Wednesday, December 15, 2010



Chiang Rai had a cold night and morning fog - at least in our little weather system. It may have been sunny downtown. It didn't last long, but it really came in heavy from the west. It must have been eerie on the river. Daku went to the doctor and came home with a bag of medicine.

The 'Easy Monday' song was one of my all time favorites: "Venus" by Frankie Avalon. The 'Summer of Love' brings this: "It's gettin' near dawn, when lights close their tired eyes. I'll soon be with you my love, to give you my dawn surprise... I've been waiting so long, to be where I'm going, in the __ __ __ __." Clue: This one comes from an album with a curious title, by a group from the dairy food group. It's also an easy one.

This morning there were three conversations with America. I went out and got more printer ink and discovered that the main HP store has a bigger supply of everything than the shop I go to. I just may switch. The day before we leave I'm going to take our printer to the service center behind the main store for a full check-up. It's been very busy.

The big event of the day was Daku's doctor visit. When it was time for him to be weighed, he stepped up on the scale and sat down. The staff was quite impressed. Once we were in the examination room, the doctor motioned to have the two assistants put him on the table. One of them did most of the lifting, which is pretty impressive since he weighs 70 pounds. Daku stayed calm through most of the poking and prodding. He has an ear infection that will require medicine twice a day. He also will have to have his ears cleaned twice a week. He's not going to like that at all. He's been shaking his head since we left the doctor's office. He'll remember everything about today. Dr. Arnon will have to come by the house for a follow-up while we're out of town. It's nice to have a vet that we can see right away and consult with when something is wrong.

Lisa got a call from Bangkok today about four of her paintings that have been there for about a year. Looks like they may have been sold. Things work out in their own time.

Have a Wacky Wednesday.


"As we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we're liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."
~Marianne Williamson

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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