Friday, July 19, 2013

Friday Funnies


It's Friday, we landed on Wednesday, but the body feels like it's somewhere over the Pacific.  Getting sleepy at 7:30 in the evening is not fair.  

The 'Zany Day' song was "Sunshine Superman" by Donovan, and you shoulda known.  'Old School Friday' is by a guitar legend.  "If the sun refused to shine, I don't mind, I don't mind.  If the mountains fell in the sea, let it be, it ain't me.  Got my own world to live through, and I ain't gonna copy you.  Now __ __ __ __, I don't mind, I don't mind.  If all the hippies cut off their hair, I don't care, I don't care...."  Clue:  It's a numbers game.  I took liberties with the title line so you could have an accurate count.  

Today was one of those days when the sky was dark and cloudy and it felt like is was nap time all the time.  There were things to do and we did them.  How brave.  We drove up to Mae Fah Luang University to the clinic.  Lisa got an adjustment from Dr. William and we delivered some things he needed from America.  We knew he didn't take payment for his services in the clinic, so we asked how much we should donate and he said to bring some treats for the staff next time.  Hmm, that is quite different from how things work across the water.  

There is major repaving happening on the Super Highway north of town.  We have encountered it on all of our trips to the university.  Even with one lane closed, things keep moving.  Of course, the volume of cars and trucks is nothing compared to what we saw on the Santa Monica Freeway, or any others.  When it's all done it really will be a Super Highway.  (555)

One sure way to tell that the rainy season is here is the attachments of extra-large mud flaps on the rear fenders of the motorbikes.  Not everyone does this, but they only seem to appear when the rain is frequent.  With so many bikes carrying passengers, it seems only fair to protect them from the spray of the rear tire.  A lot of people have put their 'roof canopies' on their motorbikes, making them look like something from a science fiction movie.  There is always lots to see when driving about.  Oh yeah, apparently there is a link to right-hand turns and my use of my windshield wipers as turn signals.  I only do it turning right.  How weird is that?

Today's photo is another piece from the airport in Taipei by a teen artist.  There is a clear understanding by the youngsters of Taiwan that the planet needs our help.

This weekend we will go to Art Bridge and dine from the newly remodeled kitchen.  They had to make it bigger to accommodate all the business.  That is a good sign that things are going to work.  Some of the senior artists have been hosting groups of school children, explaining the artwork and exposing them to the arts.  The dream is being realized.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.     Time for a 'Funny'.


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