Wednesday, July 21, 2010



It's getting to be crunch time, and that means doing many things in a few hours. Not that it's so unusual, but today was a busy travel day. Santa Monica, Altadena, Culver City, Irvine were a few of the places we visited.

Our 'Easy' song was "Tracks of My Tears" by Smokey Robinson and The Miracles. Now for a little Rock & Roll:
"Oh my little pretty one, pretty one, when you gonna give me some time __. When you make my motor run, motor run, gun it coming off the line __." Clue: That blank is a girl's name. The group had a knack for getting us to sing along.

We began our day with breakfast at The Fig restaurant in the Miramar Hotel in Santa Monica. We met with Lisa's childhood friend McKinley, and had a delicious meal while we heard about his life, and shared ours.

From Santa Monica we went to Altadena and hung out with my mom. We recapped our time in the States, had a computer lesson, and shared some pictures Lisa had taken of C-Bass. It was too short, but it was all the time we had.

I had ordered an electronic guitar from a place in Irvine, but it looked like I might not get it before we left, so I decided to go to the source, and pick it up. After taking Lisa back to Culver City I drove down to Irvine. The device is a MIDI guitar, capable of creating sounds of many guitars, keyboards, and effects. I can play it into my laptop, and record what I play. The guys at the company were very friendly, and we hung out for a bit while they showed me some of the features. The traffic both ways was flowing so I made good time. Now I have this cool new instrument to work with.

While I was driving up and down the 405 freeway, Lisa and Anna went on a tour around town picking up odds and ends that we need to take back to Thailand. In the evening I had dinner with my friend Michael at another Thai restaurant. The food was good, but I'm looking forward to Boot's cooking.

We have one more full day, and then we fly away.

It's time for Wacky Wednesday.


"Humankind has not woven the web of life.
We are but one thread within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves.
All things are bound together.
All things connect."
~Chief Seattle

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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