Tuesday, October 1, 2019



You can probably guess what the weather was like in Chiang Rai today.  Yep, that’s right.  The high was 88°F with a light afternoon breeze.  

This ‘Easy Monday’ song had lots of responses.  It always feels like another line should be the title.  Hmm.
“Every single day, every word you say, every game you play, every night you stay I’ll be watching you… __ __ __ __, every move you make, ever bond you break, every step you take I’ll be watching you.”  Clue:  It’s ‘Easy Monday’, somebody call the cops.  

We knew the day would come when Jai Dee would outgrow his ‘crate’.  After all, it’s just a simple metal cage, not made to expand to the ever-growing needs of Wonder Dog (555).  At the store where we bought it (two in fact) and offered to buy a bigger one at a discount with the return of the smaller one.  There was much negotiating, and our resident buyer struck a deal.  The new crate is big enough for Jai Dee to stand and turn around with comfort.  

Our in-house babysitter, Natcha, and her husband Gong made arrangements to take a bunch of their things to Mae Sai today, leaving the original dog run open for Jai Dee.  The job is not yet complete, but by tomorrow evening he should have his own outside space.  That is, of course, if he wants to be there.  He really likes having proximity to humans and this could be a problem.  Maybe with the right toy and a good book he might enjoy it.  

The rainy season started late, came with lots of water, and seems to have left early.  We’re hoping it returns and keeps the balance of things correct.  The gardens need the deep watering, but more importantly, the farmers need the rain.  

Today’s photo was taken at The Wanderer as an example of the benefits of rainy season rain.

This photo was candid, but it seemed like he knew he was being photographed.  A ‘Ham’ already?

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“You don’t have to be great to start,
but you have to start to be great.”
~Zig Ziglar

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