Wednesday, November 3, 2010



Today was clear and cool in the morning, but warm and pleasant by the afternoon. I think I've turned a corner with this flu thing, but Lisa is where I was a few days ago. We actually left the house.

A bunch of you remembered "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" by Paul Simon. Now it's time to gather around the virtual campfire for some 'Old Folk Crap'. This week let's sing this: "Well, when I was a young man, never been kissed I got to thinkin' it over, how much I had missed. So I got me a girl and I kissed her and then, and then oh, lordy, well I kissed her again because she had __ __ __ __..." Clue: Written in the 50s as an adaptation of a blues. Seems to be a lot of kissin' going on. Special points if you can tell me the original source.

This morning we both had the early morning blues. Symptoms were on us but we did what had to be done. Take the dog out, get breakfast, and go back to bed. By mid morning we got up the courage to go into town for things like cough medicine, and a new thermometer. We also needed spaghetti sauce for our lunch, which is always a great motivator. (Ha) At the warehouse pharmacy we ended up with two bottles of cough syrup. The pharmacist asked us the nature of the cough and proceeded to give us two kinds. It seems that at most of the pharmacies they dispense certain products based on your consultation with them. Anyway, we came out with more than we went for and it seems to be helping.

After lunch we both crashed, and I think that was the turning point for me. I felt good enough to go back downtown to get bread. Considering that it was in the middle of the 'rush' hour, it was a pretty brave thing to do. I took the dogs out for some exercise and had Daku chase the skunk toy. Then he and BamBam chased each other. I'm trying to pace myself, and not over exert. I'd like to be rid of this yesterday.

We have house guests coming next week so this afternoon we went into tour director mode and made a list of the things that would be fun/interesting to see and do. It's a great time to visit since it's not too hot, everything is still green and lush, and the season is just beginning, which means there are lots of new things from the local artisans. We're starting to get excited about it ourselves.

Feel like a Wacky Wednesday.


"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school."
~Albert Einstein

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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