Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday Funnies


It looks like the Culver City weather is in the same type of loop we get in Chiang Rai, except that there’s a 20 degree difference in the highs.  

The ‘Middle Song’ was “Sweetest Taboo” by Sade.  Here’s a wonderful live performance of the song.,wn   For ‘Old School Friday’, here’s a tune from her first album in ’84.  “In heaven’s name why are you walking away?  __ __ __ __ __.  In heaven’s name why do you play these games?  __ __ __ __ __.  Take time if you’re down on luck, it’s so easy to walk out on love.  Take your time if the going gets tough, it’s so precious.  Hint: Don’t throw away something that’s very special.

 Thursday was a busy day for us.  It began with the moving of the car to avoid getting a ticket in the construction zone.  Lisa drove out to Marina del Rey for a breakfast with a friend.  

Mid morning I drove Lisa back to a different location in the marina where she had coffee with a long-time friend.  While she was drinking coffee and talking, I was looking for a product that was a request from Atom.  I ended up having coffee just like Lisa and Jeanine.  We searched high and low and ended up ordering it from Amazon.  There are things you can't find in Thailand, and it’s good to know that they have such an extensive catalogue.  

After the coffee date we moved on to our lunch date with Melissa, a good friend and Lisa’s former associate.  It’s always fun catching up with news and the changing scene of the city.    

For the next chapter, we drove the 91 freeway to the (get this) Fox Hills Mall.  That, in itself, is a brutal place.  All that walking and people and stuff.  It was fun for a minute and then the need for better footwear became very obvious.  Once the feet were in operating mode, it was time to continue.  We found some of what we were looking for, the rest might be in another store.  Left the mall and made more stops until we reached another destination of note.

This trip, I decided to get a real haircut from a barber.  I went to a shop that used to be in the mall and had my hair shaped and evened up.  It’s a scary thing to sit with one’s back to the mirrors and hear the sound of the clippers for the first time.  It’s been years since I’ve had a barber cut.  There were a few things I didn’t tell him and at one point I felt the clippers near my ear.  Then it was too late and he had cut the hair away from around my right ear.  That meant he was going to do the same thing on the left.  I took a deep breath, told myself to calm down, that it would grow back, and surrendered.  In the end, once I got home and washed and combed it, it’s not so bad.  I didn’t recognize myself and it’s still a bit of a shock, but I’ll survive.  

In the early evening I had coffee with my friend Dan, and Lisa and The Boys had Japanese food.  It’s become a little tradition that they go to Mitsui  and have dinner.  

This morning we will have breakfast with our friends Pam and Steve, at Dinah’s of course.  

In the early afternoon we will drive ‘over the hill’ for a sleepover with The Valley Cousins at the home of Nowell and Jennifer.  This photo was taken in Palo Alto after Joe’s party.  The crew in the back row: Martha, Ellen, Jennifer & Nowell. In the front row: Sophia, Lisa, Me, and Laurel.  The photo was taken by Gerry.  It should be a fun weekend.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.          Here come the ‘Funnies’.


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