Wednesday, October 23, 2019



Last night the rain came.  It was a big storm, with thunder, lightning and lots of water from the sky.  There was a little left when I took JaiDee out this morning and he didn’t like it.  He did, however, like the idea of jumping up to grab the umbrella.

This week’s ‘Easy Monday’ song was "(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay” by Otis Redding.  A lot of you knew that, which means you probably know this ‘Middle Song’ by him.  “Oh, she may be weary.  Them young girls they do get wearied, wearing that same old shaggy dress, yeah, yeah.  But when she gets weary __ __ __ __, yeah, yeah.”  Hint:  It was recorded in 1966, but was actually written and recorded back in 1932.  Redding’s version is in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

Today’s adventure took us to Chivit Thamma Da and coffee with our friend John.  John met JaiDee when he was a tinier pup, and they had a great reunion.  We started off at a table with metal legs, something that was puppy-proof.  It turned out he was just as happy eating the grass between the paving stones.  After relocating to a porch table, he settled down and tried to eat the floor (555).  Next month, Chivit is having a Jazz Weekend, featuring groups from Chiang Mai.  It will be two evenings of free music.  We made reservations for a space on the lawn by the river.  They will provide beanbags and mats, we’re going to bring our little camping chairs.  John has an app on his phone that tells what time the sun will rise and set, based on your location.  On Oct. 8, it will set at 5:56, meaning we’ll listen to the music as the sun sets.  How cool.

After our coffee date we drove across town to the vets for more special food for JaiDee.  It wasn’t really an appointment, just more food for his tummy.  Apparently, young dogs sometimes have a reaction to the puppy shots.  He’s doing fine now, and Saturday we’ll start moving him back to his ‘normal diet’.  We met a man who knew us through his wife’s Facebook page and some mutual friends.  A few weeks ago, Lisa mentioned how in Chiang Rai there are only 3 degrees of separation.  It seems to be so.

Kids and animals have an interesting fascination with the simplest items as toys.  The cardboard box is a perfect example.  Here are two photos of kids in our house that prove the point.  Nitchanan was a bit younger than she is now, but you get the idea.

Yeah, it’s definitely a Wacky Wednesday.


"If it’s the Psychic Network
why do they need a phone number?”
~Robin Williams

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