Thursday, October 24, 2019



It was carbon-copy weather day.  Basically, getting the same sky and temps as the day before.  The overnight air is very moist, but no rain.

The ‘Middle Song’ is probably looping in a few minds today.  It’s starts as a somber ballad and ends with a bang.
“You know she’s waiting, just anticipating for things that she’ll never, never, never, never possess, yeah, yeah.  But while she’s there waiting, without them, __ __ __ __ (that’s all you gotta do).  It’s not just sentimental, no, no, no, she has her grief and care, yeah, yeah, yeah.  But the soft words, they are spoke so gentle, yeah.  It makes it easier, easier to bear, yeah…”  Clue:  The title offers a solution to soothe a harsh life.

This morning the little baby animal had a meltdown of his own and became a terrorist.  His biting, jumping and not responding made for a frustrating beginning to the day.  He finally crashed and woke up better.  We went to The Wanderer for coffee and roti and JaiDee went to visit.  There are staff members who are giving him attention every spare moment they get.  Kwan, her sister Kern, and their brother Khun all gathered around and took photos with him and hung out as members of his fan club.  A little later Mercy came out of the woods with a big greeting.  Lisa let JaiDee off his leash and the two dogs bounced and played for a few minutes.  It’s great for JaiDee because his only experience with playing was with his litter-mates.  It seems like Mercy is gently teaching him what is OK and what is not.  

After coffee we took one of our coolers to Sinthanee to see if they could repair it.  We took puppy with us and it was one of his longest rides since he came to Chiang Rai.  He loves to cruise.  As a result of his busy morning, he slept almost all afternoon.  What that means is, he will be taller tomorrow (555).

We are watching a lot more sports than in the past.  Whenever there is a need for a puppy time-out, it means sitting on the floor with him on the lap, holding him until he calms down.  Sometimes he watches and it distracts him, and it also helps the human.  There has been a lot of snooker, tennis, badminton, 9 ball, and American football (not to be confused with the football played in the rest of the world).  The rules to a few of these games still puzzle us, but we’re consulting with Mr. Google (555).

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


“There are no warlike people,
just warlike leaders.”
~Dr. Ralph J. Bunche

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