Tuesday, July 30, 2019



Our rain forecast was a day early.  It wasn’t the steady light rain like last Friday, but came in bursts.  Starting at 12:45pm, it came, it went, and came back again.  Now this is what I call the rainy season.

The ‘Easy Monday’ song began as a poem set to music and became an anthem.  It is still a meaningful work:
“Yes, and how many years can a mountain exist, before it’s washed to the sea?  Yes, and how many years can some people exist, before they’re allowed to be free?  Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head and pretend that he just doesn’t see?  The answer my friend, is __ __ __ __.  The answer is __ __ __ __.”  Clue:  What do you do to put out birthday candles?  It’s a key word.

It was a Big C day today, with good timing.  The traffic in the store was light, possibly due to the fact that yesterday was a holiday.  We’ve been taking our own insulated bags when we shop there and doing our part.  The way they would bag items, we’d leave with a big bunch of plastic bags.  The only place we don’t have to take bags is Makro, because they don’t use anything.  You leave the store with your cart looking just like it did when you entered check-out.  They have a person who checks your receipt and looks in your cart before you leave.  We’ve been told that they are making sure you didn’t miss a "promotional gift", but I have my doubts.  

We stopped by Starbuck’s for coffee and then home.  Lisa had a lunch date with our friend Sutheera and I ate at home.  I’m way behind on some of ‘my shows’, mostly Marvel Sci-Fi TV stuff, so dining alone is not so bad.

This afternoon we returned to the mall for some art supplies, but first, an iced coffee.  We debated the wisdom of this decision and, since Mr. Lag is still present, we chose to rebel and go for it.  In the process, we discovered that the Doi Chaang Coffee spot was gone.  It was a cool spot on the second level, with couches and soft chairs.  A perfect spot to people-watch and enjoy a break from the mall walk.  You leave for two weeks and things change.

Even though we found a puppy, we can’t get him until September, but it has taken a bit of the edge off.  There is still the matter of the memories of routines, patterns, objects seen and not seen, and how unprepared we were for all of this.  There are still things that make us smile and we are very grateful.  Nitchanan has a way of entertaining us before and after dinner, that always brings a new mood.  Tonight, before dinner, she put the red plastic bowl on her head.  Then she discovered that if she spoke into it, it changed her voice.  Oh, what joy to have such a big voice.  After dinner, it was a big piece of dough under the table that captured her imagination.  

Today’s photos are from the kennel where our puppy was born.  His name will be ‘Jai Dee’, which means Good Heart or Kind.   We requested photos of his parents.  Here are Mom, dad, and the litter.  

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“Freedom is never given;
it is won.”
~A. Philip Randolph

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