Monday, December 20, 2010



Today started with heavy fog. It finally lifted and turned into a beautiful day. The weekend was full of parties, and a concert. Today we got photographed with an 'Old School' camera, and the house smells like cinnamon cookies. Yum.

'Old School Friday' took us to a place known as "I Like It Like That", by Chris Kenner. And now, for 'Easy Monday':
"Oooh, la la la la, I did you wrong, my heart went out to play and in the game I lost you, what a price to pay, I'm cryin' __ __ __, __ __ __." Hint: The title has a sound plus two words that are the same. Do you really need more hints?

Saturday we went to Gary and Baan's for a party that featured a big spread of wonderful food. We met new people, had some great conversations and got stuffed. They have a patio that is perfect for parties. Among the guests were expats from Scotland, Spain, and the U.S.

We had to leave the party a little early so we could get ready for the evening's event. We met Tye and her family at their house around 4:15 and drove way out into the countryside and up a long, winding road through several villages until we reached The Villa Darakorn Arboretum. This was the site for the Chiang Rai Youth Orchestra Twilight Concert. The setting was perfect. The trees were decorated with twinkling lights and the stage was sitting in a clearing. When we arrived we saw lots of people we knew. Doi Chaang Coffee had a table where they were dispensing free coffee, there were juices at another table, and during intermission food was given away. All that for the price of admission. The whole affair lasted two hours. The orchestra did a good job and the guest soloist, Richard Harvey from London, played clarinet, Thai bamboo flute, and the Bawu, an ancient Chinese instrument. The sound of the instruments was magical in this setting. There were also three songs performed that were written by The King of Thailand, an accomplished musician. A violinist from the orchestra sang them with a very pleasing voice. The ride home down the mountain was dark, but our bright lights made it not so threatening.

Sunday evening we went to Jaffee's house for a dinner party. We made more new friends, had lots of laughs, and a delicious assortment of food. We connected with people from more far away places and shared experiences.

Today Chalit came over for lunch and brought his camera equipment. He wanted to do 'portraits' of us with his vintage style camera with bellows. He shot us in black and white, and did some trick things with focus and other things that went over my head. We won't see the results until we return, but I'm guessing it will be very artistic.

Tonight Lisa baked up a bunch of cookies for me to take with us. Having cookies with no milk products or soy is a treat. Now I just have to make them last. (Ha)

Have a Great Week.


"Love is the light that dissolves all walls
between souls, families and nations."
~Paramahansa Yogananda

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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