Friday, February 26, 2021

Friday Funnies


The weather today started off cooler than yesterday morning, which led us to believe that something had shifted.  All was not lost, it got hot right on schedule.  

The ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune was “Night and Day”, written by Cole Porter, first sung by Fred Astaire and made famous by Frank Sinatra.  So, time for an ‘Old School Friday’ song that’s not as old as the last tune, but still old.
“Uh, well, a-bless my soul what’s wrong with me?  I’m itching like a man on a fuzzy tree.  My friends say I’m actin’ wild as a bug.  I’m in love.  __ __ __ __.  Mm, ooh, yeah, yeah.” Hint:  It’s from 1957.  Think sideburns, bell bottoms, and someone trembling with love.

Today was Makha Bucha Day.  It commemorates a time in Buddhist history when 1,250 Buddhists spontaneously came together to pay tribute to the Buddha.  It has become a festival for the community to reaffirm their commitment to Buddhism.  Schools were closed and it is a widely celebrated holiday.  We went to the mall when it opened, to get a jump on the crowd.  We had a short list of things to get and got all but one thing.  While we were in Top’s Market we saw our friend Eric and made a date for him to come over and see the tree he donated in Blue’s memory.  He hasn’t seen it in quite a long time.  As we were leaving the mall I noticed several monks being escorted into the mall.  It was a day for folks to make merit and possibly take a monk to lunch or shop for essentials.  

The number of Covid cases in Thailand is going down every day.  This means that the testing and tracing are having the desired effect.  Chiang Rai is still free of the virus, but still being very careful.  As soon as the vaccines get circulated in the problem areas, we should see a major improvement.

Tomorrow we are meeting our friend Caty and her twins at The Wanderer for what will either be late coffee or early lunch, or both (555).  We’ve been trying to schedule something since my birthday.  It’s always fun to hang with the twins, who are evolving into their own styles.  So cool to watch kids express themselves.  

Today’s photo is the last of the bunch from Rai Mae Farluang.  I don’t know much about this giant tree, except that it’s very big and stately.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.   Time for the ‘Funnies’.


Thursday, February 25, 2021



We’re in that ‘feels like summer’ weather, with highs in the mid 90’s, and the pool getting warmer every day.  Look out, it’s almost time to inflate the toys and the pink swan (555).

The ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune got a lot of responses, meaning you know more old stuff than you thought.  Verse two:
“__ __ __, why is it so, that this longin’ for you follows wherever I go?  In the roarin’ traffic’s boom, in the silence of my lonely room.  I think of you __ __ __.”  Clue:  It was written in ’32 by a very famous writer.  The first recording was by a tap dancer and the lyrics let us know that love can blur time.

This was the day I heard the results of my audio hearing test.  With all of the tests and investigations into parts of my health, I am learning to turn off the ‘what if’ channel and listen to ‘radio wait and see’.  We went to The Wanderer for coffee and roti and then cruised up to Bangkok Hospital for a 10am appointment.  The doctor looked at the graph and it’s squiggly lines that meant nothing to me.  She smiled and told me that my hearing was actually good for someone my age.  Hmm, there was that phrase again.  I guess it’s time to start believing them.  She kept telling me that there was nothing unusual going on.  She gave a few tips on hearing someone behind me, and also mentioned not going to ‘pubs’ where they play loud music.  We assured her that we didn’t do that anyway.  When we left, I felt like I was 15 pounds lighter, had a spring in my step, blah, blah, blah.  Life is good.

This afternoon we were hanging out before dinner.  JaiDee and Nitchanan were playing.  She runs and he chases.  At one point, he grabbed his ball as he chased her down the hall.  Today’s photo was taken during a rest period.

If you look closely, you can see TongTong under the table.  She is becoming a wonderful member of the family.  She has been going on our evening walks around the outside of the house.  It started with her lasting a few times around, and now she does the whole 40 minutes, with a few rest breaks.  She is also learning to walk on a leash.  It’s interesting to watch her as she tries to work with us.  When she gets more confident on the leash we might be able to begin some socialization away from the house.  I have a feeling that she’d love to go for car rides and visit places like The Wanderer.  Time will tell.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.      Please continue to be careful.


“Prejudice is like a hair across your cheek.
You can’t see it, you can’t find it with your fingers,
but you keep brushing at it because the feel of it
is irritating.”
~Marian Anderson

Wednesday, February 24, 2021



Our heatwave continues.  Today we got to 95°, tomorrow the forecast is for 93°.  This afternoon the pool was 80.  That feels alright to the fingers, but putting the whole body in it is another thing.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “(They Long To Be) Close To You” by The Carpenters.  I’m hoping this week’s  ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune is also easy.  “__ __ __ you are the one.  Only you ‘neath the moon or under the sun.  Whether near to me or far, it’s no matter, darling, where you are.  I think of you __ __ __.”  Hint:  The two major words of the title dwell within 24 hours.  This is another standard that has lots of room for improvisation.

This morning JaiDee got to go on a little excursion to The Wanderer.  Things were pretty normal as we got settled at our table.  Then Khun Khwan came to the table and JaiDee couldn’t contain himself.  In an effort to get close to her, his leash hit his bowl of ice and spilled it all over the floor.  He didn’t seem to care at all.  Such is love.  Since we were outside, we just pushed the ice into the flower bed and got another bowl of ice.  As Lisa explains it, when he loves somebody, he really loves them.  After our coffee/ice stop, we went into town to drop off some sewing.  This gave JaiDee a nice sight-seeing trip.  Near the end, we know it’s been effective when he stretches out on the back seat.  

The familiar sound of a dump truck was heard at a lot behind us and down the road.  Another neighbor in the making.  We knew the city would eventually come out to ‘meet’ us in what was once the ‘country’.  Last night, the rock band that seems to live across the road in back, played some music.  They didn’t start until about 10:30pm and ended around 11:30.  I will say, they played at a lower level than when it’s a weekend party.  If only the birds could be as respectful (555).  There is another sound that I finally heard last night, and it’s a bird.  It doesn’t sound like a bird, more like a percussion instrument.  What’s unusual is that it seems to be so active at night.  Most of the other birds are asleep in the trees, but this one and the loud bird are ‘night owls’. 

Thailand got their first shipment of vaccines yesterday.  The doses will go to the provinces that are having the highest numbers of cases in an effort to slow the spread of the virus.  Part of the shipment is the Sinovac from China and part is Astro-Zeneca.  It will be a while before we will see the possibility of getting the shots, but we’re not at risk in Chiang Rai.  The number of daily cases in the country have been getting lower.  Progress is being made and that's a good thing.

Today’s photos are from the Saturday photo exhibit opening at Rai Mae Farluang.  

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


"I wouldn't change a single thing, because one change
 alters every moment that follows it."
~Sidney Poitier 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021



Well, it got a little warmer today.  I think we reached 90°F.  Not bragging, just wanted you to know that we’re suffering over here.  Send ice, snow, whatever you can spare.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song for this week has been sung by hundreds of singers all over the world.  Says what can’t be said by many.  “Why do stars fall down from the sky, every time you walk by?  Just like me, they long to be __ __ __.”  Clue:  This hit was first recorded by a brother and sister act.  It should have been looping in your head by now (555).  

Today was our ‘At Home’ day.  We talked to Joe in Palo Alto, California and caught up on the happenings in his life.  JaiDee came upstairs so we turned the computer around so Joe could see him.  Joe is a big fan of the dogs and got a kick out of JaiDee being affectionate with Lisa. 

There are two big flowering trees on the west side of our house and they are both blooming.  Every morning and evening the scent from the two trees fills the yard with a very intoxicating smell.  It makes me feel like just sitting down and enjoying it until it’s gone.  One of the trees had lower branches that we could pick flowers from, until a gardener trimmed it.  We used to collect them and brings them to breakfast and Blue would take them to his room. Wow, talk about a sweet memory.  

Since we’re on the topic of trees, here is a photo of a tree at Rai Mae Farluang that blows my mind.  

There are many birds that live in our yard.  There is one who has been here a long time, but has recently become very vocal.  When I say vocal, he sings his simple song at a volume and with such repetition that our only recourse is to close the windows.  There are a few more in the neighborhood, but their calls are far enough away that it’s not a problem.  I wish he’d to visit his friends in the trees in the distance.  Living in the Wild Kingdom is not always paradise (555).

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“Find the good.  It’s all around you.  Find it, showcase it,
and you’ll start believing in it.”
~Jesse Owens

Monday, February 22, 2021



If the weather keeps up like this, we may be swimming in another month (555).  We still have nights in the mid 60’s, so the water cools at night, but I’m hopeful.

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Earth Angel” by The Penguins.  ‘Easy Monday’ will be easy this week, I swear.  
“Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?  Just like me, they long to be __ __ __.”  Hint:  It’s about proximity.  So easy.

Saturday morning we went to Chivit Thamma Da and hung out with our friend Lisa and her dad Edwin.  One of the things I like about our get togethers is knowledge Edwin has about the history of Chiang Rai.  He knows a lot about a lot of people and their contributions to the ‘town’.  We mentioned the event that we were going to in the late afternoon and learned more about Rai Mae Farluang than we’d heard in years.  

We were told that the evening event was a photo exhibition.  It was so much more than that.  The artist was a man who has worked at Doi Tung Gardens for 50 years, taking photos and working with flowers and trees.  The presentation before we went into the gallery was a tribute to him as well as Doi Tung, which was started by The Princess Mother (mother of the late King Rama 9).  We had a chance to visit the gardens in 2007 and it is spectacular.  After a series of short speeches that we didn’t understand, we went into the gallery to view the collection of photos taken through the years.  On the central lawn, there were two young women performing traditional Thai dance.  They were some of the best we’ve seen.  As the crowd in the gallery grew, we went back to the original area and enjoyed the surroundings.  We sat with our friends Somluk and Tamako during the dining portion of the evening.  The producer of the event was very careful to have good spacing during the presentation and dining.  We left and had a bite to eat at Sabroso Mexican Restaurant.

Sunday was a mellow day.  We went to The Wanderer with Cat and JaiDee for coffee and snacks.  Cat is nearing the end of her 5th year of English Teacher studies and will be graduating some time next month.  It’s a little unclear just when the diplomas will be given since there won’t be a ceremony.  She will have to continue teaching until the school year is over in April, which makes it seem even longer.  Her grade point average for the 5 years is 3.55 and we’re all pretty happy about that.  While I was at the counter I saw Khun Khwan and she told me they saw us at Sabroso.  They were out looking for two of their dogs, Mercy and Sally, who decided to go out on the town.  It seems they went into the river for a swim and must have crossed the river, because they found them at the police station downtown.  Mercy, the Husky, has been known to ‘Wander’, and Sally is very bold.  I guess it’s time for tighter security.

This morning I got the audio test for my hearing.  After coffee at Starbuck’s, it was just a matter of driving a block or so to the hearing center.  I sat in the booth and tones were played into headphones.  I pressed a button when I heard a tone.  I will take the printout to the doctor at the hospital on Thursday for a determination.  Hmm.

Have a Great Week.   Stay Safe and Be Happy


“Black history is American history.”
~Morgan Freeman

Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday Funnies


The forecast actually said: “Your weather loop will continue for the next four days” (555), no it didn’t.  But that’s what’s happening.  The high will be 84 with a low of 63, for the next four days.  Hmm.

The ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune was “As Time Goes By” by Dooley Wilson from the film Casablanca. 
‘Old School Friday’ is going back to it’s ‘roots’.  This one is from my youth, so you know it’s old (555).  “(Oh, oh, oh, oh, wah-ah-ah, oh, oh, oh, oh, __ __, __ __ will you be mine.  My darling dear, love you all the time.  I’m just a fool, a fool in love with you.”  Hint:  The singer is pledging his love for a planet-bound celestial being.  Group named after a bird that wears a tux.

Today we went back to a coffee place we haven’t been to in a long time.  Polar is in the other direction from our usual travels, and has a messy entry road, but the ambience is great.  We listened to the lady in the phone and her directions were good.  We avoided a bunch of ‘town’ driving, it was mostly on the new freeway.  It turned out that one of the staff used to work at Hungry Wolf and remembered us.  This is good because her English is pretty good and that always helps.  Besides having really good scones and chicken sausage, they play very cool music.  We found out that we can take JaiDee and sit outside.  He’s gonna love it.

While we were having coffee, our friend Dr. Intorn answered a message about whether Bangkok Hospital had an ear, nose and throat person.  They did, I pondered for a moment, and our next stop was BKK Hospital for a hearing check.  I’ve been missing things, sounds, words, etc. so it’s time to find out why.  The doctor was cool.  She got right to work, asking a couple of questions and then looking into both of my ears.  Then she mentioned that I was understanding what she had said to me, even while she had her mask on.  This was a sign to her, that it wasn’t too bad.  I need to get an audio test at another location and bring her the results.  So, might be middle or inner ear issues.  When she asked my age, she couldn’t believe it.  Neither can I, but that’s another story (555).  

While in the front yard this morning, Lisa captured the blooming of Blue’s tree.  It’s been very busy this year.

Tomorrow we’re having coffee and conversation with our friend Lisa in the morning.  In the late afternoon we’re going to a photo exhibit at Rai Mae Farluang, the big park/museum that’s all about trees and plants of the area.  We’ll probably see some friends and hopefully it won’t be too crowded.  If so, there’s plenty of open space to hang out in if necessary.  

In other news, most of you will remember The August Chronicles.  Well, Mr. August aka DJ August earned a place on the Dean’s List for the fall of 2020.  He’s majoring in Audio Engineering Technology.  So proud.

We’re feeling very fortunate that most people are observing the ‘no burning’ law, so the air is nice, for the most part.  South of us, in Chiang Mai, they’re having lots of fires on the hills and it’s affecting the air quality.  Oh, and we had a little rain this morning (sprinkles).  Life is good.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.      Time for the ‘Funnies’.


Thursday, February 18, 2021



Weather:  The loop continues.  Our air is staying relatively clean and even though there was a 6% chance of rain in the forecast, it didn’t dump one bit (555).

This week’s ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune was written in 1931 and has been recorded by a long list of singers over the years.  “And when two lovers woo, they still say ‘I love you’, on that you can rely.  No matter what the future brings __ __ __ __.”  Clue:  It’s hard to leave a clue about a concept that would give away the title.  Oh heck, play it again, Sam.

This morning we took JaiDee to The Wanderer for coffee and conversation with John.  We have a new table we’ve been enjoying.  It gives us a view of most of the traffic through the place, even though trees obscure the view of some tables.  We’re usually alone, which helps with the distancing.  It’s also easier to get the attention of the staff if we need something from the kitchen.  Some tables require one to make a trip to the front counter.  We talked about relatives that live in the cold, an alternate route to Chiang Mai, and what it feels like to get lost in a foreign country when you can’t read the road signs.  We also learned about some tiny plants from South Africa that look like stones called Lithops.  It’s worth looking up.  It also happened that we were sitting under a tree that is really blooming right now.  I don’t know the name, but the flowers look like round ornaments.

Natcha’s husband Gong has an artistic talent that he sometimes shares with us.  This is done by very quietly putting a new painting or drawing on the refrigerator next to one of Nitchanan’s.  Today we were surprised to see a painting that was based on a photo of Daku.  A beautiful tribute.

There is always another side to the joy of wonderful, warm weather: Bugs.  Now, as the layers are set aside, and the shorts come out to play, so do the mosquitos.  Time to get vigilant with the repellant again.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.      Mask Up, Step Back!


“It is not the style of clothes one wears,
neither the kind of automobile one drives,
nor the amount of money one has in the bank
that counts.  These mean nothing. 
It is simply service that measures success.
~George Washington Carver

Wednesday, February 17, 2021



The weather in Chiang Rai is the same as yesterday and the day before.  The daytime air was clear, and the birds are happy.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song wasn’t very easy.  It was “Everybody Wants To Rule The World” by Tears for Fears.  The ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune really should be easy.  “You must remember this, a kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh.  The fundamental things apply __ __ __ __.”  Hint: This song was featured in a 1942 film.  Most famous line: ‘Play it again, Sam’.  Something about the passage of the thing that’s measured by a clock.  

Over the weekend we picked up some interesting information.  This was the first year that all the schools were closed (Friday) for Chinese New Year.  There are a few more days of tradition to the New Year involving families getting together.  One that we were aware of brings families together to go to the burial place of ancestors, to clean up the site and have a picnic.  We have learned is that there is always a lot of eating involved.

This morning was a Big C event.  We arrived ten minutes after opening and the place was almost empty.  Like most big stores and eating establishments, Big C offers home delivery.  The delivery people get their orders from the dispatch and show up at the store and the store fills the orders.  No money has to change hands.  They load up their insulated boxes, strap them on their bikes and race through the traffic.  Sometimes the riders can be annoying, but it’s really quite a service they're providing, and for little pay I might add.  We see pick-ups being made at Starbuck’s all the time.  That segues into our next stop, Starbuck’s at the mall.  Nothing special, just coffee and a treat and out.  I think today was one of the fastest shopping/coffee runs in ages.

Another tradition of Chinese New Year is the Lion Dancers and their drum corp.  We’ve noticed them on Clock Tower street, and around town.  There are several crews circulating and we know this because every year our neighbor across the street invites them all to his house for a big blow out.  They arrive in vans and trucks, bringing their lions and drums.  They perform in his front yard, set off firecrackers, and then they get fed.  This year one of the crews landed a gig at Bed Villa, our illustrious neighbors.  There are some of these crews that are in it purely for the hustle, and others who follow tradition.  I have seen in the past, a group that went through the market performing, and then came back and demanded payment from merchants.  

Today’s photo was taken over our front wall as a crew walked to the Lion Dance gathering.  He’s carrying some kind of demon.

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“What is the quality of your intent?”
~Thurgood Marshall

Tuesday, February 16, 2021



The weather loop continues to please.  Warm days and cool nights make me a very happy guy.

Well, I guess it wasn’t really an ‘Easy Monday’ kind of song.  One reader, so far, has named the song.  Here’s more:
“It’s my own design, it’s my own remorse.  Help me to decide, help me make the most of freedom and the pleasure, nothing every lasts forever.  __ __ __ __ __ __.”  Clue:  Sometimes they found it necessary to Shout.

I haven’t mentioned the smokey air lately because as of February 1 it has been illegal to burn trash of various kinds.  There is still a slight problem with the night time.  Offenders can’t be discovered when they burn at night.  Their neighbors can’t report them.  We’ll need rolling smoke detector trucks to sniff them out.  All in all, it’s better.

This morning we made an early run to Browney Pet World to restock the ‘treat box’.  We discovered a very healthy line of treats that were on sale so we returned to get a good supply.  They’re from New Zealand and one never knows if they’ll get more.  Because we bought extra of the special kibble, we got a gift treat as well.  We left there with a bunch of good stuff for the dogs that will last a long time.  JaiDee didn’t get to go, but he’ll be happy with the results.

A few weeks ago we visited Doy Din Dang, the ceramic studio and gift shop.  As we were leaving I spotted this pole that appeared to have been decorated.  Tamiko, who makes beautiful floral arrangements, was the artist of this creation.  I don’t know what kind of seed pods she used, but I’ll ask.  

This afternoon we tackled one of the favorite things in the life of an expat, renewing a visa.  My passport had to be renewed a few months ago and it meant that my visa would expire.  It’s complicated, but it meant that I needed to renew my visa so it lined up with Lisa’s.  Today we arrived in the afternoon and found an empty waiting room.  We were sent to an officer who, with very little personality, took the paperwork and said, ‘Sit down’.  He did his work and had no complaints about our presentation.  Lisa has become very efficient at providing exactly what they want, and having backups if they need that.  When I was called to the counter and he said, ‘Take photo’, I knew we were almost done.  We left there with big smiles on our faces, since it was a complicated renewal and it worked.  

This evening Lisa was doing some exercises on the floor.  When she started, JaiDee was downstairs, but as soon as she started he seemed to appear.  This usually changes the nature of the exercises because he becomes very curious as to why his human is on the floor.  She managed to complete what she was doing, even with the ‘trainer’ wanting to supervise and participate.  

Have a Happy Tuesday.       Don’t forget to mask up and step back.


“Love is the only force capable of transforming
an enemy into a friend.”
~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Monday, February 15, 2021



The weather here in Chiang Rai has been wonderful.  Today is was almost 90°F.  It was the first day in weeks that I wore shorts to go out.  My kinda weather.

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Express Yourself” by The Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band.  ‘Easy Monday’ is for all you lovers of 80’s music.  This one is from 1985, by a very popular duet.  “Welcome to your life, there’s no turning back, even while we sleep.  We will find you acting on your best behaviour, turn your back on mother nature __ __ __ __ __ __.”  Hint: Some folks want to run a town, some a country, the chorus of the song thinks different. 

The weekend was great.  There were more B’day happenings and more greetings than I ever expected.  I heard from people I haven’t heard from in years.  I guess one gets to that time when it’s important to reach out and acknowledge fellow ‘survivors’.  For whatever reason, there was a lot of love flyin’ around this weekend.  

Saturday morning we met our friends Lisa and Win at Chivit Thamma Da.  Lisa brought a tub of her now-famous Snickerdoodles, which we promptly passed around discreetly.  It was fairly early, but people were arriving for Chinese New Year family gatherings.  We learned that there is a new pastry shop in the area, so good that they sell out by 10am.  We try not to make it a habit to eat such things, but who knows what might be there?  I’m down to healthy cookies and the occasional scone at Chivit.  Trying to watch my boyish figure (555).  Truth is, most of the stuff doesn’t agree with me.

Our afternoon was quiet time, since we both had massages from Khun Jin.  After the evening dog/people walk we settled into some Netflix.  In the course of conversations with various friends, it’s clear that we’re a little behind on some ‘creative presentations’.  Speaking of that, I heard a very informative piece on NPR about the life of Marcus Garvey.  Someone you should look up if you don’t know about him.

We did The Wanderer on Sunday morning, with JaiDee.  We had coffee and roti with our friend Atom.  During our visit we got more insight into some of the traditions of Chinese New Year.  We knew a lot, but every time I hear about these cultural/family traditions, I get a deeper understanding of Thai culture as a whole.  

Today’s photo was taken last week at Big C, right at the main entrance.  What you’re seeing is prepared duck, which will be the staple of many celebration meals.  It’s the first time we’ve seen them presented like this for sale.

Thailand is still struggling with cases of COVID-19 in the lower half of the country.  There are tiny provinces south of Bangkok that are entry places for immigrant migrant workers.  As testing has been stepped up, more cases have been identified.  The difficulty is in catching those who are positive before they leave the immediate area.  Chiang Rai is still virus free, but remaining vigilant.  

Have a Great Week.


“I’ll tell you what freedom means to me:
No fear.  I mean really, no fear!”
~Nina Simone

Friday, February 12, 2021

Friday Funnies


The weather was perfect for celebrating a birthday.  We had clear skies, no smoke and moderate temps that didn’t require a jacket after about 10am.  The evening actually stayed warmer than usual.

The ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune was “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore” by too many artists to mention, although Ella Fitzgerald and Sam Cooke both had memorable versions.  It was written by Duke Ellington and Bob Russell (lyrics).  
‘Old School Friday’ is up next.  “__ __!  __ __!  You don’t ever need help from nobody else.  All you got to do now:
__ __!  What ever you do, do it good.  What ever you do, do it good.  All right… It’s not what you look like, when you’re doin’ what you’re doin’.  It’s what you’re doin’ when you’re doin’ what you look like you’re doin’!  __ __!  __ __!
Some people have everything, and other people don’t.  But everything don’t mean a thing if it ain’t the thing you want.  __ __!  __ __!”  Hint:  This 1970 R&B tune urged fans to say what was on their minds, to go for their dreams, in an odd fashion.  The band was named for a special street in Los Angeles.

This was a busy day.  It began with Lisa, Cat and me going to The Wanderer for breakfast.  We usually have our first meal at home, but today was special so we held out.  Lisa and Cat had rather healthy meals, while the kid in me had dessert.  It was French Toast with cooked apple slices.  Oh, so good.  Our friend Edwin joined us and we had a great time talking about music.  This was prompted by a gift he brought, 2 CDs of some serious jazz.  We spoke of our musical histories and memorable times.  

Before lunch we hung out with Nitchanan and Cat.  It was very interesting to listen to the interaction between them.  Some of it was in Thai, and Cat would give us the basic meaning of each exchange.  A few days ago, Nitchanan was interrogating Cat about where her home was.  Cat told her it was here, at the house.  Then Nitchanan asked her where she lived and Cat told her she lived in an apartment.  Well, that didn’t make any sense to Nitchanan.  It started to sound like an Abbot and Costello routine (who’s on first).  Nitchanan understood that you lived at home and she was determined to get to the bottom of this.  I don’t think she got satisfaction though.  

Through the years I’ve mentioned a young Thai violinist who has been studying in France.  It was recently announced that he and two other musicians won a competition for three chairs in the National Orchestra of France.  Tonoi has made the ‘Big Time’ so to speak.  From playing at art exhibit openings on the sidewalk in Chiang Rai, to the concert halls of Paris.  Congratulations.  Bravo!

After our nap, it was time to prepare for the third installment of the day.  We went to Central Plaza Mall to have dinner with our longtime friends, Nukoon and Sutheera.  Since we arrived early, we had time to browse in a couple of everything stores.  Lot of fun stuff to discover.  At dinner, Nukoon told us about his golfing adventure today with his sons out at the Happy City golf course.  We talked about walking and how good it is for us all.  He and Sutheera were the ones who got us into measuring our steps and keeping track of fitness, etc.  

This photo was taken at the mall while we were waiting for dinner.  I’m standing amongst the Chinese New Year decorations.  

After dinner we went to The Wanderer to hang out and listen to some live music.  At one point they sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to me several times while the chocolate cake was being prepared with trick candles.  A very enjoyable time.

So, I had a very happy birthday day.  Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.   Time for the ‘Funnies’.


Thursday, February 11, 2021



We’re in another weather loop and we’re not complaining.  All of the warm jackets are back on the coat rack for the morning time, and the light clothes at the front of the closet.  Ready!

The ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune has been a charted hit many times by many artists.  The music was  written in 1940, and the lyrics in ’42.  It’s a jazz standard for sure.  “Darling, I guess my mind’s more at ease, but, nevertheless, why stir up memories.  Been invited on dates.  Might have gone but what for.  Awfully different without you, __ __ __ __ __.”  Clue:  You’ll find the writer if you ‘Take the A Train’ to Sugar Hill.  The satin doll can give you directions.

Our normally quiet evening has been interrupted by the sound of firecrackers.  Our neighbors are ‘practicing’ for tomorrow’s celebration of Chinese New Year.  

This was our ‘Stay at home’ day.  After a lazy morning and a wonderfully warming soup, JaiDee got a bath.  We waited until the air temperature was warm enough to have a drying effect.  Once he was past the dripping stage, and inside the house, a hair dryer was used.  I’m the designated giver of treats to keep him calm.  TongTong stays right by my side, wanting treats as well.  

We always go out into the yard after dinner for lessons in the art of playing.  TongTong gets leash lessons and JaiDee is learning to be a retriever (555).  There is also some strolling involved.  While on the daylight walk I snapped these photos of the latest orchids in our yard.

Tomorrow will be a busy day.  It’s the day I will have completed 78 times around the sun while hanging on to this planet.  We’ll hit The Wanderer in the morning for coffee/breakfast with friends, a dinner at the mall with old friends, and end up back at The Wanderer for one of their month-end after hours parties.  

Have a Thrilling Thursday.  


“Racism tears down your insides so that
no matter what you achieve, you’re not quite
up to snuff.”
~Alvin Ailey

Wednesday, February 10, 2021



Today the sky was clear as a bell.  Not a cloud, not a puff of smoke, just perfect.  Started out cold but warmed up as usual.  

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Rain” by The Beatles.  For this week’s ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune we have another easy one:  “Missed the Saturday dance.  Heard they crowded the floor.  Couldn’t bear it without you, __ __ __ __ __.  Thought I’d visit the club, got as far as the door.  They’d have asked me about you.  __ __ __ __ __.”  Hint:  It almost sounds like a COVID song.  When one stays at home most of the time, this happens.  

This was a Big C morning.  The decorations are complete around town and Big C is no exception when it comes to celebrating Chinese New Year.  The check-out staff are in red and gold outfits, lanterns and balls are hanging and there are racks of garments just waiting for the revelers.  I almost got a red T-shirt with gold figures on it, but realized I probably wouldn’t wear it.  Hmm, I’ll kick myself later.  At Makro the other day, we noticed some staff wearing beautiful dresses that looked like costumes.  

After our shopping, we went across the highway for coffee at Starbuck’s.  My glasses still weren’t right, sitting two high on my face, so we went into the mall when it opened.  I decided to try another shop for the adjustment.  The technician would be there in one hour.  At the next shop I was told that it was the techs day off.  We ended up at the shop that made them too high in the first place and he lowered them for free.  Whew.

I couldn’t resist sharing this with you.  On Monday at Chivit Thamma Da, I ordered Stockholm Tea, (a blend of coffee and black tea).  This was the first time I was given the whole ‘works’, which meant the little timer.  

In local news, the number of Covid cases in Thailand is decreasing.  There has been aggressive testing in areas of outbreaks and this is keeping down the spread of the virus.  That’s always good news.  Here in Chiang Rai, things remain the same; no virus.  

Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“The fact is that when you do something
from the heart, you leave a heart print.”
~Alice Walker

Tuesday, February 9, 2021



All the rain clouds blew away overnight.  We were left with patchy clouds, a cold breeze and a beautiful day.  Everything got washed and, as Natcha put it, “The trees are happy”.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song must be in your mind somewhere.  Only a couple of you wrote with the answer, but you must know this:  “When the sun shines they slip into the shade, and sip their lemonade.  When the sun shines, when the sun shines.  __, I don’t mind.  Shine, the weather’s fine.  I can show you that when it starts to __, everything’s the same, I can show you, I can show you.”  Clue:  I don’t think you need anymore clues than the lyrics.

Last night we finished watching the most pitiful Super Bowl game in years.  I enjoy sports when there is competition, a balance of talent, etc.  Somehow one side left their good stuff at home and the other side was super ready.  Oh well, there will be many more games on many more fields.  We don’t get to see any commercials on the feed we get, so I’ll have to go to Youtube and check out this year’s productions.

This morning it was cold.  Middle 50’s cold.  We bundled up and went to The Wanderer with JaiDee.  There was no one there but us for most of our stay.  The very tall trees have a hypnotic effect if you stand among them and look straight up.  When they sway in the light breeze they seem almost alive, in an animal sense.  

Our stay at The Wanderer was brief because this was a morning when we talk to Joe, in Palo Alto, California.  Today we got unexpected good news.  He got his first COVID vaccine injection.  

This afternoon we took JaiDee to the vet’s.  He wakes up in the mornings and can’t stop scratching.  It’s sort of random and hard to define the cause.  Unfortunately we didn’t get a definitive answer, but maybe the medicated shampoo will help.  We weighed him and he’s 57 lbs.  I guess he’s going to be a little guy after all, which is fine with us.  He’s enough to handle at that weight.  He still has some growing to do, maybe, but he won’t be a heavyweight.  

Coming home was interesting, driving through rush-hour traffic.  We’re usually not anywhere near the downtown area during rush hour, so this was something to see.  When it goes slow, one gets a chance to savor what’s going on with the shops along the way.  Who’s open, who is closed down, stuff like that.  

Today’s photo was taken from the van.  I noticed a new coffee shop (Greyhound Coffee) at the major Honda dealership.  It was the artwork that caught my eye.

Have a Happy Tuesday.       Mask up, Wash up, Distance yourself.  Do Your Part.


“I had crossed the line.  I was free; but there was
no one to welcome me to the land of freedom.  
I was a stranger in a strange land.”
~Harriet Tubman 

Monday, February 8, 2021



So, last week I mentioned that everything was so dry and browning and that a little rain would be nice.  Well, we got a lot of rain last night and all day today.  Big thunder, occasional flashes of lightning, and lots of water.  Be careful what you wish for (555).  Oh, and it’s cold, which means it probably came down from China as opposed to the east.  

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Kansas City” by Wilbert Harrison.  Time once again for ‘Easy Monday’.  You should know this one by now, it’s my ‘go to’ song when the sky is falling:  “If the __ comes, they run and hide their heads, they might as well be dead.  If the __ comes, if the __ comes.”  Hint:  I think you get the picture, it’s a weather thing.

The weekend started out cloudy, with a chance of rain.  I take these thing with a grain of salt because it usually doesn’t happen when ‘they’ say it will.  Saturday was a pretty routine day.  We had coffee at The Wanderer before doing some shopping, which meant we left JaiDee at home.  

Sunday was our big outside day.  Cat came over early and we went to Starbuck’s for coffee and treats before the mall opened at 10am.  The plan was to look for running shoes for Lisa and Cat, plus a few other odd mall things.  While they looked at shoes, I had the screen protector replaced on my phone.  After a few drops, the glass had some chips around the edges that didn’t seem safe.  I cruised around in the phone shop area and notice that there was a ‘Mi Store’.  This is a shop for Xiaomi products.  The first thing I noticed was the face masks.  Then it hit me, we had their masks last year during the smokey season.  They are the KN95 type, which is on the approved list for protection in both directions when it comes to the virus.  I got a couple, put one on and continued to look around.  I got my phone, connected with Lisa and Cat and we went back to the Mi Store for more masks.  A little more browsing and it was time for lunch at Sizzler.  Menu changes are often just the right things to make a place more attractive and that was the case on Sunday.  I got the grilled Salmon with baked potato and had a very nice meal.  

This is a Strawberry Rainbow at Sizzler.  

By the time we got home, we were ready for a nap.  While we were sleeping, I was charging another item I got at the Mi Store, a Bluetooth speaker.  Seems like a small thing, and it’s kinda small, but it’s a big thing when your laptop is really like a TV.  Most of our archived favorites are watched on the computer, either upstairs while hanging out, or downstairs in the dining room.  Sharing the AirPod set is OK for some things, but a speaker is more sound.  So we tested it out after I got it working, and now it travels with us.  

We thought it might rain during our walk time so Lisa devised a game of hide and seek with the dogs to exercise them.  I would hang on to JaiDee and she’d go down the hall and hide in one of the rooms and then call him.  He would race off and search, sometimes finding her and sometimes coming out as if to say, ‘where’d she go?’.  Eventually he’d find her, and TongTong even got in on the action.  They were very cute and had fun hunting in the house.  It turned out that we got a chance to have our walk and that was good.

I programed the DVR for the Super Bowl and this afternoon when we went to watch, the time had been wrong and it started broadcasting at the half time show.  No problem though, they played it again so I recorded that.  It was messy so we’re piecing it together without the TV edits so we can see all the plays.  This was also the first day of the Australian Open Tennis.  Sports fans in our house are happy.

No walk tonight but the dogs are sleeping anyway, and the rain has stopped for the moment.  Time for football.

Have a Great Week.


“What to the Slave is the 4th of July?”
~Frederick Douglass 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Friday Funnies


This was the hottest day of the week.  The weather people got it right all week.  I didn’t check their homework, but it got progressively hotter every day.  If this keeps up, I’ll have to put a toe in the water and see how it feels. 

This week’s ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune was “The Nearness of You”, written by Hoagy Carmichael and Ned Washington. It was first recorded in 1939 by The Glenn Miller Orchestra, sung by Ray Eberle.  Since then, it has been recorded by countless artists from all genres.  It lends itself to improvisation nicely.  Now, time for ‘Old School Friday’ and a special easy one.  “I’m going to __ __, __ __ here I come.  I’m going to __ __, __ __ here I come.  They got some crazy lil’ women there and I’m gonna get me one.”  Hint: It’s a blues, originally recorded in ’59, the title is a place and there’s a team from that place that will play a big football game this Sunday (depending on your time zone).  

Our morning began with a road trip.  We traveled about 25 minutes up the Super Highway to Doy Din Dang, the ceramics studio and factory of Sompong Supaluk and his wife Tamiko.  Lisa took them one of her small paper sculptures.  They are some of our very special friends from within the art community.  To our surprise, when Tamiko arrived she had brought us a bag of freshly picked salad greens from her organic garden.  She also had a bag of the red flowers that bloom once a year.  These flowers are used in a soup that is a delicacy in Northern Thailand.  The trees that produce the flowers grow near us and every day we see people out on the side of the road putting them in bags.  Some will take them home and make the rice noodle soup, others will collect as many as they can and sell them.  Apparently they bring a good price at the market, but you have to have a lot of flowers.  Our conversations ranged from art to politics to culture.  They keep up with world news and always have insights and questions that make it enjoyable to visit.  

Today’s photo was taken at Doy Din Dang.  Only the center of the flower is used in the making of the soup.

Our timing worked out perfect for our next appointment.  We had a 12 noon lunch date with what can best be described as a meal crew.  We seem to get together for meals to celebrate this or that, or nothing at all.  We met at Sabroso, and Mexican food.  Today I tried something new and really enjoyed it.  I had a chicken Chimichanga.  We had a discussion about an immigration drama that one friend is going through, and the possible solutions.  Of course there was virus talk, school and travel, and the ever-important silliness for no reason.  At one point the co-owner came in and we learned that she’s been taking a ‘coffee class’.  How interesting, learning all about the beans that are so prevalent in the north.  Two hours later we were more than ready to go home and rest.  

After our nap, Cat came over during an unexpected break at school.  I got the info on the ‘red flower soup’ from her while we were hanging out.  She said it’s good, but usually very spicy.  She spent her day monitoring testing in 5 classrooms.  We asked if the kids try to cheat and she said some did.  She just told them, ‘I’m watching you’ and they stopped.  

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.          Time for the ‘Funnies’.


Thursday, February 4, 2021



As you guessed, we had another warm day in Chiang Rai.  The overnight temps are getting warmer and easier in the mornings.  The only problem is the lack of rain.  The landscapes are getting that brownish look. 

The ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ tune only had one response.  Maybe when you read and hum the bridge you’ll get it.
“When you’re in my arms, and I feel you so close to me.  All my wildest dreams come true.  I need no soft lights to enchant me, if you’d only grant me the right to hold you ever so tight, and to feel in the night __ __ __ __.”  Clue:  This song began life back in 1939 and has been sung through the years by countless jazz and would-be jazz singers. The writer of the music has a name like a sandwich.

This morning we went to Chivit Thamma Da with JaiDee.  We arrived at the same time as our friend John, and he and JaiDee had a very warm greeting in the parking lot.  Today we took what we call a ‘Babysitter Bone’ for JaiDee and this kept him occupied for a long time while we humans talked about current events and discussed health care in Chiang Rai.  We also noted that it’s been rather quiet at most of the places we’ve gone lately.  At Chivit this morning it wasn’t empty, but it wasn’t busy.  The staff even mentioned it to Lisa.  On the way home the traffic was very light.  I joked about back in the ‘old days’ this was how the streets were.  We both laughed, because it was true.  

Today’s photo is from our other hang out.  I haven’t had a chance to ask The Wanderer staff what it is, but it’s pretty amazing looking.

Tomorrow we’re going to Doy Din Dang for coffee and conversation with Tamiko and Somluk, who has a new ceramic exhibit opening in Chiang Mai.  From there we’ll have lunch at Sabroso with one of our little circles of friends. 

Have a Happy Thursday.    Don’t forget take care of yourself.


“Nothing in all the world is more dangerous
than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”
~Martin Luther King, Jr.