Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Funnies


We just returned from 9 Art Gallery. The opening ran late, the art was wonderful, and we saw lots of our friends. Luckily the rain stopped before the exhibit opened. Of course, there's more.

Our friend Wayne, in Texas, created a new song 'descriptor' when he called "Gimmie Some Lovin'" by The Spencer Davis Group a "Can't Stand Still" song. I'd have to agree. For 'Old School Friday' we'll turn on the blue light for this classic 'slow song'. This should be easy. "__ __ __ __ __ __ I held you, held you tight. 'Cause I love, love you so. Promise I'll never let you go __ __ __ __ __ __." Hint: Shoo doob n shoo bee doo.

Today was the first day of July so Boot went to Ban Du to help her former mother-in-law with lottery tickets. That meant we were on our own for meals. We spent the morning figuring out part of our trip, transferring photos to the iPad, and trying to decide where to eat lunch. That's hard work. We went into town and tried the newest location of a place where we've eaten before. The same menu cooked by a different cook in a different location will not necessarily come out the same. We now know this for a fact. After lunch we came back to the house and relaxed.

Just before the afternoon rain Lisa took the dogs out for a brief 'browse' around the yard. As they came in the rain came down. Later, when they went out again, the rain had stopped but they both got wet and muddy anyway.

Tonight's exhibit featured two artists who both have a theme about rice. One artist is new to us and we were impressed by his creativity and attention to detail. When an artist can paint a weaved basket and make it look real, one tends to take notice. The pre-show entertainment was a guitarist who studied guitar through an on-line course with Berkeley School of Music. He was playing a MIDI guitar set-up that brought back memories. By contrast, the music after the opening ceremony was a polka CD. Khun Nine, who co-owns the gallery with her husband, was very excited because their 16 year old son, a violin prodigy, was chosen as one of the 32 most important people in Chiang Rai. That's pretty impressive for that age. Maybe the fact that he lives in Bangkok, plays with the symphony, and has been invited to Belgium for a 'Master Class' has something to do with it.

This weekend we'll be watching the election process with great interest.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd. Now enjoy the 'Funnies', sent in by Alan.


Subject: The Harley Mechanic and The Cardiac Specialist
A mechanic was removing a cylinder-head from the motor of a
Harley motorcycle when he spotted a well-known cardiologist
in his shop.
The cardiologist was there waiting for the service manager
to come and take a look at his bike when the mechanic
shouted across the Garage,'Hey Doc, want to take a look
at this?' The cardiologist, a bit surprised, walked over to where the
mechanic was working on the motorcycle. The mechanic straightened up,
wiped his hands on a rag and asked, 'So Doc, look at this engine.
I open its heart, take the valves out, repair any damage,
and then put them back in, and when I finish, it works just
like new. So how come I make $39,675 a year and you get the really
big bucks ($1,695,759) when you and I are doing basically
the same work?'
The cardiologist paused, smiled and leaned over, then
whispered to the mechanic...

'Try doing it with the engine running.'

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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