Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday Funnies


Today we woke up to a dark, cloudy sky that looked like rain could come any minute. It never did. Just dark and cold almost all day. We spent the morning, and part of the afternoon in town, and we're having a quiet evening at home. Tomorrow will be a busy day.

The song you should have been rocking out on was "Sunshine of Your Love" by Cream. It's from the Disraeli Gears LP.
For 'Old School Friday' see if this rings a bell: "Come on (come on, let me show you where it's at) come on (come on, let me show you where it's at).....The name of the place is __ __ __ __ __." Clue: The title of this 1961 song has 5 words. It's the name of a place, but also a statement of sorts.

This morning I dropped Lisa off at the salon and went to Big C. The place was just waking up at 9am so it was easy to get in and get out. A stop at the gas station for a fill-up, and the gift of two large bottles of drinking water. We ate lunch at Aye's and had the whole place to ourselves. By the time we got home, we just had time for a piece of a nap before it was time to go back out. We had a 3pm appointment for our massage. We're gonna miss that place while we're gone.

While I was out and about today I noticed a woman sitting on a motorcycle, with her hands in her lap. The bike began to move and that's when I noticed a man sitting in the sidecar with his hands on handlebars. He was driving. I've seen this in the States, but this is the first time I've seen this kind of set-up here. There are a lot of creative, one-of-a-kind motorbikes around Chiang Rai.

A few minutes ago (8pm) we saw a steady stream of balloons (lanterns) going up in the night sky. There's some kind of celebration going on to the north of us.

Tomorrow will be a busy Saturday for us. We're going to a party at Gary and Baan's that starts at 12 noon, and then in the late afternoon we'll be going to the 2nd Annual Twilight Concert of the Chiang Rai Youth Orchestra. If you want to know more about the concert, the orchestra, and the arboretum where it will be held, plus pictures from last year, go to: It's pretty cool.

Sunday we're going to a dinner party at Khun Jaffee's house. We'll be ready for a good rest by the time we get on the plane on Wednesday.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd. It's time for the 'Funnies'.


A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, 'I would like
to buy some cyanide.'

The pharmacist asked, 'Why in the world do you need cyanide?'
The lady replied, 'I need it to poison my husband.'
The pharmacist's eyes got big and he exclaimed, 'Lord have mercy! I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband. That's against the law! I'll lose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things
will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have any cyanide!'

The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife.
The pharmacist looked at the picture and replied, 'Well now, that's different. You didn't tell me you had a prescription.'

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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