Thursday, July 11, 2019



This is the day we have dreaded for the last month.  This morning we got a text from Dr. Arnon telling us that Daku had passed away.  Needless to say, we are heartbroken.  As Natcha put it, “No Daku, no happy”.  Life will not be the same at The Big Brown House.  There are no words, just sadness.  Lisa and Natcha are on the phone talking about Daku and crying.  Natcha was his best buddy and they spent a lot of time together.  

A few of you found your way to the title of this week’s ‘Middle Song’.  Here’s the first part of the second verse.  
“You can really breathe in __ __, they’ve got a lot of space, there’ll be a place where you can stay.  I was born and raised in __ __, I’m going back to find some peace of mind in __ __…”  Clue:  Northern California, near silicon something.

Today has been a bust.  We were sitting in the waiting area at Lenscrafters when we got the news.  I canceled my appointment and we left.  Back at the house we both managed to compose messages for our Facebook friends and then went out to do things that might distract us.  It’s been very surreal, doing the dance between denial and acceptance.  One minute it couldn’t be true, the next, tears are flowing remembering the joy he brought everyone who knew him.  Natcha told us that this morning, as she prepared to take Nitchanan to school, Nitchanan wanted to see Daku before they left.  I’m not sure how she handled that, but it made her cry just telling us.  She is very, very sad.  It’s going to take a lot of healing for all of us to get through this.  

Baby Daku lying on my feet, about 6 weeks old.

Daku and Lisa looking out on the world.  He really liked it when she would join him at his favorite window.


"The steps you take don’t need to be big,
they just need to take you in the right direction."
~Unknown, but from Marvel’s Agents of Shield

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