaiDee’s friend Mercy was there with her ‘Mom’ Khwan.  Mercy was in a good space and played with JaiDee, after setting some ground rules (555).  JaiDee needs to know these things, how to play is important stuff for dogs and humans.  While we watched them play, we set up a play-date for Tuesday morning at our house.  This could be epic, the two of them running around will be heaven for JaiDee.  

After lunch, I ‘Zoomed’ off to Karachi, Pakistan for a noon meeting.  In the afternoon we went back to The Wanderer to order a take-away dinner.  While we waited, JaiDee made new friends.  As we were leaving we met a 2 year old Great Pyrenees that was just arriving.  He and JaiDee touched noses and had a pleasant greeting and then it was time to go.  He likes dogs and people.  Khun Noot said that’s why he’s named JaiDee (Good heart).

While shopping at Little C this morning, I was watching to see how many people were wearing masks.  Most of the shoppers had them on.  Actually, you can’t enter without one, and this is true for most big stores.  Little kids were wearing masks as well.  It’s comforting to see how folks have embraced the concept, even though there haven’t been any cases in Chiang Rai in well over a month.  

We don’t go out much, except for coffee, shopping for food, and a rare mall visit.  It’s almost like before, during the isolation days.  Having grown-up thoughts about protecting our household from this illness is a high priority.  There is nothing political about it, no one to blame.  It is what it is and it’s all over the world.  If we all do our part, it gets handled faster.  

Have a Great Week.


“The best work is not what is
most difficult for you; it is what
you do best.”
~Jean-Paul Sartre

Friday, June 26, 2020

Friday Funnies


They say today’s temp was 87°F and the low will be 73°F.  I think it was hotter than that.  Still trying to find out who ‘they’ are.  

The ‘Zany Day’ song was “I Am The Walrus” by The Beatles.  That means it’s time for ‘Old School Friday’ and a trip down somebody’s memory lane.  “__ __, __ __, __ __.  __ __, __ __, __ __.  We’ve both been sound asleep, __ __, __ __ and weep.  The movie’s over, it’s four o’clock, and we’re in trouble deep.  __ __ __ __, __ __ __ __”.  Hint:  This was a Rock-A-Billy hit by a couple of brothers who really were brothers.  There is a name involved.

This morning was a bit hectic.  Lisa had a 7am call to make to the States, the bug spray people were coming at 9, and we had a coffee date at 9:15.  On top of that, Mr. JaiDee had to go on a walk so he could be on his best behavior in public.  We got it all done.  

The coffee this morning was apparently a little strong.  Usually, when it’s nap time I can sleep a bit.  Today there was dozing, and lots of awake time.  I tell myself that this could be good, maybe I’ll sleep real good tonight.  Hmm.

Today’s photo is JaiDee’s 11.5 month portrait.  After seeing photos of other Golden Retrievers in his age group, we’re thinking he might be small for a Golden Retriever when he grows up.  That would be just fine.  

There is an apartment complex on the little road behind us and down a bit.  It has been relatively quiet until this week.  Now, it seems they have become the latest ‘bandstand’.  Right now there is a drum pattern that is repeating over and over and that’s all we hear.  This afternoon it was mostly bass.  This morning, at 7:30am they began rehearsing.  Pass the headphones, please.

After dinner we were going to take JaiDee out on the lawn and try to exercise him.  It worked last night, between running for treats and throwing his soccer ball.  Just as we were about to start, Natcha offered to do it.  He got a great workout and then we had energy take him for his walk.  We walked in a drizzle for the second night in a row.  We have these plastic ponchos that are good for very light rain, so we stayed dry.  The three of us are now walking 20 minutes every night.  He could go farther, and if that becomes the case, I’ll wait for them (555).  

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.     Time for the ‘Funnies’.


Thursday, June 25, 2020



Our current weather pattern has temperatures in the high 80’s in the day and mid 70’s at night.  Rain is optional (555).

Well, several readers know the ‘Zany Day’ song.  If you know it, let me know.  Just curious to see who remembers.
“Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.  Corporation tee shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday, man, you been a naughty boy you let your face grow long.  I am the eggman (ooh) They are the eggmen, (ooh), __ __ __ __, goo, goo, g’joob.”  Clue:  I guess that verse cleared up any doubt about the zanyness of this tune.  A clue from my brother:  Giant K9s.

This morning we went for another walk at the nighttime place.  There were about 2 other people using it, and there were no other dogs.  The morning air was just beginning to warm up, but the sun was hot already.  There is grass on one side of the track so JaiDee can walk there to keep his paws cool.  Sun hats would have been welcome on most of the walk.  Something to look into.

We didn’t go for coffee today because I went to a small meeting in Ban Du (just north of us) with some friends who have been here in isolation for several months.  We met at a place called ‘Cups’, obviously a coffee shop with food as well.  The tables are outside under a roof, so it’s an open air affair.  

I read a piece a few days ago giving an opinion as to why Japan (and also Thailand) has such low covid numbers.  One reason given had to do with the respect for authority.  When people are told to wear masks, they wear masks.  In Japan masks were a part of the culture even before the virus.  People are in the habit of protecting themselves and others from germs and illness.  One other thing is the lack of social touching when greeting.  In Japan they bow, in Thailand people ‘wai’.  Personally, I’m a big fan of hugging, but I’m willing to wai, bow or nod if it keeps us all alive.

On the way home from physical therapy this afternoon, we stopped at Makro for a few things.  Standing at the check-out I noticed a package that caught my eye.  They always put candy or cookies where it’s hard for parents to say no and not have it be an event.  So I’m looking at “Koala’s March Black” and wondering ‘what is this?’.  It’s a line of cookies from Japan.  Sounds interesting in this time of heightened senses.  It does say ‘Bitter Chocolate’.  (555)

Just by chance, we listened to some songs on Lisa’s phone and “Headed For A Heartbreak”, by Winger, came on and it was like a party in the van.  At one point I said, ‘Where's a wall to bang my head on?’.  It’s a heavy rock ballad and a real ‘event’ as recordings go.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIpRdbi9pYw  Oh, and the hair…  You could always listen with your eyes closed.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“Preservation of one’s own culture
does not require contempt or disrespect
for other cultures.”
~Cesar Chavez

Wednesday, June 24, 2020



The weather in Chiang Rai was mostly cloudy and hot.  There were strong rays of sunshine but in the afternoon we watched as the clouds closed around the sun and brought a steady light rain.  

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “What A Fool Believes” by The Doobie Brothers.  This week’s ‘Zany Day’ song is perfect for this category:  “I am he as you are he and you are me and we are all together.  See how they run, like pigs from a gun, see how they fly.  I’m crying.”  Hint:  Well, it’s by those four lads from across the pond.  Besides that, I couldn’t begin to tell you what it means, or give a hint for the title, except that there are tusks involved.

Today marked two weeks since I saw the kidney specialist.  My assignment was to take no supplements, very little salt, and drink 2 liters of water per day.  I followed directions and this morning the test results showed that there was a major improvement in my kidney function and there were no ‘alerts’ on any parts of the blood test.  In fact, she told me that I don’t need to come back to see her.  Overjoyed!

Today’s photo is from our trip to Perth, Australia in 2018.  The ‘Roos’ at the zoo were very friendly.

Schools will be back in session on July 1.  Nitchanan is very excited about going back.  She has many friends from her class that she hasn’t seen in 4 months.  For some kids, there will probably be some adjusting to do.  Cat will begin teaching on that same date.  She will be teaching 7th graders and that is a little older than she did her ‘practice’ teaching with.  The teachers at her school have been going to work for the last 2 weeks, getting ready.  There is the possibility that the school week might be 7 days, due to smaller class sizes, etc.  So far, Cat is only teaching 3 days a week, but that could change.  She’s going to be a great teacher.

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.   


“Conformity is the jailer of freedom
and the enemy of growth.”
~John F. Kennedy

Tuesday, June 23, 2020



The weather was a mixed bag today.  It was hot, it was cloudy, it rained a little, and the sun came out to play.

This week’s ‘Easy Monday’ song has been in ‘rotation’ for years.  Some of you will remember this late 70’s hit.  
“But __ __ __ __, he sees, no wise man has the power to reason away what seems to be.  It’s always better than nothing, and nothing at all keeps sending him… Somewhere back in her long ago, where he can still believe there’s a place in her life.  Someday, somewhere, she will return…”  Clue:  By a band of brothers who are not related at all.  The ‘family name’ is of dubious origin (555).  

The coffee destination today was Chivit Thamma Da, by way of the gas station and Khun Orn’s seamstress shop.  JaiDee really likes riding around town.  At Chivit, he got his usual greeting by all the staff at the main entrance, and as soon as we sat down, a young woman brought his bowl of ice.  That’s what I call service.  He’s still in ‘restless teen mode’ so a walk is always required, where ever we go.  Someday he will know what it’s like to hang out (555), but for now, he’s gotta keep movin’.

We thought we were going to have a nap before the afternoon activities but two things put that to rest.  A message from our friend Sutheera, telling us about a Golden Retriever who was in need of being rescued, and the sound of Nitchanan playing on the Pink Swan in the pool.  We made arrangements to visit the dog at the vet where she is being housed and treated.  Once that was settled, we watched as Nitchanan and Gong worked on balancing on the big raft-like bird.  After Gong helped her stand, she jumped into the pool.  What joy!  She was wearing her ‘floatie’ so she had total confidence during the whole thing.  A new era in pool play has begun.

When we finally found the animal hospital, which is near the university, I almost didn’t go inside.  There were cats all around and I am deathly allergic to them.  I think my mask helped me not inhale the dander, but after a few minutes I began to feel uncomfortable so I waited outside.  The dog’s name is Beer, pronounced ‘BEE-ah’.  She has had many litters of pups and has not received very good care.  We don’t really know her temperament at this time because she’s being treated for a parasite and other ailments.  She has lived outside, never lived in a house and that is a concern.  While she could possibly be good company for JaiDee, his energy could be overwhelming.  She’ll also have to be good with children.  We’re going to visit her at the vet’s when she gets better.  Mixed emotions, pluses and minuses weigh heavy on the mind.  We don’t have to decide right away, but there’s lots to consider.

At physical therapy today, I met with the doctor.  It’s always encouraging when the doctor pays you a compliment about your health.  She told me I was more active than most Thai people my age.  Hmm, this is not the first time I’ve heard this, just not that direct.  Things like that bring a rush of gratitude and a little smile. Things are improving and that’s the main thing.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“The thing worse than rebellion
is the thing that causes rebellion.”
~Frederick Douglass

Monday, June 22, 2020



If hot weather is your thing, then we had a great weekend.  Add a big dose of humidity and you’d be in heaven.  There were clouds but no rain.  The water in the pool got warmer, that should tell you something (555).

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Will You Love Me Tomorrow” by The Shirelles.  Time for ‘Easy Monday’:
“He came from somewhere back in her long ago, the sentimental fool don’t see, tryin’ hard to recreate what had yet to be created, once in her life.  She musters a smile for his nostalgic tale, never coming near what he wanted to say, only to realize it never really was.  She had a place in his life.  He never made her think twice.  As he rises to her apology anybody else would surely know.  He’s watching her go.  But __ __ __ __ he sees….”  Hint:  Kind of a love story that went wrong.

Over the weekend we took JaiDee to the same walking circuit we use in the evenings.  In the morning it’s totally empty.  We end up walking longer than when we go to the little park with the big trees.  Today’s photos show the playground area on a quiet morning, and in the early evening.

We spent our weekend ‘coffee mornings’ at The Wanderer.  JaiDee has friends there, not as many as at Chivit Thamma Da, but he gets plenty of attention.  There is something about the woods in the morning that just feels right.  We got a message from our friend John, wondering if it was time to share a ‘bowl of ice’ again.  We’ll meet him at The Wanderer for ice and coffee (555).

Today we went to Bangkok Hospital for some follow-up appointment for Lisa.  While waiting, we saw our good friend Katie and her seven year old twins, Taeyo and Jaiya.  They told us about their pet named ‘Dog’.  Dog is, in reality, a chicken who thinks and acts like a dog.  He follows them around the house, sits with them while they do homework, and will jump up to take a treat from their fingers.  They put him outside but he always manages to get back into the house.  The girls have many stories to tell about ‘Dog’.  It really helped pass the time while waiting.

This evening we went on the walk, but in the opposite direction than usual.  Normally we walk against the major flow of traffic because then JaiDee is not trying to follow/chase people.  It also is good because he has more encounters with people.  Going the other way was motivated by the desire to encounter less dogs.  JaiDee was a not happy about the change of direction and pulled a lot.  Maybe he can get used to it.  It certainly took some of the stress off of the walk.  

Have a Great Week.


“The world is a dangerous place to live;
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don’t do
anything about it.”
~Albert Einstein

Friday, June 19, 2020

Friday Funnies


The morning weather was a steady dose of light rain.  It was actually very pleasant.  In the afternoon the clouds gave way to ‘scattered sunshine’.  We may got more rain this evening.

The ‘Zany Day’ song was “Dr. Funkenstein” by Parliament https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GqGzp8TtEI      For ‘Old School Friday’ we’ll dip back to the 60’s with this favorite:  “Tonight you’re mine completely.  You give your love so sweetly.  Tonight the light of love is in your eyes, but __ __ __ __ __?”  Hint:  It’s by a ‘Girl Group’ asking the musical question of the ages.

Natcha and JaiDee have a unique relationship.  They know how to play together.  We can be in the yard with him, trying to get him to run around or chase a ball and he just wanders, doing his thing.  When Natcha runs onto the front lawn, she’s screaming and waving her arms and JaiDee springs into action.  She can throw the soccer ball and he’ll chase it, when she runs at him, he gets excited.  Of course, the fact that she can really run makes a big difference.  We stand in awe, watching her giving him a workout.  It really mellows him, which makes everybody happy.

We returned to The Wanderer today.  When we arrived, we were the only patrons and it gave us a chance to have conversations with the staff before the rush.  There is a big white cat that is one of the residents and he sits and sometimes just stares at you.  He and JaiDee have had several encounters and they’ve all beenthe same.  They just stare at each other.  JaiDee will pull a little, curious dog that he is, but he doesn’t lunge.  It’s strange, because in our yard he becomes possessed when he sees the neighbor’s cat.  Maybe it’s the territorial thing.  

Today’s photo is a selfie in the car featuring JaiDee, who is now 11 months old, and Lisa.  Oh yeah, Lisa held the camera (555).

Things are changing here.  The restrictions are being relaxed and some feel OK and some don’t.  This morning we went to the bank and realized that most of the staff were not wearing masks.  Not sure if it was a policy change or part of the lightened government rules.  We kept ours on and the official helping Lisa kept her's on as well.  It has been proven that uniformity and consistency can make a difference.  Hmm.

On our way to the walking place this evening, the light drizzle that fell all morning, returned.  As we turned on to the street we noticed lots of cars streaming out.  People must have thought the drizzle was a prelude to rain.  There were very few ‘walkers’ on the course when we started.  We did see some of JaiDee’s friends, but the road was basically empty and so was the playground/workout area.  

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.   It’s time for the ‘Funnies’.   Continue to Stay Safe.


Thursday, June 18, 2020



As promised, today was very much like yesterday.  Cooler temps, cloudy sky and light drizzle in the morning.  Yes!

Only two people knew the ‘Zany Day’ song, or so it would seem.  Here’s more from this crazy record.
“Microbiologically speaking, when I start churnin’, burnin’, and turnin’ I’ll make your atoms move so fast expandin’ your molecules causing a friction fire burnin’ you on your neutron causing you to scream, ‘Hit me in the proton, baby.’  (I don’t know what I’m talkin’ about).  Hit me with the one and then, if you like, hit me again.  We love you __ __, your funk is the best (talk).  Take my body, give it the mind to funk with the rest (kiss me on my ego)…”  Clue:  The title is a take-off on the name of a giant creation that terrified a village, even though he wasn’t bad.  This one is a musical monster of the funk.  

This morning we took another walk on the ‘walking path’ and stopped by the river.  Even though it’s about a minute from our house, it seemed like we were out in the country.  We can see the hill from our house, not realizing how it looked without other things in the way.  JaiDee seemed to enjoy the ‘pause’ in the walk.

The Wanderer was our morning destination and things were different.  The main ‘shop’ is now in what they call the Air/con room.  It’s closer to the kitchen and is better for the small staff that is running the place.  It still works well and the setting is cosy and intimate.  With jazz piano in the background, we sat in the Glass room with JaiDee, and had rose tea and roti.  Just as we were leaving, a lot more people arrived.  We’re happy that the place is getting it’s audience back, we’ll just have to remember to arrive early.  

This afternoon was my second session of physical therapy at Bangkok Hospital.  Based on the walks yesterday and today, I think it’s already helping.  I did learn something interesting today.  If you ask a question and they show you an exercise, you will get charged.  I would be irritated, but the exercises are good and I won’t get charged again.  Sometimes life is so weird.

I guess I don’t have to tell you that the virus doesn’t take vacations or breaks.  Just because it’s not the first thing on your mind doesn’t mean it’s gone.  Follow the precautions like your life depended on them.  Hmm, yes, it’s like that.

Tonight I went with Lisa, JaiDee, Cat and Noom on the walk.  I did one lap of the path (20 minutes) with no pain.  This is great.  In the past I have had to wait in the van.  Imagine that, all excited about walking around.  Hey, beats a treadmill.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.    Mask, gel, space.


“For all of its uncertainty,
we cannot flee the future.”
~Barbara Jordan

Wednesday, June 17, 2020



Chiang Rai weather was very pleasant.  The high was in the mid-80’s with lots of humidity and a slight drizzle.  The same is expected for tomorrow.  The only thing is, all that rain cooled the pool.  As I finish this there is thunder and rain in the background.  Oh well. 

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Happy Anniversary” by Little River Band.  And now, a real ‘Zany Day’ tune from 1976:
“Whoa!  They say the bigger the headache, the bigger the pill, baby.  Call me the big pill.  __ __.  The disco fiend with the monster sound, the cool ghoul with the bump transplant.  Hip bone connected to my thigh bone, my thigh bone connected to my leg bone…. I get so hung up on bones.  __ __ here, preoccupied and dedicated to the preservation of the motion of the hips.”  Hint:  The title is a name.  It is also a play on a name.  The tune is by a collective of musicians and performers who had a very large influence on music in the 70’s.  

We took JaiDee for his pre-coffee shop walk on the path where the evening walks take place.  It was empty and a little confusing for him since we walked in the opposite direction we usually walk.  There was less foraging and more direct walking, which is what he needed.  At Chivit Thamma Da our usual table was taken by a couple, so we took the one next to it.  The couple instantly began talking to JaiDee and it turns out they have a Golden.  JaiDee got lots of attention and we got to hear all about their dog.  We tried something besides coffee this morning and it was a nice change.  It was called ‘honey lemon ginger’ tea.  Apparently it’s not really a ‘tea’, but it tasted pleasant and has good ingredients.  

Driving into town was a thrill for JaiDee.  Being on different roads, seeing new sights and the driving motion all calm him down.  By the time we got home he was pretty laid back.  That is, until Khun Noke, an electrician, came to the door.  Watchdog mode was engaged and the dog was wide awake.  After Noke left, he finally calmed down.  

Today’s photo is a Gardenia from the poolside garden.  This is the first one of the season and it puts out a lot of fragrance.  Can’t wait for more.  When it mixes with the Jasmine it’s intoxicating.

Natcha made another batch of cacao cookies and I’m trying real hard not to eat them all tonight (555).

Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.     The sign said:  "No mask, no brains, no service."


“As I would not be a slave, so I would not 
be a master.  This expresses my idea
of democracy.”
~Abraham Lincoln

Tuesday, June 16, 2020



We got through the day with no rain.  Then, around 6pm, the wind came up and the skies opened up and a storm appeared.  It lasted 2 hours, changing intensity from time to time, all the while dumping water.

This week’s ‘Easy Monday’ song got a couple of responses.  Maybe it was too recent (555).  Here’s the last verse:
“This is our fifth year baby, and it feels like I’m in jail, I’m holding on to this card, can’t seem to get it in the mail.  And the card reads: ‘__ __, baby, got you on my mind.  __ __ baby, got you on my mind.”  Clue:  Should be pretty clear by now that this is ‘Easy Monday’ and you’ve been given lots of clues.

JaiDee was more than happy to go on his walk this morning.  After it rains, the area by the river is full of great smells, or so I’m told.  The space is neglected, so there are old leaves, flowers, and seed pods all over the place.  It’s a place for him to practice being a great hunter.  I imagine him tracking something or someone with his nose to the ground, constantly changing direction from a stray scent.  Today I finally took some photos of a very interesting tree.  Most of the trees in this ‘park’ have what I’d call character.  This one is the biggest.

Today we had a lunch date with our friend Lisa and her dad, Win, and Duke at Chivit Thamma Da.  Duke is growing, as puppies do, but still has that puppy look.  Our table was on a porch and right next to a main walkway to the gardens and the river.  Our lunch companion got lots of attention.  We didn’t take JaiDee because now that they’re playmates, they would eventually start wrestling, growling and then barking.  This way, we all got to enjoy our meals (555).  Win and I had a very interesting conversation about covid-19 and how Thailand has dealt with it.  He explained that there is a network of trained nurses who report to local hospitals when anything unusual occurs.  Testing would have been very expensive, so they relied on the network of semi-professional healthcare providers to watch for symptoms and make referrals.  It seems to have worked quite well.  Win was involved with many areas of rural health care in Thailand and Laos and has much information on the history of such things.  Every time we have lunch I learn more fascinating stuff.

I had a 2pm appointment at Bangkok Hospital with an orthopedic specialist.  We had to dash from lunch and go straight to the hospital.  Lisa had seen this doctor a few weeks ago and his exercises for her were very effective.  Before the afternoon was over, I had changed clothes 3 times for x-rays, scans and treatments.  I’ll be going for physical therapy twice a week to relieve the muscle spasm in my lower back and hips.  The good news is that I have good bones (555).  Really, I can put aside those thoughts that I might need new parts.  I just have to be careful.  What’s weird is sitting with doctors who are way younger than me, hearing them refer to things that happen due to ‘old age’.  Hmm.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“Gratitude is not only the
greatest of virtues, but the
parent of all the others."
~Marcus Tullius Cicero

Monday, June 15, 2020



And the rains came.  We had big rain yesterday and again today.  Today’s storms saturated both yards to the point of flooding.  Fortunately, the system works and the water didn’t stay long, but it was impressive.  

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Sh-Boom” by The Chords.  It’s ‘Easy Monday’ and I think this song fills the bill:  
“__ __, baby, got you on my mind.  __ __, baby, got you on my mind.  I’m so happy for you baby, now that you’ve found somebody new.  I see it in your eyes, Lord it’s no surprise.  But when I look back baby, when I look back to what we had, and I know I’m countin’ good times, but there were just as many bad…”  Hint:  Band named for a river somewhere, the singer is sending best wishes to his ex, back in 1978.

The rain storms were the big happening this weekend.  Even though things are ‘opening up’, we don’t really have any need to go places just because we can.  Maybe it’s the reality of the virus, but we’re still being cautious.  Today we went out for coffee and none of the staff were wearing masks.  Many seem to think that because the government opens things up, we are all safe.  Those who follow the news and think, will realize that we are in a bubble right now. As soon as the borders open, there will be more cases of the virus.  This is happening all over the world.  It has happened in Thailand.  All of the reported cases in the last week were Thais coming home.  

Sunday we had a long Skype visit with our friends Stephen and Claire, who live in Tasmania.  They are still in a ‘Stay at home’ mode and their state is covid-free, due to the closed borders.  They have adjusted as much as anyone can, to life in a pandemic, and it was good to get their perspective on it all.  It is very cold there right now on the other side of the equator.  

With the weather being what it is, we never got to play with the swan we got at Big C.  Nitchanan was sick over the weekend, so going in the pool was out of the question.  When the rain started on Sunday, I took it inside, to the guest room.  We wouldn’t want the winds to carry it out of the pool and hit something sharp.  JaiDee checked it out a few times.  At his bravest moment he poked it with his nose.  In the guest room, it takes up the whole bed.

As we approach the time of year when we usually would visit the States, we’ve been thinking of places we’ll miss.  It’s mostly been sources of items we can’t get here, like Trader Joe’s, The Co-op, and Ross.  Target is also on the list.  Over time I’m sure more places will come to mind.  It’s really the people we’ll miss the most, but at least there’s always Skype and stuff.  Just a random thought on a rainy night (555).

Have a Great Week.


“In the end, we will remember not
the words of our enemies, but the 
silence of our friends.”
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday Funnies


We had high hopes for a little rain today, but the breezes kept that from happening.  It was another very hot day.

The ‘Zany Day’ song was “Big Boss Man” by Jimmy Reed.  Now it’s time for ‘Old School Friday’ and a tune from 1954.
“Oh, life could be a dream, (__-__) if I could take you up to paradise up above (__-__), if you would tell me I’m the only one that you love, life could be a dream, sweetheart.  (Hello, hello again, __-__ and hopin’ we’ll meet again).”
Hint:  This is a song where the title is actually a sound, not really a lyric.  The group was named for a collection of notes played together on a piano or guitar (simple example).

We didn’t go for our morning walk again today.  JaiDee must be wondering what’s wrong with us.  I think if he knew that part of the reason was to get more food for him he might have understood.  We got an early start at Big C, doing the grocery shopping before the crowds.  Then we went across the highway to Central Plaza Mall for a trip to Top’s Market.  First, we stopped at Starbuck’s for coffee and a treat.  We noticed that even though it was just a little after 10am, people seem to be going into the mall.  After our coffee we went inside, paid our phone bills and went to Top’s.  On the way out we learned that the mall now opens at 10am on Fridays as well as the weekend.  It’s a good idea, giving the merchants an extra hour a week might help some of them.  

When we got home, Nitchanan was in the kitchen.  When she saw the box for a big pink inflatable swan for the pool she got very excited.  She knew what it was for and we kept hearing ‘Thank you’ and ‘Wow’ and then ‘Beautiful’, which I’d never heard her say before.  The swan is still in the box, maybe this weekend.

In the middle of the ‘so hot’ afternoon we decided to go for a swim.  That was a good idea.  The water was warm, but still felt like a relief in the 98° heat.  The bright sun was also a factor.  It was pretty quiet around us, except for the Greater Cuocals (big birds) and a very loud insect that sounded like a machine.  Jungle bliss.

Sometimes animals do things that are just outrageously cute.  This photo could be captioned:  Do you see me?

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.     It’s time for the ‘Funnies’.  Wear that mask, don’t believe the hype.


Thursday, June 11, 2020



We began the day with a very cloudy sky.  Knowing that it will eventually heat up didn’t take away the joy of a cool morning.  Some days you get what you can, when you can.

Blues fans picked up on this ‘Zany Day’ tune right away. “Well, I’m gonna get me a __ __, one gonna treat me right.  Work hard in the day time, rest easy at night.  __ __ __, can’t you hear me when I call?  Well, you ain’t so big, you just tall, that’s all.”  Clue:  This 1960 tune became a favorite of blues and rock artists during the 60’s.  There are clues in the chorus.  

JaiDee and Duke had another play-date today.  We started earlier, when the morning air is cooler.  JaiDee was so excited when they pulled into the driveway, he could hardly contain himself.  The boys didn’t waste any time jousting, biting and barking.  It took a bit of intervention during the first round, to keep them from hurting each other.  Young dogs can get overexcited sometimes.  After that, we just watched them do whatever they wanted to do.  They stayed on the front porch, wrestling and barking, then resting.  Our friend Lisa may bring Duke on a walk with us soon.  

By the time the play-date was over, JaiDee was worn out.  Natcha had to keep talking to him, trying to keep him from crashing too early.  Meanwhile, we went to MegaHome, like a Home Depot, with a small list in our minds.  One of the main things we were looking for was some kind of fencing to put around the plants JaiDee likes to bite.  We found just the thing in a hard rubber-like fencing that is safer than metal, and easier to work with.  

At 'Little C' our needs were not met the same way.  There’s nothing like Big C for food items, so we’ll tackle that tomorrow.  It was interesting to see how completely open the small businesses were.  Everything was open.  

This afternoon Gong set up one of the plants with the new fencing and it looked pretty sturdy.  When JaiDee confronted it, he met his match and surrendered.  Now we just need to get the rest of our delicate bushes and baby trees protected the same way.  

The evening walk was different this time.  I went out on the path with them.  I usually wait in the van because after about 10 minutes at JaiDee’s pace, I would have discomfort.  This time, with a little slower pace, I was able to do a full lap.  That meant I got to see some of JaiDee’s fans and hang out for a bit with his teenage friends.  Apparently I didn’t see the bulk of his admirers, but hopefully I’ll get the full effect soon. 

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“It is certain, in any case, that ignorance,
allied with power, is the most ferocious
enemy justice can have.”
~James Baldwin

Wednesday, June 10, 2020



This morning we woke up to a cloudy sky.  There was hope for a cool day.  By lunch time there was a little rain storm.  The storm passed and we had another hot afternoon, but everything got watered.  The timing was perfect.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen.  It’s Wednesday and I’m going to throw you a ‘Zany Day’ curve.  This is one of the first blues songs I learned:  “__ __ __ can’t you hear me when I call?  __ __ __ can’t you hear me when I call?  Well, you ain’t so big, you’re just tall, that’s all.  Got me workin’, boss man, workin’ ‘round the clock.  I want me a drink of water, but you won’t let Jimmy stop.  __ __ __, can’t you hear me when I call?…”
Hint:  An ode to the overseer.  I guess it could be called a ‘work song’.

Today was the day I was to meet with the nephrologist.  Our friend Nurse Pay instructed us to arrive at 8:30am.  Little did we know that there would be some waiting involved.  First they wanted me to surrender bodily fluids (555) and then wait for results.  We had about an hour free so we decided to go to The Wanderer for coffee and roti.  When we got there, we realized they are closed on Tuesday and Wednesday.  There was just enough time to go by the pharmacy and back to the hospital.  This is a new doctor on this journey and she’s nice.  Her English is probably better without a face mask, but I could understand what she was telling me.  We went over my blood test with regards to the kidneys, and then she read the report from the ultrasound.  Her conclusion was that my kidneys aren't doing that bad.  I don’t have to cut salt completely, just use a little bit.  She pointed out that it’s a mineral that the body needs.  For the next two weeks I am to take no supplements.  Just lots of water (2 liters per day) and eat a healthy diet.  There will be another round of tests in two weeks to see how I’m doing.  

Year after year the rice fields continue to be beautiful.  

Right before lunch JaiDee had one of his ‘hormonal rushes’ and raced around the living room, up the stairs, and then through the living room again.  He charged for the front yard and went right through the screen door.  So there we were, with the screen hanging off on the side and the dog running wild in the front yard.  There’s no place like home.  Later, Gong fixed the screen and the dog took a nap.

Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.    In case you were wondering, the pandemic is still here.  Wash your hands and wear a mask.


“You can’t separate peace from
freedom because no one can be at
peace unless he has his freedom.”
~Malcolm X

Tuesday, June 9, 2020



Repeat, repeat, repeat is the forecast for yesterday, today and tomorrow.  We did have a coolish breeze this morning, but it was soon replaced by a warm blast.  Clouds came and teased rain, but scooted off with the wind.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song has many movements. Let’s skip forward to something you may recognize:  “I see a little silhouetto of a man, scaramouche, scaramouche will you do the Fandango?  Thunderbolt and lightning very, very frightening to me.  (Galileo) Galileo.  (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo Figaro Magnifico-o-o-o-o….Nothing really matters to me.”  Clue:  Much has been written about this group and their lead singer.  There was an Oscar involved.

Today was one of those laid-back days when staying at home seemed like a really good idea, so we did.  That is not to say that there was no activity at The Big Brown House.  Khun Na came and cleaned the pool, much to JaiDee’s delight.  Right after lunch we had a visit from CAT Telecom to assess the best place to put a WiFi extender.  We’re trying to get the internet into the little apartment where Natcha, Gong and Nitchanan live.  After deciding that the house was too big to just relocate the main router, they decided on the extender.  It was my first thought, but it seems that my ideas are not often translated well (555).  A little later we had a visit from Khun Nung to install more plugs in the kitchen for the new device.  Yeah, a simple laid back day.  

Yesterday I mentioned the ducks that adopted Sutheera and Nukoon.  Here is a photo of the little family.

Thailand had reported that the international borders would open up on July 1, but now it’s been extended until the third or fourth quarter.  The fear is a Second Wave of the virus.  There have recently been Thai arrivals who tested positive.  There is a plan to allow arrivals from countries that are virus free.  It’s an ambitious plan that will take longer to implement.  I am really happy to hear that they are being extra careful.  The pressure from the tourism industry is enormous, but the government is thinking about the big picture.  

Drinking lots of water is getting easier.  The food thing is another story.  When salt is taken away, one realizes how much it enhances the flavor.  So far, I have found that a bite of fruit mixed in can make all the difference in the world.  Yum.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“Without forgiveness, there’s no future.”
~Desmond Tutu

Monday, June 8, 2020



Our weather is still hot.  The temps were supposed to drop over the weekend, but if they did we couldn’t tell.  The humidity is high so it feel warmer than the numbers.  

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Money (That’s What I Want)” by Barrett Strong.  Looks like we need an ‘Easy Monday’ tune.  Here’s an easy one from 1975:  “It this the real life?  Is this just fantasy?  Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.  Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see, I’m just a poor boy, I need no sympathy, because I’m easy come, easy go, little high little low.  Any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me, to me…”  Hint:  Welcome to the opera.  The title is not sung in the lyrics on this one.  The group is named after a royal title.

The big event of the weekend was the play-date with Duke on Saturday.  The boys picked up where they left off, taking only a few minutes to remember each other and begin the ritual of play.  After a bit of bumping and nudging they started nipping at each other, then some wrestling, and then a rest.  Round two began with a shouting match (actually, barking) that went on for a long time.  They clearly had things to say.  More wrestling with lots of teeth showing and then another rest.  We all went to the back yard and they played under the shade of a big tree.  Walking around like pals, they let us know that everything was cool.  Below are a couple of photos.

After the doggie date we met our friend Sutheera for lunch at Chivit Tamma Da.  She told us she’s learning how to record her lectures in preparation for online teaching at Rajabhat University next term.  It was interesting to know that not only does she have to record her lectures in business, but also edit them.  She and her husband Nukoon have a big pond at their house.  Months ago, a wild duck landed in the pond and decided to make it her home.  Now they have two cute little ducklings as well.  

This morning we went to Bangkok Hospital for consultations with a couple of doctors and an ultrasound for me.  When I got my last blood test results, it showed issues with one or more of my kidneys.  The short story is that I saw my insides on a big screen while the doctor explained what we were seeing.  My kidneys are not as efficient as they used to be, but not in a dangerous way.  I have what is called ‘Chronic Kidney Disease’.  We can keep it from progressing through diet.  We met with a dietitian and got some input, and will meet with a nephrologist (a kidney specialist) for more guidance.  To say that my mind is now preoccupied would be an understatement.  Now we have all these doctor appointments, blah blah, tests, etc.  The biggest challenge will be eating salt-free and liking it (555).  Life goes on.

Have a Great Week


“If civilization is to survive, we must
cultivate the science of human relationships,
the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live
together in the same world at peace.”
~Franklin D. Roosevelt