Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Funnies


Chiang Rai is going through more of the same haze problem, but the overnight temps are creeping up. Maybe that's how they held a crowd across the river last night for a concert. Today we visited Makro, Mummy's, and Doi Chaang.

For those who care, the 'Bad Ass Bass' tune was "Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?" by Chicago. Nice bass line. OK, here's one to make you feel better. 'Old School Friday' and it comes from 1961, with a Western flavor:
"__, I'm __ for feeling so lonely. I'm __, __ for feeling so blue...." Clue: That should be enough to either remember it or make you lose your mind. Now it should be easy.

The air here might have been a tiny bit better, since I could see traces of blue if I looked directly overhead. Otherwise, is was just the same gray that seems to be wearing some people down. We went out early and got some supplies at Makro. We go there now more than anyplace else since they have the veggies we need for our drink and they have chicken for the dogs at a really good price.

This afternoon we went out to replenish our coffee supply. As we pulled out of the gate, I noticed a motorbike stopped in the street near our house. Beside the bike, on the street, was an injured bird. The rider had stopped to try and move the bird to the side of the road. We watched as he gently tried to coax the bird out of traffic. It was a very touching scene. The guy on the bike must have appeared to be a monster to the little bird, with helmet, face-shield and big jacket.

On the other side of the Pink Bridge is the 'beach' where various celebrations are held. The next one is Songkran and it begins on April 13 this year. People have begun setting up structures for food and drink and today we saw some kids in the river.

We drove down to Mummy's, on the south end of town to get some ground coffee. They didn't have any bags to put the coffee in so we decided to come back later. It actually took longer to resolve the whole thing than one sentence, but it was one of those 'lost in translation' moments. We like the coffee at Mummy's, but still enjoy Doi Chaang so we picked up a supply from them. While we were there we saw our friend Shannon, from The Sold Project. We had a nice visit following up on our Chiang Mai experience last weekend.

This weekend is the Formula One Grand Prix from Malaysia. I'll be recording it since I don't know if I'll get to see it on Koh Samet. My F1 senses tell me someone will be watching it on the island. Most of next week I'll be coming to you from what appears to be a tropical paradise. I'll let you know.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd. It's time for some 'Funnies'.


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