Wednesday, June 10, 2020



This morning we woke up to a cloudy sky.  There was hope for a cool day.  By lunch time there was a little rain storm.  The storm passed and we had another hot afternoon, but everything got watered.  The timing was perfect.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Bohemian Rhapsody” by Queen.  It’s Wednesday and I’m going to throw you a ‘Zany Day’ curve.  This is one of the first blues songs I learned:  “__ __ __ can’t you hear me when I call?  __ __ __ can’t you hear me when I call?  Well, you ain’t so big, you’re just tall, that’s all.  Got me workin’, boss man, workin’ ‘round the clock.  I want me a drink of water, but you won’t let Jimmy stop.  __ __ __, can’t you hear me when I call?…”
Hint:  An ode to the overseer.  I guess it could be called a ‘work song’.

Today was the day I was to meet with the nephrologist.  Our friend Nurse Pay instructed us to arrive at 8:30am.  Little did we know that there would be some waiting involved.  First they wanted me to surrender bodily fluids (555) and then wait for results.  We had about an hour free so we decided to go to The Wanderer for coffee and roti.  When we got there, we realized they are closed on Tuesday and Wednesday.  There was just enough time to go by the pharmacy and back to the hospital.  This is a new doctor on this journey and she’s nice.  Her English is probably better without a face mask, but I could understand what she was telling me.  We went over my blood test with regards to the kidneys, and then she read the report from the ultrasound.  Her conclusion was that my kidneys aren't doing that bad.  I don’t have to cut salt completely, just use a little bit.  She pointed out that it’s a mineral that the body needs.  For the next two weeks I am to take no supplements.  Just lots of water (2 liters per day) and eat a healthy diet.  There will be another round of tests in two weeks to see how I’m doing.  

Year after year the rice fields continue to be beautiful.  

Right before lunch JaiDee had one of his ‘hormonal rushes’ and raced around the living room, up the stairs, and then through the living room again.  He charged for the front yard and went right through the screen door.  So there we were, with the screen hanging off on the side and the dog running wild in the front yard.  There’s no place like home.  Later, Gong fixed the screen and the dog took a nap.

Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.    In case you were wondering, the pandemic is still here.  Wash your hands and wear a mask.


“You can’t separate peace from
freedom because no one can be at
peace unless he has his freedom.”
~Malcolm X

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