Monday, August 17, 2020



Rain has been the topic this weekend.  The days have been pretty dry, but the evenings and overnights are another thing.  It’s raining as I type.  The forecasts don’t always have the time right, but sometime in each day, it rains.

The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “It’s All In The Game” by Tommy Edwards.  And now, ‘Easy Monday’: “I’m __ __ __ where the rain gets in and stops my mind from wandering where it will go.  I’m fixing the cracks that ran through the door and kept my mind from wandering where it will go.”  Hint:  Weather related repairs are in order.

Sunday we had lunch at The Wanderer with our friend Atom.  It was a special day because JaiDee got to play with the dogs.  He hadn’t played with Mercy since she came to the house a few months ago.  Mercy, Joey and Sally were out of their ‘apartment’ and when Mercy spotted JaiDee she came bounding over to the table.  Then Khwan came over with the other two dogs on leashes and the greetings began.  The next thing I knew, Khwan had taken them to the field next to the gardens and they were running around, having a ball.  There is one corner that she tries to keep the dogs away from because they can sneak out.  JaiDee headed straight for that corner.  Hmm, how did he know?  This was a monumental occasion.  JaiDee usually walks by the dogs with no contact, only barking from Sally.  Now that they have run and played, there is potential until his housemate, TongDee, learns to play.

In the afternoon we went to Bangkok Hospital to see the eye doctor.  I have an infection in my left eyelid and it was in need of attention.  We can now add another cool doctor to the list of cool docs at BKK Hospital.  He put me on meds and ointment, and suggested hot towels.  

Today we were back at the hospital, bright and early for blood tests for a follow-up.  Checking the progress of certain changes we’ve made can only be done by another test.  The numbers are better in some areas and need work in others.  The bottom line is, we’re still healthy.  One of the benefits of this ‘brand’ of hospital is the way the doctors interact with one another.  If something comes up and a specialist can better explain it, you see that doctor before you leave.  No waiting to make another appointment, etc.  Another thing that’s pretty cool is how their computers are linked.  As soon as the test results were in, the internist, the liver specialist, and the endocrinologist (new to the team), all had the results as well as the follow-up conversations.  

This evening Cat and Noom met us at the walking place and basically walked JaiDee.  They took off at a pace he loved and we just took our time.  They’d stop from time to time so we could catch up, then off they went.  JaiDee was so happy.  Actually, when we drove up, he saw them waiting and couldn’t wait to get out of the van.  They are his walking buddies.  Half-way around it began to rain, but they competed the ‘lap’ before calling it an evening.  

Today’s photo was taken at The Wanderer yesterday.  Atom asked one of the servers if these orchids were fabric or real.  They are real.  

Have a Great Week.


PS  Can you imagine not being able to say, “The check is in the mail”?

“Faith in oneself is the best
and safest course.”

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