Tuesday, December 28, 2010



The weather in the L.A. area was rain free yesterday. Still cold, but bearable. We had two lunches, did some shopping, and I got a reminder of 'home' on the road.

The 'Easy' song was pretty easy for a lot of you. I know there are more of you who know this song. This might help:
"You just call out my name, and you know wherever I am, I'll come running, oh yeah, to see you again. Winter, spring, summer or fall, all you have to do is call, and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah, __ __ __ __." Hint: I've got a lot of friends who know this song.

We met with our friends Claire and David for lunch in downtown Culver City. After lunch we had coffee and talked some more. It was a very warm visit in spite of the weather.

After lunch we had about half an hour until we were to meet Blue and Ming at Thai Boom. We went by the house and then made it over to the cafe. They've added another room to the restaurant and it's really nice. We ate again, and talked about movie making. Ming is a film major at Stanford. We always have a good time talking and laughing with them about everything under the sun. They had photographed the sunrise, and were going to shoot the sunset at Santa Monica after they left us. We're hoping to see Blue again before we leave.

We went to the 'Fox Hills Mall', which is what it will always be in our minds. Our mission was to stock up on vitamins to take back to Thailand. It would have been really easy to be drawn into the seduction of the place, but we resisted. Besides, it was that time of day when the energy begins to wane. I think we're out of the woods as far as the jet lag goes, but we're still used to afternoon naps.

In the evening Lisa and August played 'Go Fish' and a board game we gave them for Christmas. It's called the 'Ungame' and it's a conversation game. Very interesting since there is no winning, and no end. The instructions state that before starting you should decide how long you're going to play. Hmm.

I was sitting at an intersection last night, and when the light turned green, a car from the opposing traffic turned left in front of me. My conclusion was that it was someone from Thailand. Old habits die hard. (555)

This morning we fly up to San Jose, then drive to Oakland for our 'Cousin's Lunch', and then down to Palo Alto for dinner with Lisa's father Joe, his wife Eva, and their grandkids. Before the flight I'll go to Altadena and pick up my mom. This will be the first time she's gone with us on one of our adventures.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"The man who graduates today
and stops learning tomorrow
is uneducated the day after."
~Newton D. Baker

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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