Tuesday, August 18, 2020



All day there has been a light drizzle.  Sometimes it looked like it wasn’t raining but it was.  The temperatures have been a lot cooler over the last two days, as in mid 70’s.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song was only recognized by a couple of readers.  Something needed repairing after a storm.
“And it really doesn’t matter if I’m wrong I’m right, where I belong I’m right where I belong.  See the people standing there who disagree and never win and wonder why they don’t get in my door.  I’m painting the room in a colorful way, and when my mind is wandering, there I will go…”  Clue:  It’s from those four lads from across the pond, contemplating more than the water from the sky.

Last night, sleeping was difficult.  We both had sore upper arms from the pneumonia shots we got.  Today they just feel like we had a flu shot.  The trade off is worth it.

This morning we took JaiDee to Chivit Thamma Da.  When we entered, he had a receiving line of 4 staff members.  The kid is royalty.  When Lisa took him for a walk, he made a new friend.  A young woman was standing, just looking at him and Lisa asked her if she’d like to pet him.  She did, and approached JaiDee and he was on his best behavior. They shook hands/paws and later, as we were leaving, he went over to her and sat down and turned so his back was to her.  This is his way of snuggling and getting lots of petting.  He’s no dummy (555).

We’re going back to Chivit tomorrow evening for a special dinner.  We will be celebrating 50 years together.  August 19 is the day we mark as the beginning of this adventure.  It’s hard to believe that much time has passed.  Feeling very grateful that I have been able to share my life with someone who believes in me and loves me unconditionally.  We were going to have a big party, but that’s not possible in these times.  Nobody said we can’t celebrate all year (555).

Today’s photo was taken today as part of a video.  Our front yard likes the rainy season.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“The starting point of all achievement 
is desire.”
~Napoleon Hill

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