Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday Funnies


We had high hopes for a little rain today, but the breezes kept that from happening.  It was another very hot day.

The ‘Zany Day’ song was “Big Boss Man” by Jimmy Reed.  Now it’s time for ‘Old School Friday’ and a tune from 1954.
“Oh, life could be a dream, (__-__) if I could take you up to paradise up above (__-__), if you would tell me I’m the only one that you love, life could be a dream, sweetheart.  (Hello, hello again, __-__ and hopin’ we’ll meet again).”
Hint:  This is a song where the title is actually a sound, not really a lyric.  The group was named for a collection of notes played together on a piano or guitar (simple example).

We didn’t go for our morning walk again today.  JaiDee must be wondering what’s wrong with us.  I think if he knew that part of the reason was to get more food for him he might have understood.  We got an early start at Big C, doing the grocery shopping before the crowds.  Then we went across the highway to Central Plaza Mall for a trip to Top’s Market.  First, we stopped at Starbuck’s for coffee and a treat.  We noticed that even though it was just a little after 10am, people seem to be going into the mall.  After our coffee we went inside, paid our phone bills and went to Top’s.  On the way out we learned that the mall now opens at 10am on Fridays as well as the weekend.  It’s a good idea, giving the merchants an extra hour a week might help some of them.  

When we got home, Nitchanan was in the kitchen.  When she saw the box for a big pink inflatable swan for the pool she got very excited.  She knew what it was for and we kept hearing ‘Thank you’ and ‘Wow’ and then ‘Beautiful’, which I’d never heard her say before.  The swan is still in the box, maybe this weekend.

In the middle of the ‘so hot’ afternoon we decided to go for a swim.  That was a good idea.  The water was warm, but still felt like a relief in the 98° heat.  The bright sun was also a factor.  It was pretty quiet around us, except for the Greater Cuocals (big birds) and a very loud insect that sounded like a machine.  Jungle bliss.

Sometimes animals do things that are just outrageously cute.  This photo could be captioned:  Do you see me?

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.     It’s time for the ‘Funnies’.  Wear that mask, don’t believe the hype.


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