Thursday, July 23, 2009

Good Enough


The day began with a clear blue sky. That meant another hot one in Chiang Rai. Not much to do about it except to deal with it. Oh my.

Looks like another set of memories got sparked with the current song. Not a flood of responses though.
"Gonna be some sweet sounds comin' down on the's gonna be alright on the __ __" Hint: The group sang a song about a house made of bricks but this one is about a couple of singers.

It turned out that the battery in the truck was done. No good. Mai dee. I went out early and went to an auto center for a new one. That did the trick. When I finally got it home and installed it fired right up. Yeh.

With the art exhibit drawing near we have been doing lots of preparation. We went back to the frame shop today with the last batch of paintings. The discussion about matt color and size, frame width and color should have been captured on film for posterity. The shop owner, Khun Noy, speaks some English (really fast) and sometimes he's at a loss for words. Just like us. We finally got things settled and as we left we realized that this could not have been done so inexpensively in the U.S. Amazing Thailand.

We went from the framer to the 9 Art Gallery down the street, where the show will be. Khun Nai and her husband are really nice people and make us feel very comfortable. We had questions and she answered most of them. The one she really couldn't answer was the one about pricing. We got the usual Thai answer: 'Up to you'. OK then. The opening sounds like it's going to be quite an affair. More on that later.

BamBam is now 15 months old and it was time for another vaccination. In the past she's been wild and crazy every time we take her to the vet. Part of it is due to the time when she had to stay overnight with an I.V. The training we've been doing since our return paid off big time today. She was much calmer and responded to commands and it made the whole thing much easier for all of us.

Speaking of dogs, they have really established their routines and their personalities are quite different. BamBam sleeps at Boot's place and Daku stays with us. During the day Daku likes to take his afternoon nap at Boot's and BamBam comes upstairs with us. Daku likes to sleep in the shower in the evening and I have to drag him out in order to take a shower. Before we call it a night I literally have to prop him up to get him to go outside for the last time. Then he sleeps until about 5:45. A couple of times during the night he'll go to Lisa's side of the bed and just rest his chin on the bed. She pats his head and he plops down and goes back to sleep right beside her. When he wakes up he's full of energy. We can usually get him to chill for about 15 minutes and then he gets one of the stuffed animals and goes to both sides of the bed making a low moaning sound and we know it's time to get up. What an alarm clock.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


"Never think that you're not good enough yourself.
A man should never think that.
People will take you very much at your own reckoning."
~Anthony Trollope

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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