Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Funnies


Today BamBam went to the vets, Blue and I did some shopping and then traveled south to pay respects. Daku is getting bolder and smarter. Of course, he's the smartest puppy in the world.

Get ready to kick yourself. The song was "Words Get In The Way" by Miami Sound Machine. Now do the hints make sense? For the weekend, see if you remember this one: "__ __ for a summer friend, __ __ for the love you send. Seasons change and so did I, you need not wonder why, you need not wonder why..." Clues: It might be hard for some of you to guess who the group is, but you've got plenty of time to ponder the whole thing. If you're on your toes, it's all there. Hmm.

BamBam was being a bit lethargic and had other symptoms of something being wrong. Dr. Arnon told us to bring her in right away and we did. He kept her for the day and gave her an I.V. since she was dehydrated. We were to pick her up this evening. We went by to get her and he told us she has to stay overnight. She has a bacterial infection so she needs medication every eight hours through the I.V. Poor baby. She's really been through a lot. We spent a little time with her and she was so happy to see us. We know she's in good hands so it's not as bad as it could be.

This afternoon Blue and I went to the flower street and he got a arrangement to take to the cemetery where Ao Ma is buried. They were very close for over 20 years. Between the flowers and the cemetery there was a stop at Big C for juice, computer stuff and more time on the 'guest phone'. (the guest phone is a cell phone we've had since we arrived and we keep it for house-guests to use)

When Blue and I got to the cemetery, I knew the general area where Ao Ma was buried, but wasn't absolutely sure about the grave site. Since neither one of us reads Chinese, it added to our dilemma. We called Nu and he was trying to explain the location when an old woman came toward us. She spoke a blend of dialects and we finally put her on the phone with Nu. We were very close to where we wanted to be. We knew we were being understood when she said the words 'Ao Ma'.

We went to dinner with Nookun and Sutheera this evening at one of our favorite restaurants. Moo Mai has a wonderful atmosphere and really good food. We've been there before but never ate upstairs on the deck. We were under the night sky, looking down on the garden entrance. It was the first time we'd had a chance to visit with Nookun since the services for his mother. There was serious talk as well as much laughter. We had a great time and feel grateful to have such dear friends.

I think it's time for the 'Funnies'. It's the second part of last week's one-liners. Have a Fantastic WeekEnd.


Why does Goofy stand erect while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!

If Wile E. Coyote had enough money to buy all that ACME crap, why didn't he just buy dinner?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Do the Alphabet song and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star have the same tune?

Why did you just try singing the two songs above?

Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when you take him for a car ride, he sticks his head out the window?

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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