Tuesday, June 2, 2020



Chiang Rai experienced overnight rain, which was good for everything.  As far as I can tell, it was a pretty good storm.  I say this based on the puddles on certain streets and a few in our yard.  I’m very scientific about these things (555).  

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was quickly recognized.  If you know it, let me know, otherwise I’ll think your memory is gone.  “There’s battle lines being drawn, nobody’s right if everybody’s wrong.  Young people speakin’ their minds, getting so much resistance from behind.  It’s time we stop, hey, what’s that sound?  Everybody look, what goin’ down?  Clue:  Sunset Blvd, Hollywood clash between club patrons and police.  Rock and roll suspected.  The writer of the song later became part of a group known by it’s initials.

This morning we did our little walk thing with JaiDee, saw lots of big puddles, and then went to Work@Home.  Sitting on the back patio section, JaiDee had a clear view of the home of his favorite aunt and uncle, Katai and Towan.  Neither was home, but he kept a sharp eye on the place just in case one of them appeared.  A little later, a black Porsche came down the driveway and the morning was saved.  JaiDee gets very excited when he sees certain people and Katai is one of them.  He makes a little sound, almost like a whimper, an anxious sound of expectation.
They had a big greeting and he finally negotiated a place next to her on a wooden bench.  I think that made his day.  

Today was Natcha’s birthday.  We took her and Nitchanan to dinner at Chivit Thamma Da.  Gong stayed home and babysat JaiDee.  Natcha and Nitchanan had never been to Chivit and it was fun watching their faces as they took in the scenery.  Nitchanan is so much like JaiDee, looking here and there, trying to see everything there is to see.  A few times she took off, eyes wide, wanting to see it all before it disappeared.  We had a fun dinner, the adults ate and the child drew and watched Youtube.  On the way to the restaurant Nitchanan was in her ‘why’ mode.  Natcha told Lisa that this is the phase that can go on and on.  She wanted to know about my hair and then Lisa’s hair and many other things.  At the end of the meal the staff surprised Natcha with the birthday song and two slices of yummy looking cake.  They took the cake home for later.  

Thailand has roughly one more month before things really open up again.  July 1 is when the airports open to international flights and more restrictions will be lifted.  We still have a curfew from 11pm to 4am.  Not much happens around here between those hours, except when the clubs are open, and they’re not.  Granted, there could be a lot going on and I wouldn’t know, but that’s OK (555).

Keep wearing your mask, washing your hands, and keeping a safe distance out there.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“We will never have a true civilization
until we have learned to recognized the 
rights of others.”
~Will Rogers

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