Thursday, June 25, 2020



Our current weather pattern has temperatures in the high 80’s in the day and mid 70’s at night.  Rain is optional (555).

Well, several readers know the ‘Zany Day’ song.  If you know it, let me know.  Just curious to see who remembers.
“Sitting on a cornflake, waiting for the van to come.  Corporation tee shirt, stupid bloody Tuesday, man, you been a naughty boy you let your face grow long.  I am the eggman (ooh) They are the eggmen, (ooh), __ __ __ __, goo, goo, g’joob.”  Clue:  I guess that verse cleared up any doubt about the zanyness of this tune.  A clue from my brother:  Giant K9s.

This morning we went for another walk at the nighttime place.  There were about 2 other people using it, and there were no other dogs.  The morning air was just beginning to warm up, but the sun was hot already.  There is grass on one side of the track so JaiDee can walk there to keep his paws cool.  Sun hats would have been welcome on most of the walk.  Something to look into.

We didn’t go for coffee today because I went to a small meeting in Ban Du (just north of us) with some friends who have been here in isolation for several months.  We met at a place called ‘Cups’, obviously a coffee shop with food as well.  The tables are outside under a roof, so it’s an open air affair.  

I read a piece a few days ago giving an opinion as to why Japan (and also Thailand) has such low covid numbers.  One reason given had to do with the respect for authority.  When people are told to wear masks, they wear masks.  In Japan masks were a part of the culture even before the virus.  People are in the habit of protecting themselves and others from germs and illness.  One other thing is the lack of social touching when greeting.  In Japan they bow, in Thailand people ‘wai’.  Personally, I’m a big fan of hugging, but I’m willing to wai, bow or nod if it keeps us all alive.

On the way home from physical therapy this afternoon, we stopped at Makro for a few things.  Standing at the check-out I noticed a package that caught my eye.  They always put candy or cookies where it’s hard for parents to say no and not have it be an event.  So I’m looking at “Koala’s March Black” and wondering ‘what is this?’.  It’s a line of cookies from Japan.  Sounds interesting in this time of heightened senses.  It does say ‘Bitter Chocolate’.  (555)

Just by chance, we listened to some songs on Lisa’s phone and “Headed For A Heartbreak”, by Winger, came on and it was like a party in the van.  At one point I said, ‘Where's a wall to bang my head on?’.  It’s a heavy rock ballad and a real ‘event’ as recordings go.  Oh, and the hair…  You could always listen with your eyes closed.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“Preservation of one’s own culture
does not require contempt or disrespect
for other cultures.”
~Cesar Chavez

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