To say that the rainy season is upon us would be an understatement. It rained all weekend. In fact, the northern portion of Thailand is being dumped on with the kind of rain that brings flood warnings. We're not in any danger, but some areas don't have very good drainage so they may have problems. We stayed in all weekend.
The 'Old School Friday' song was "Sunshine of Your Love" by Cream. Time for some 'Easy Monday', if you're awake.
"When I wake up early in the morning, lift my head, I'm still yawning. When I'm in the middle of a dream, stay in bed, float up stream (float up stream). Please, don't wake me, no, don't shake me. Leave me where I am, __ __ __."
Hint: In my current condition, I'm livin' this song. This is too easy.
The dogs are quite upset about the rain. They have had only limited play time. There has been no 'free time' to just roam around the yard to smell things and eat grass. It's so soggy that Daku raced back into the house this afternoon. Between the rain hitting him in the face, and the ground soaking his feet, he was not a happy dog. BamBam even took to walking under the eves of the roof to avoid the water from the sky. We have lakes and bogs all around the compound and I've been wearing my knee-high rain boots. What fun. Today's photo is two bored dogs.
The lack of wind has made this storm series a lot more bearable. The rain just drops straight down and we don't have to check for stray water. (555) The forecast looks like we'll be in this for the rest of the week.
Tomorrow we'll go into town and buy bus tickets for our trip to Chiang Mai on Saturday. A few routine errands will have to be dealt with, but hey, it's only water.
Have a Great Week.
in the entire universe, deserve your
love and affection."
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
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