Wednesday, August 12, 2020



We woke up this morning to very wet ground.  Lots of rain overnight.  The day was dry, warm and muggy.  

The ‘Easy Monday’ tune was “Make It With You” by Bread.  Next up, ‘Jazzy Wednesday’ and a tune from a trio.
“I was blue and I was always wearing a frown, because my man had turned me down.  Then we met and you can bet I knew from the first, you were my love and that’s when the old gray __.”  Hint:  Title relates to an aspect of weather.  The vocal trio were proponents of vocalese.  

This morning JaiDee got to go for a ride and a walk through the smelly seed pods by the river.  We didn’t get to take him to ‘coffee’ though, he had to go back home and we had to go to the mall.  Today was a holiday (Mothers' Day) and we were pretty sure the mall would open early.  We took a chance and went there and actually had to wait 2 minutes to get in.  We went to Starbuck’s for coffee and then to True, our TV provider, to adjust our package.  The mall was really busy early and it was good that we went when we did.  We were the first clients, no waiting.  After we settled things with True, we stopped at Moshi Moshi, a store with lots of handy stuff originally from Japan.  At a small pharmacy we got more hand gel for the van.  A lot of gel gets used when we’re out and about.  They had these little paper discs that contain mosquito repellent and I bought some.  Natcha puts them on Nitchanan’s clothes and sometimes Natcha wears one.  We spray in the morning, but sometimes you need an extra boost.  

When we got home, Natcha’s sister Fone and two of her kids were over.  Nitchanan loves her cousins and they were having a ball.  As we were settling JaiDee for his nap we heard the sound of children and thought a door was open.  It turns out they were in the hallway, naked.  The little ones had just gotten out of the pool and Fone was rinsing them off.  They escaped and were exploring.  Life in our little village.

After dinner Cat came over and made a Mother’s Day presentation to Lisa.  It is a tradition here and is very beautiful.  She stayed and went on ‘the walk’ with JaiDee and Lisa and then hung out afterwards.  She and Lisa looked at photos from her past and then pics of parents and relatives.  

Today’s photo was taken Sunday at Chivit Thamma Da.  I looked up and realized we were under a beautiful canopy of various shades of green.  

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


“You must stick to your conviction
but be ready to abandon your assumptions.”
~Denis Waitley

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