Friday, October 11, 2019

Friday Funnies


Early this morning, the rains came.  We’re talkin’ long, extended, ground-soaking rain.  The air this morning, after the rain, was clear and clean.  This afternoon someone started burning and it has been stinky (sigh).

The ‘Zany Day’ song from Fats Domino was “Blue Monday”.  ‘Old School Friday’ continues a color theme:
“I found my thrill on __ __.  On __ __, when I found you.  The moon stood still, on __ __.  And lingered until, my dreams came true.  The wind in the willow played, love’s sweet melody.  But all of those vows we made were never to be.”  Hint:  There is elevation involved.  Oh, and don’t forget the fruit.

This morning we went back to The Wanderer to pick up some things Khun Noot had for Lisa.  Of course, Jai Dee went with us.  He is really enjoying rides and when we go outside to play, he stops at the van.  His friend Mercy wasn’t around today, but several of his human friends were there and he loved the attention.  He has been very polite on these road trips.  There has been no biting and only a minimum of jumping.  

The ‘Orange Cat Crisis’ has finally come to a head.  Our neighbor had a cat that we would see from time to time.  Then the cat had kittens and they got the idea that our yard was a day spa.  The orange cat had another litter and now there is a gang of orange cats in our yard every day.  They sun by the pool, stroll in the gardens, and lounge on the porch.  Now that we have Jai Dee, we really don’t want them around.  The neighbor claims that they’re not hers, but they always run to her yard.  We’re sure they have never been to a vet for shots.  Today Gong suggested that he call Khun Yee, who does construction, to see if he could build some kind of barrier.  He offered to take them to a temple to be cared for, or given to those who want them.  Gong and Natcha will corral the cats and put then in the travel crate and Yee will take it from there.  

This evening we had dinner in honor of Cat’s 22 birthday.  It’s actually tomorrow, but tonight was better timing.  We met at Black Canyon Restaurant at Central Plaza Mall.  The guest list grew from 1 to 4 this year.  There was Cat’s boyfriend and two little girls who are relatives of Cat.  They are May and Mai, and are 9 and 10.  It was their first trip to the mall and they were amazed.  Cat told us they were afraid to get on the escalator until she explained that it was safe and showed them how.  They live in Cat’s village and Chiang Rai city is a long way off.  Cat remembered the first time she came to the city.  After dinner we went to the lower level to see the art exhibit about King Rama 9, the late King.  Lisa has a piece in this exhibit and the girls wanted to know when she did it and how long it took.  They spent a lot of time looking at the children’s art as well as the adult work.  It was an enjoyable evening.  We don’t usually go to the mall on Friday night, and now I know why.  It was very busy.  

Today’s photo is Jai Dee showing Mercy how he’s learning to sing.

This is a Formula 1 weekend, this time in Japan.  Due to the huge Super Typhoon heading towards the country, the Saturday activities of the race had to be cancelled.  In fact, most of Japan is on a critical storm watch, with some towns and villages being evacuated.  The racing teams have lifted all of their equipment in the pits up off the floor, in anticipation of flooding at the race track. It’s too far north to rain on us. 

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.    The ‘Funnies’ are next.  Formula 1 from Japan on Sunday.  Zoom!


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