The weather in Chiang Rai seems to be getting warmer again. Some days it’s hard to tell, it just feels hot. It would be nice to feel a little humidity in the air. It would also be nice to feel a little moisture falling from the sky (555).
Looks like the ‘Zany Day’ song still has fans, or at least folks who remember. The chorus could trigger a memory:
“Well, __ __ is something shocking, when your feet just can’t keep still. I never knew me a better time and I guess I never will. Oh, lawdy mama, those Friday nights when Suzie wore her dresses tight and the __ __ was out of sight.” Hint: The title is the name of a dance and based on that, I can’t imagine what it would look like, except creepy.
Today was bath day for Daku. He gave his best sad face during the process, but after it was done he had a burst of energy that had him running across the yard for longer than usual. Between the cool of the morning and his wet fur, he didn’t get overheated. He loves it like that.
When Daku was a little boy he and BamBam would try to eat the little seed puffs that float into the yard. Once they realized there was nothing there, that they dissolved in their mouths, they ignored them. Here is a photo of what I now know to be the seed of the Silk Floss tree. Thanks to our friend Pam for the info.
Buying gas in Thailand can bring many surprises. Yesterday, we pulled into a station for gas and while it was filling, the attendant brought over a trash can to see if we had any trash to get rid of. After she had finished pumping the gas she told us to ‘wait for water’, and ran across the lot to get a giant bottle of drinking water for us. When I buy gas in the states, well, you know what you have to do.
On our second lap around the Healthy Market streets we found a parking place. I expected it to be crowded inside but it wasn’t. I hadn’t been there in a while and it seemed like time had stood still. Sometimes that’s comforting to have a place remain familiar. What changes is the available goods. As seasons change, the vendors have to change what they sell. Sometimes it means we don’t get something we might like. Hmm, life teaches great lessons (555). We are discovering that the fruit ladies on the avenue that specialize in a few things tend to have better quality than our friend who has everything. At least it’s been like that lately.
The first set of treatments on the pool happened today. Johan, our pool technician, and Na who comes every week, brought bags of salt and some chlorine to jumpstart the water and make it clear. Saturday they will start the machine that makes the natural chlorine from salt. The temperature is only 6 degrees below our minimum for swimming, but the air quality will probably keep us out of the water until there is a real change.
It’s nice to have the pool back. Seeing the water, and the reflections changes the whole ambience of the yard.
Have a Thrilling Thursday.
“Worrying about the future is like
trying to eat the hole in a donut.
It’s like munching on what isn’t.”
~Barry Neil Kaufman