Wednesday, August 26, 2020



I can’t really tell you much about the morning weather in Chiang Rai because there were no windows in the ICU.  The afternoon was beautiful because I saw it when they moved me to my new room.  No rain for two days. 

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was “Groovin’” by The Young Rascals.  And now it’s time for ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ and a tune from 1952.  “My analyst told me that I was right out of my head, the way he described it, I’d be better dead than live.  I didn’t listen to his jive, I knew all along he was all wrong, and I knew that he thought I was crazy, but I’m not, oh no.”  Hint:  Another famous tune from a famous vocal trio.  The title is one word, 

Last night I had a good nights sleep.  Not having to sleep on my back, and being able to bend my right leg may have had something to do with it.  I found out that there was no arrhythmia detected overnight and that meant that what they saw on the monitors was a result of the procedure.  I’m happy about that since it means one less thing to worry about, one less pill to take.  At the morning assessment they told me I could be moved to a private room soon.  Within five minutes there were two guys and a gurney at my door.  My new room is big, with a great view of tree-tops when seen from ‘bed level’. 

The view from my bed

After lunch from home, we napped.  Life was returning to normal.  Then the visits began.  It was great to see friends ‘in person’ and eventually talk about other stuff after discussing my balloon adventure.  It was an international affair, with Earl from South Africa, Caty from America, and Nukoon and Suthera from Thailand, and Cat and a math teacher friend from school.  I should also mention Caty’s twins  are technically from Thailand since they were born here.  They brought fruit, flowers and paintings.  It was almost like a little party, with little conversations around the room.  Natcha arrived with dinner and after our guests left, she stayed and just hung out with us.  Just what I needed after the isolation of ICU.  Below, on either side, are the flowers from the twins.

Tomorrow I’ll get the info on the rules of behavior when I get home.  So far I know that I can’t climb the stairs for one week, which means we’ll be living in Cat’s room (aka the guest room).  There will be no bending, squatting, running or jumping either.  That last bit doesn’t happen much anyway.  

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“Tears come from the heart,
not from the brain.”
~Leonardo da Vinci

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