Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I'm sleepy. Our trip to the States took a total of 30 hours, when you include all the layover time. It was a good trip in spite of all the waiting. Imagine spending over 6 hours in an airport. In Taipei we actually slept. I'll have a lot more to say tomorrow.
Got a few responses on the song. Here's a bit more, in case it was right on the tip of your tongue. (There's a funny saying.)
"__, goddess of love that you are, surely the things I ask can't be too great a task" Hint: Besides being a goddess, the central figure in the song is also a planet. What more do you need?
During the rest of the week I'll be pointing out moments of culture shock as I move about in Southern California. For now, I'll just say that things have changed and driving on the right side of the road is not as weird as I thought it would be.
Have a Happy Tuesday.


"If you want your life to be a magnificent story,
then begin by realizing that you are the author;
and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page."
Mark Houlahan

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style


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