Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday Funnies


You guessed it. Another beautiful, hot, humid day in Chiang Rai. Where's our rainy season? We visited Big C, the market, and the dogs were reunited.

Our mid-week song was "Time After Time" by Cyndi Lauper. Those second day clues do it every time. Now it's time for 'Old School Friday', and this one might be easy too. It's by a 'plump' piano player who once went to Blueberry Hill. Now he's got a problem with part of his week. "__ __ how I hate __ __, got to work like a slave all day. Here come Tuesday, oh hard Tuesday, I'm so tired got no time to play..... Sunday mornin' my head is bad, but it's worth it for the time that I had. But I got to get my rest 'cause __ is a mess." Hint: They don't call it Rhythm and Blues for nothin'. The title is actually two words, but if I didn't use a blank on the last line I'd give it all away.

We needed some basic cooking things for the kitchen so we made our Big C run on Friday this week. It was probably the smallest cart load in a long time. While we were there I saw our gardener, Kek. We exchanged pleasantries, and kept shopping. The scheme of moving merchandise around in the store appears to be a universal gimmick. It gets doubled when you can't read the signs above the aisles. Hmm.

Our trip to the market was mostly for fun. We went for the treats. We looked at things, but we had a mission. (Ha) When we parked the car, I noticed the 'parking lady' was up the street. When I held out the four baht to her and pointed out our car, she gave me a big smile. She was pleased that I didn't just ignore her and not pay. I have no idea how much these women make for collecting for parking, but it couldn't be much. When you consider that we pay $0.12 to park on the street it beats a meter in L.A. every time. I'm sure her pay is based on the amount collected.

This afternoon Boot gave Lisa a neck massage. While she did that I went into town for an eye exam. I needed to get 'fresh' numbers for a contact lens prescription. I'm going to order some multi-focus contacts that I can only get in the States. I'll order them from here, pick them up on our visit, and hopefully be able to see everything without any glasses at all.

The big news of the day is that the dogs are once again a team. Daku is done with the ointment, which means that he and BamBam can be together. They are so happy. So are we. It was very difficult trying to keep them apart, feeding them separately, and having to keep one inside while the other runs the yard.

Even though we live half way around the world, we still root for the 'Home Team' on certain occasions. We watched some of the NBA Final, which came on at 8am this morning. Now it's on to the World Cup. I got a message from my friend Laura who said that in Argentina they brought TVs into all the schools so the kids can watch anytime Argentina is playing. Four years ago they had 100% absentees. There's a photo in the Bangkok Post of a crowd of people in the streets in Korea watching a match on giant screens. It looks like Times Square on New Years Eve. The Fever has struck.

Have a Cool WeekEnd. Now it's time for the 'Funnies'.


From the Pen of Maxine:
"I was in the restaurant yesterday when I suddenly
realized I desperately needed to pass gas. The
music was really, really loud, so I timed my gas
with the beat of the music.

After a couple of songs, I started to feel better.
I finished my coffee, and noticed that everybody
was staring at me....

Then I suddenly remembered that I was listening
to my iPod."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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