Wednesday, June 17, 2020



Chiang Rai weather was very pleasant.  The high was in the mid-80’s with lots of humidity and a slight drizzle.  The same is expected for tomorrow.  The only thing is, all that rain cooled the pool.  As I finish this there is thunder and rain in the background.  Oh well. 

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Happy Anniversary” by Little River Band.  And now, a real ‘Zany Day’ tune from 1976:
“Whoa!  They say the bigger the headache, the bigger the pill, baby.  Call me the big pill.  __ __.  The disco fiend with the monster sound, the cool ghoul with the bump transplant.  Hip bone connected to my thigh bone, my thigh bone connected to my leg bone…. I get so hung up on bones.  __ __ here, preoccupied and dedicated to the preservation of the motion of the hips.”  Hint:  The title is a name.  It is also a play on a name.  The tune is by a collective of musicians and performers who had a very large influence on music in the 70’s.  

We took JaiDee for his pre-coffee shop walk on the path where the evening walks take place.  It was empty and a little confusing for him since we walked in the opposite direction we usually walk.  There was less foraging and more direct walking, which is what he needed.  At Chivit Thamma Da our usual table was taken by a couple, so we took the one next to it.  The couple instantly began talking to JaiDee and it turns out they have a Golden.  JaiDee got lots of attention and we got to hear all about their dog.  We tried something besides coffee this morning and it was a nice change.  It was called ‘honey lemon ginger’ tea.  Apparently it’s not really a ‘tea’, but it tasted pleasant and has good ingredients.  

Driving into town was a thrill for JaiDee.  Being on different roads, seeing new sights and the driving motion all calm him down.  By the time we got home he was pretty laid back.  That is, until Khun Noke, an electrician, came to the door.  Watchdog mode was engaged and the dog was wide awake.  After Noke left, he finally calmed down.  

Today’s photo is a Gardenia from the poolside garden.  This is the first one of the season and it puts out a lot of fragrance.  Can’t wait for more.  When it mixes with the Jasmine it’s intoxicating.

Natcha made another batch of cacao cookies and I’m trying real hard not to eat them all tonight (555).

Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.     The sign said:  "No mask, no brains, no service."


“As I would not be a slave, so I would not 
be a master.  This expresses my idea
of democracy.”
~Abraham Lincoln

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