Friday, November 19, 2010

Friday Funnies


Today we visited the photo studio, ran errands, got a massage, and now we're 'listening' to fireworks. (as if we had a choice).

You all did good with the 'Old Folk Crap'. It was "Silver Threads and Golden Needles" by The Springfields. Hmm. Here's a little something for 'Old School Friday'. Turn down the lights and remember the days. Maybe not.
"Each night before you go to bed my baby, whisper a little prayer for me my baby, and tell all the stars above, this is __ __ __ __ __ __." Hint: This is a song with quite a history. Tell me the title in five words, and the girl group that had a major hit in the early 60s. This should be easy.

This morning we went to Bliss Studio to look at the photos that Chalit took of Lisa. We had only seen a few after the shoot, to pick something for the magazine. Lisa sat at his desk, in front of a giant Apple monitor, and went through a ton of images. There were so many good ones it was hard to make a choice, so we're getting a bunch of them on disk. There's also a really cute series with Daku and Lisa.

We stopped by the pharmacy warehouse for vitamins, and also got some surgical gloves for Lisa to use when she's working with the acrylic gel. Hmm, could also be a way to keep paint off of one's fingers. From there we went to the art supply store. There's just too much to see in one visit. An artist has to approach a store like that the way I have to go into Fry's, with focus. If you lose focus, you might never get out. Or you might buy more than you need.

On our way home we were traveling through the business district and a monk crossed the street carrying a computer in his arms. It always strikes me as odd/interesting when I see a picture like that. We have one big temple on the west side of town that is a center for new initiates. Sometimes I see the teens with cellphones and it becomes clear that they're just putting in the time. It's still common for boys of various ages to spend time as a monk. In the long run, it is part of what makes the culture.

Tomorrow we will go to meet the next possible framer for Lisa's artwork. Noni and Bob will pick us up in the morning and we'll take some of her work and see if he can do what we need. From the frames we saw in Bob's show, he knows how to do beautiful woodwork, but it's more involved with a cast acrylic print. Another adventure.

We will also get copies of the magazine 'Traversing the Orient' tomorrow. Jaffee is bringing them from Chiang Mai. We can't wait to see the four page spread on Lisa Moses, Thai artist. (555) Monday you'll get a full report.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd. Now it's time for the 'Funnies'.



Last night, my friend and I were sitting in the living room and I said to
her; "I never want to live in a vegetative state, dependent on some
machine and fluids from a bottle... If that ever happens, just pull the

So she got up, unplugged the TV, and threw out my wine.

She's such a bitch.....

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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