Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Funnies


It's Friday night in Chiang Rai and it's unbelievably quiet out here on the edge of town. Not that I'm complaining. After a fairly mellow day, a mellow evening is the perfect end.

All you kids got the latest song. It was "Owner of a Lonely Heart" by Yes. See, you knew that. Now we're going back in time. "All we need is a drummer for people who only need a beat, yeah I'm gonna add a little guitar and make it easy to move your feet. I'm gonna add some bottom so that the dancers just won't hide...__ __ __ __ (x4) " Clue: It's a family affair by everyday people. One of their early hits.

We went into town this afternoon for a scheduled massage but it didn't happen. My operator has apparently left and Lisa's was with another client. All that came with an appointment. One never knows what's going to happen. We rescheduled for Sunday and ran errands. We only have three bills to pay each month. It's pretty amazing. That's not to say that there aren't other things that have to be paid for, but I digress. Utilities can be paid at any 7-11. We had several stops on the main drag today, including 7-11, the pharmacy warehouse where we get vitamins, and the hair lady by the Wancome Hotel (our first home). We parked at the hotel and let that be our base. Considering it only costs 62 cents to park, it's not a bad deal.

Lisa gave Napa a ballet lesson later in the day. Napa is dying to get in the pool. She's been swimming here a few times and even though the water really is cold, she denies it. Today she was in to her knees. Once it warms up, it will most likely be ballet and swimming and Tay will have to drag her from the water. I remember being nine and how much I loved being in a pool.

Life is going pretty smooth for us without Boot. Of course she left a full complement of clean cloths, food in the kitchen and a clean house. Today I watered most of the lawn using the system that Rene devised. He got these couplings for each of the hoses around the yard so it's a simple motion to move the sprinkler around. Tomorrow I'll do some spot watering and then there are the trees. We're starting to get white and purple flowers on our little tree in the front yard. Pretty soon we'll be able to smell it in the house. Yum.

Our dear friend Kathie Fry has put together a series of websites that provide travel and cultural information. There's one called 'Do It In Hawaii' ( which has links to everything you'd want to know about Hawaii. Now there's one called 'Do It In Thailand' and I think you should run over there and see what this place (Thailand) is all about.

I'll leave you with another link that was sent to us by Blue. Monday I'll tell you more about it. Just watch and listen.

It's time for the 'Funnies'. Thank Martin for the laugh. Have a Great WeekEnd.



"All we need is a drummer for people who only need a beat, yeah I'm gonna add a little guitar and make it easy to move your feet. I'm gonna add some bottom so that the dancers just won't hide...__ __ __ __ (x4) "

My wife and I were sitting at a table at my high school
reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her
drink as she sat alone at a nearby table. My wife asked, "Do
you know her?"

"Yes," I sighed, "She's my old girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many
years ago, and I hear she hasn't been sober since."
"My God!" says my wife, "Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?"

And then the fight started.....

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thailand Is Full of Surprises

Small Things

There's big news on the 'water front', we saw the travelers off, the market got a visit and the dog got a bath. All in all, another fine day in The Rai.
It's becoming obvious to me that a lot of you really know your 80's songs. Today's production is from a group known for epic arrangements and elements of classical music mixed with rock. There was also some fairy tale influence in some of their work.
"Shake, shake yourself, you're every move you make. So the story goes. __ __ __ __ __ (x2) (Much better than a) __ __ __ __ __" Clue: This song is more about the realities of being alone. Hmm.
We got up early on purpose today. This was the morning that Boot and Rene would take the 12 hour VIP bus ride to Rayong.
To our amazement, Boot had made tons of food for us to eat while she was away, including two of our favorites. She was very excited about seeing her mother, sister and brother.
Yesterday the pool was filled and salt was added. We left it alone overnight to see if the water held it's level. This morning it was at the same spot so the filter was turned on for the first time in quite awhile. Johan was pleased with the outcome and also happy that the lights worked. Now we just need to give it time to warm up. (Ha)
This afternoon we braved the central market in search of a few household items. We went into an area we hadn't really explored and found new things to bring forth a 'Hmm'. There was the woman who sold a huge variety of machete-like knives that are used for chopping just about anything that needs chopping. We also found a booth that sold large pots for BBQing and another stand that had every kind of chili one could imagine. Large baskets filled with beautiful shades of red and orange, ready to burn the palette. We found most of what we were looking for and called it a day.
Our friend Tay came and picked up Lisa to go to a rehearsal for a dance competition that Napa is going to be in. I cleaned up the dinner dishes (What?) and played with BamBam. While we were outside I heard the sounds of drums and a singer off in the distance. There was also the sound of screaming girls who sang along with the chorus of the song. It was classic. I don't know who it was, but they knew the tunes and their excitement filled my head with images. Imagine, a music concert in a village outside of town sounding like it could have been in an arena. Thailand is full of surprises. This was just one of them.
BamBam will be sleeping (we hope) in our room for the next five days. We're going to try and keep her up for a while so she doesn't get up too early. (555)
Have a Wonderful Thursday.


"Sometimes, we just need to be amazed by the small things."
~Angela Pacheco

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Beautiful Day in Thailand


It was another beautiful day in Thailand. We are definitely moving into the hot part of the year. That's not to say that it doesn't cool off at night, but by mid-morning you can feel it coming on. We could really use some rain but that doesn't seem to be in the forecast.
All it took was a blatant clue and the mail poured in. "Biggest Part of Me" was the song and Ambrosia was the group. Moving forward in time for the benefit of the 'younger set', I offer the first line of this popular mid 80's hit. Stay away from Google.
"Move yourself, you always live your life never thinking of the future..." Hint: These days everyone is harping on ownership of this and that. Hmm, take a shot.
I'm happy to report that the pool is holding water, and as soon as it warms up we'll be splashing around again. The temp is at 72 degrees right now but considering the change in the weather, we could be swimming in a few weeks.
Sunday night while we were at the Night Bazaar we got a new mailbox from one of our merchant friends. It's made from teak and almost looks like a bird house. Lisa painted our name and address on it today and now we just need to coat it with something like epoxy. That will mean a special trip to the hardware store. That means another adventure.
We may have discovered why so many of the corn fields are just standing, unattended. Johan was telling us that the demand for ethanol has declined drastically due to the lower oil prices. There had been a rush to produce more ethanol to meet what looked like a major demand. Now it appears that many small farms are stuck with a crop that nobody wants. Of course, that's not really true, but in the small town vision of things, what do you do with it? They pick enough for family, or the village and let the cows come in and clear the field. Today there was an article in the Bangkok Post about the setback with ethanol production. They failed to mention the small farmers. Sounds vaguely familiar.
Tonight we went out to Big C to get a small gift for Boot's mother. While we were there we stopped at one of the larger phone concessions and got Lisa a new phone. She's been using a phone we got soon after we arrived. Not a bad phone, but the manual is in Chinese, and Thai but nothing in English. It had a touch screen, which was an attraction, but it was hard to know when it was really locked. It's been very frustrating so we took steps to make life easier. Now she has a really cool little 'slide' phone and she can read the directions. One of the coolest things about living in an 'unlocked' country is that you just put your phone's SIM card in the new phone and continue where you left off. No contract negotiations or restrictions. You pay the provider of your choice, as you go.
Something tells me it's Wacky Wednesday.


"Help your brother's boat across,
and your own will reach the shore."
~Hindu proverb

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Today we had morning guests, a day off from workers, a trip to the vet and a wonderful evening in the middle of nowhere. What does it all mean? Read on.
I'm a little disappointed that only one person responded to the song and he admitted to using Google. This should help you:
"Yeah (sunrise) there's a new sun risin', (In your eyes) I can see a new horizon, (Realize) that will keep me realizin'
You're the __ __ __ __" Clue: There's a big part of you that knows this song. If I hummed a little you'd smile.
This morning we were awakened by the sound of BamBam barking her guard-dog bark. It went on longer than usual so I jumped up from my nice warm bed and my twilight sleep to see what was going on. As I raced downstairs I glanced at the clock to notice the time. It was ten after seven. This better be good. There at the partially opened front gate stood Boot in her robe, BamBam barking, and Woody and Sunee, ready to visit. Hmm. Boot yelled to me, with a knowing laugh in her voice, "Your friends from America come". Fine.
After focusing on the situation and realizing what had to be done, I ran upstairs, explained to a puzzled Lisa what was going on, pulled on some jeans and ran downstairs and tried to act like a gracious host. Our guests were on their way to Mae Sai with their entourage, who were sitting in two SUVs in front of the house. We gave them the tour and talked about their plans for the rest of the day. They were going shopping and then back to Bangkok and 'home' to America. Lisa asked them how they found the house. Woody pulled out the paper I'd given them with our address and explained that they gave a guy on a motorbike 100 Baht ($3.00) to lead them to us. Then he smiled and said, "This is Thailand. Can find anyplace." Right you are. Even early in the morning.
No one told us that the painters were done, so we were a little surprised when they didn't show up. After deciding to enjoy the day with the house to ourselves, we regrouped and did our morning routine. It was still early enough for the timing to be the same. (Ha) Today was 'watering day' which meant that we'd be spending extra time with BamBam since she has to stay inside while the sprinkler does it's thing. She loves to play in the water but has to stay dry until her skin gets better. Needless to say, we had a nice morning.
After lunch we took BamBam to the vet for a check on her progress. She now weighs 16 kilos (35 lbs). She loves to ride in the truck, but when it's time to get out she's like a wild beast on a mission. Her little teenage brain wants to go. At that moment the word 'Stay' means 'Blah, blah'. More outings will help with this, I say.
Tonight we went to dinner with Johan and got introduced to a new, for us, restaurant. We still don't know the name of it, but it's on the road to the airport and really is in the middle of nowhere. There's another restaurant down the road on the opposite side, but that's it. There were lots of plants and water features as we walked down a stone path to the entrance. There are no walls around the dining area. It wasn't quite dark so we could appreciate the openness. One of the reasons Johan took us to this spot, besides the food, was the singer. He's told us about her in the past and how great she is and he wasn't wrong. We were seeing her at the first of four gigs she does every night. At this job she sings to a karaoke computer. She sings in Thai, Chinese, Japanese, and English. We heard it all. When she got to the English part of her set, we were blown away. She started with "Close To You" and there are parts of the song where the timber of her voice sounded just like Karen Carpenter. Goosebumps. She sang about six songs in English and we were very impressed. Then the guests started taking the stage and it was downhill from there. The food was some of the best we've tasted in our limited experience. We'll be going back for sure.
Nong, the singer at the restaurant does about an hour and a half there, then goes to another spot where she plays guitar and sings and her brother also plays guitar with her. Then she hits her third job where it's just her and her guitar. She caps the night off at a rock and roll club where she sings with a band. Every night she does this. I'm in awe.
Now it's time for Happy Tuesday.


"To grow, you must be willing to let your present and future,
be totally unlike your past.
Your history is not your destiny."
~Alan Cohen

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, January 26, 2009

Chinese New Year


Work on the house began this weekend, fireworks also started going off, and travel plans were made. The pool got a minor makeover and friends from America called from the road.
The song we were humming this weekend was "What's Love Got To Do With It?" by Tina Turner. See, you knew that one.
"Well, make a wish baby Well and I will make it come true Make a list baby Of the things I'll do for you..." Hint: This mid-tempo ballad from 1980 made a big impression. Group is also the name of a dish. Today's line is from the bridge. Hmm.
Saturday morning the workers arrived to start sealing the cracks in the plaster on the walls around the house. The whole job is supposed to take about a week. Fortunately, we saved all the paint and it's still useable. We have many different colors and it would have been something to replace it all. Whew. The pool leak has been traced to the lights and Johan and his crew filled and sealed so we can hopefully keep the water in the pool. It should be ready for swimming in a couple of weeks. That's about how long it should take for the 'new' water to warm up. The air is getting warmer by the day so we're getting mildly excited.
This Thursday Boot and Rene will leave for a week in Rayong. That's where her mother lives. It's been a little over a year since she's seen her. Lisa, BamBam and I will be on our own for a new adventure. (Ha) Rayong is south of Bangkok and it takes about a day by bus to get there.
Some of you may remember that one of our favorite eating spots in Culver City was Thai Boom. The owners, Woody and Sunee told us that they would be coming to Thailand for the Chinese New Year. We gave them our number since they planned to come to Chiang Rai. Well, they called us from the highway today and said they'd be arriving this afternoon. We thought they were coming over for dinner and quickly made plans for more food. A later phone call revealed that there were seven people in their party. They had made their own plans for dinner and we breathed a sigh of relief. We'll talk in the morning and maybe they can come out and visit us at the house. We're still getting used to communication differences. One thing we realize is that just because someone speaks English does not mean they understand everything you say. Even if they say they do. Hmm.
Speaking of friends in America, our dear friend Blue has just published a book of his photography of the Hill Tribe People of Thailand. You can see a preview at:
The book can be ordered directly from the website. It's a beautiful collection of the diversity and uniqueness of the indigenous tribes of the Kingdom.
Today is Chinese New Year. It's the year of the Ox and there seems to be a lot of celebrating going on. I don't recall it being like this last year but I may have not been paying the same attention. Anyway, there are lots of fireworks, decorations and traffic. Happy New Year.
Have a Great Week.


"The joy is in the journey,
The destination is always changing."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday Funnies


Today we danced with the powers that be, made a new friend, and dined by the river.

Get ready to kick yourself if you missed the last song. You knew it. "Papa's Got a Brand New Bag" by Mr. James Brown. For the weekend, think about this line and see what happens: "You must understand though the touch of your hand makes my pulse react... Oh oh oh __ __ __ __ __ __ __?....." Clue: This was a major hit for this artist when she went solo after a major breakup. She recently returned to the limelight. A senior rocker. The song asks a baffling question.

We spent a good part of the day at the land office and the registration office. All of this in an effort to get all the proper documents in order for the land and house. The land office was the first stop. We went with our lawyer (Khun Preecha) and even though he had reserved a place in the 'queue', we had to take a number. We were number 22 and they were on 18. Shouldn't take too long. (Ha) They got up to number 21 and, in traditional Thai style, closed for lunch. We went home, had lunch and then drove ourselves back to the office. After a short wait it was our turn. First thing the man wanted to know was our names and our parents' names. Huh? We complied and then Preecha converted them into Thai. This was interesting because there are some sounds in English that don't translate. The letter 'Z' is not in the language and is a sound that is not made. There is also the sound of 'L' at the end of a word that is almost unspeakable for most Thais. My middle name is Daniel and they pronounce it 'Danion'. It took some doing, but Preecha managed to get all the names down in Thai script so they would sound correct if spoken by a Thai.

Our next stop was the office where we were to start the procedure for the 'House Book'. Since Boot lives with us we wanted her in the book too. They needed her to be there so I had to dash back home and get her. The man behind the counter wanted a Thai translation of the picture page of our Passports so it could be verified by Immigration that we are who we claim to be and that we're in the country legally. One would think that matching I.D. and Visa stamps in the book would be enough. Nope, he told us it's the law. Then he gave us directions to a translator. Boot managed to get us there, after checking for directions along the way. A man came out from the back of an open shop house and began talking to us in very good English. We told him what we needed and he was indeed the man for the job. After a few questions we learned that he lived in the U.S. many years ago. When we returned to pick up our papers we talked a little more. He sells packaged noodles from his shop and does translations. We exchanged numbers and told him to call if he had any questions about English.

This evening we took Boot and Rene out to dinner. We went to a restaurant on the river that we used to see on our bike rides. Our table was under the stars, looking down on the river. There was live music for our dining pleasure. The owner of the place was still singing when we left. It started out alright but gradually devolved into a karaoke sounding effort. We all got a little silly when a man passed our table and then came back. He was from Europe someplace and he asked Rene if he was English. Rene replied, in a thick French accent, that he was French. The man had a question for someone English and apologized for bothering us. I wondered why he hadn't asked me if I was English. That's when the table started laughing. It was all downhill from there. Everything made us laugh and finally we managed to get ourselves out the door. It was a very fun outing.

I think it's time for the 'Funnies'. This week they're from Cousin Trudye. Have a Great WeekEnd.




On a Plumber's truck:
'We repair what your husband fixed.'

At a tire shop:
'Invite us to your next blowout.'

At a Towing company:
'We don't charge an arm and a leg. We want tows.'

At an Optometrist's Office:
'If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place.'

On a Fence:
'Salesman welcome. Dog food is expensive.'

Outside a Muffler Shop:
'No appointment necessary. We hear you coming.'

In a Veterinarian's waiting room:
'Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!'

At an Electric Company:
'We would be delighted if you send in your payment.
However, if you don't, you will be.'

Sign on the back of a Septic Tank Truck:
'Caution - This truck is full of Political Promises.'

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pizza in Thailand



It was a special day today. We had lunch downtown, there was teaching at the house, and a birthday was celebrated.

Congrats to all of you who knew the song. Even if you weren't born yet, this song should be in your knowledge base. Hmm.

"Come here Mama And dig this crazy scene He's not too fancy But his mind is mighty clean. Ain't no drag __ __ __ __ __ __" Hint: This song could be the theme song for the new California ruling regarding shopping bags. That should give it away.

Today was Lisa's birthday and part of the fun of days like this is getting to do something different. We ate at the Pizza Company and had our cheeseless pizza. Yum. Might seem weird to some but it's actually kinda good with BBQ chicken as the topping. Nothing like pizza in Thailand to keep you thinking. (Ha)

Later in the day Napa had another ballet lesson. She's showing lots of potential. After her lesson she played on the steps of the pool. The water is cold but she insisted that it felt good. When you're nine and you want to swim it really doesn't matter how cold the water is.

Boot prepared a delicious fish dinner, complete with the head. (Ha) Then she brought out a beautiful cake for Lisa that she picked up at the market. I took pics of both and I'll post them soon. Tay and Napa were still at the house and they joined us for cake and laughter. Napa said she'd like to live at our house. That pool is such an attraction. After cake we learned that she played the piano so we all went into the studio and she played 'Happy Birthday' and a few other tunes. Then Tay's husband arrived with a big basket of fruit and some flowers.

While driving today it dawned on me that there seems to be a willingness here to take risks that baffles me. If one isn't afraid it's easier to take risks, I suppose. I'm still rolling this one around in my mind but I think you get the drift of it all. So, maybe it's not just bad driving. Maybe it's just the way it is. Another 'Hmm' moment.

One other thing that is puzzling is the unattended corn fields that surround the house. Workers started clearing another field today. I heard a chopping sound and looked out to see them cutting down a large section, without any harvesting. The field to the west of us is just standing there, dormant. I'm going to start asking around and see if I can get to the bottom of this.

Have an Exciting Thursday.



"Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower."

~Shigenori Kameoka

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tourist Season in Chiang Rai

Goodness & Honesty


Today I took the temperature of the pool, we took pictures of pictures, and a plan was set in motion to plug a leak in a great body of water. Hmm.

The song that some of you couldn't quite get was a classic. Linda sent some interesting info about the artist. Read and learn: "He Will Break Your Heart" by Jerry Butler (1960), known as "The Ice Man". It was written by Jerry Butler, Curtis Mayfield, and Calvin Carter. Butler is now a politician. He serves as a Commissioner for Cook County, Illinois, having first been elected in 1985. Now you know. Time now for something everybody should know. It's from 1965, one of my favorite years for music:
"Come here Sister, Papa's in the swing. He ain't too hip, about that new breed thing. He ain't no drag __ __ __ __ __ __" Clue: It's by the 'Hardest Working Man in Show Business' and you oughta know.

It was Wednesday here in Thailand and that could only mean one thing. 'Pool guy' day. We haven't been using it for obvious reasons but it still needs to be kept clean. Johan came by after lunch and we discussed what had to be done to stop the little leaks behind the underwater lights. After walking around the pool and considering this and that, he's coming Friday to start draining some of the water so the guys can seal off the offending areas behind the lights. It's not a lot of water, but it adds up. We also talked about the possibility of heating the pool without a heater. What? A grid of small black tubing exposed to the sunlight can effectively create enough hot water raise the temperature of the pool. I'm all for that, especially this time of year. There are some minor details he's still working on, but it looks promising.

Lisa has been hard at work creating a web page for an online art gallery where she's a member. It means that photos of her art are necessary for uploading. We were stumped for a while when it came to photographing the framed works. Kept getting a reflection of everything. Lisa finally got just the right angle and got some good pics. On top of that, there is the matter of negotiating her way through the maze of instructions to accomplish everything. When it's ready, I'll give you the site information.

This evening we went into town and while Lisa got a massage, I strolled the Night Bazaar and spoke to some friends. For a Wednesday night the place was jumping. I don't know how things compare to a normal tourist season in Chiang Rai, but it looks like we have lots of visitors and they're 'shopping'. That's good for the local economy since it's primarily agriculture and tourism. It's an interesting feeling to have been missed by some of the locals. They're getting it that we live here. When you go to a different culture and embrace it, you get a very positive reaction. If you go and stay in a bubble, you are treated as an outsider and you miss the warmth of a people. Even if you're just visiting, it makes a difference.

It's time for a Wacky Wednesday.



"Treat those who are good with goodness,
and also treat those who are not good with goodness.
Thus goodness is attained.
Be honest to those who are honest,
and be also honest to those who are not honest.
Thus honesty is attained."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Life in Chiang Rai


More time warp experiences are present as we sit here on Tuesday evening watching Tuesday morning in Washington, D.C. We're waiting with the rest of the world to see an historical event. Also, a big decision has been made regarding our household population. That should keep you here past the musical interlude.
Several of you wrote me right away with the song and the artist. Cousin Trudye remembered his nickname. Maybe these lines will jar your memory: "He don't love you, like I love you. If he did he wouldn't break your heart...He's just trying to tear us apart. He uses all the great quotations..." Hint: The actual title of this song is not sung in the song. Hmm.
I've mentioned before that many people here in Thailand followed the whole election process in America very closely. Here in Chiang Rai we don't see Obama shirts or anything, but they are quick to engage you in conversation if the name comes up. We were talking to our attorney the other day and he said: "This will change the fate of the world." The broadcast of the inauguration is estimated to be the largest viewed political event in history. Whew. We're just hoping we can stay up until midnight so we can witness the swearing in process live.
Since we returned from America, BamBam has been spending a lot of time with us. She hangs out upstairs playing with toys, chewing bones and being a friend. At night she goes home to Boot's apartment. We like the idea of having a dog in the house so we're going to get a second one. It's also very clear that BamBam needs a playmate. It won't happen until next month but we couldn't resist stopping at a shop today to check out the puppies. Of course we saw one that was so very cute, but all puppies are cute. We'll consult with our vet as to where to look. Something about the size of Bam would be cool. I'm getting excited about the possibilities.
Life here in the north is pretty stable, regardless of what you may see in the press. Thailand is back in the headlines for various things, but it doesn't seem to have a great effect on life in Chiang Rai. Up here many refer to these issues as Bangkok's problems. Gas prices are down and the new government is talking about eliminating or reducing various fees and taxes to help everyone. I like that idea.
Have a Happy Tuesday.


"Our greatest strength lies not in how much we differ from each other
but in how much - how very much - we are the same."
~Eknath Easwaran

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, January 19, 2009

Weather in Chiang Rai


The weather is finally starting to warm up here in Chiang Rai. Many things changed around here while we were gone. We visited the Night Bazaar, and plans moved forward on filling the cracks in the house walls.
For those of you who missed the weekend song, it was "Heart of Glass" by Blondie. Did you know that Debra Harry was a Playmate? Me neither. Anyway, here's an oldie but goodie from the 60's that I'm sure a few of you remember. (Ha)
"Fare thee well, I know you're leavin', for the new love that you've found. The handsome guy that you've been dating, whoa I got a feelin' he's gonna put you down 'cause ..." Hint: The butler did it. Hmm. Extra points if you know his nickname. The theme is obvious by this opening line.
Saturday we made plans to go to "Walking Street" to get BamBam another sweater. She's outgrown the one she was wearing and the one that was too large was missing. Just before we were to leave Boot found it (it's not too large anymore) so we cancelled out the 'walk' since it was so cold.
Sunday was a nice day and we sat in the sun for awhile. We're still waking up before the sun, which is kinda weird. It's what happens every time we fly back to Thailand. It could be that we need to force ourselves to stay up really late. (Ha)
Here's a twist on local city construction: There was a plan to widen the road in front of our house but it's been shelved because the village doesn't want it done. Reminded me of when we lived on Nina Place and the powers that be informed everyone that they'd be widening the San Diego freeway. We went to a meeting and in spite of all the complaining, the project went ahead.
As usual, we went into town on Sunday night for dinner. Before we did that we mailed our forms for jury duty back to the proper authorities. Like we're going to show up for that. (555) It was a matter of filling out the form and enclosing copies of a couple of bills, in Thai. That should hold them for awhile.
There have been big changes at the Night Bazaar. We had seen some of the construction before we left, but it is all different now. Some of the vendors we've gotten to know are now dealing with spaces half the size but with more rent. The place looks great though, and time will tell if all the parties involved can sustain their businesses. Fortunately, the economic crunch that's going around the world is not quite as bad here.
Today, Monday, we had lunch with our friend Suthera, and then Berm came over for an art lesson from Lisa and some music with me. He shows much potential with the art. It looks like he may have drawn before. Anyway he enjoyed himself and he's coming back next Monday. He showed me his song book and it was amazing. Half the book is songs in Thai and the other half is songs in English. I'm still fascinated by the way people can sing in a language they don't speak. He listens to recordings and follows the words. He plays at two restaurants a night, every day of the year.
That's all for now. Have a Fabulous Week.


"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards."
~Soren Kierkegaard

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Funnies

An odd, inside out week is coming to an end. Old routines have been reinstated and we're actually slowing down. Actually, we slowed down as soon as we arrived.
The song you should have been humming was "Walking On The Moon" by The Police. I thought my clues were very clever. (Ha)
For the weekend, tell me about this one: "Once I had a love and it was a gas, soon turned out had a __ __ __ ..." Hint: There's a hair color involved in the groups name. Another sad commentary on love.
The unpacking is over, though there's still some sorting to do, and we're back to the tempo we've come to enjoy. Today we took BamBam to the vet. She's doing a lot better. She hadn't been to see Dr. Arnon for three weeks and she got a little crazy when we arrived at his office. Once inside, she was the model patient. She was very curious about the St. Bernard that was sprawled out on the waiting room floor. I wonder how they deal with the summer heat?
Speaking of heat, it's all in L.A. The weather here is cold. It feels pretty good during the day in the sun, but from the late afternoon to mid morning it's not nice at all. It's supposed to start warming up soon, then you'll get to hear me talk about how we deal with the heat. That seems to be easier to handle than the cold.
Boot and Rene went to Mae Sai this morning to renew his visa. That meant that we were on our own for lunch. We went down to Big C again and had lunch at Black Canyon. Lunch actually came after phone calls from C-Bass and August. August didn't get the phone from C-Bass so he called us on his computer and we called him back. When asked about what he planned to do over the weekend, he's thinking about building an arcade. That's going to take a lot of computers. Not your average eight y/o.
C-Bass is fourteen and full of questions and declarations, which is just how it should be.
We came home and took the mandatory jet lag nap and got up at the same time Boot and Rene returned. A little later Tay, her daughter Napa, and two of her friends came over. While Lisa and Tay talked in the dining room, the three girls tempted fate by dipping their toes in the cold pool. Well, it started out with toes but ended up above the knee. BamBam knows Napa and has played with her, but the other two were strangers and she kept barking at them. It scared them and meant that Bam had several time-outs. Finally the girls played a game with BamBam where they made a big triangle and tossed 2 balls around so that Bam had to interact. It was brilliant.
Oh yeah, we woke up before dawn this morning, which means that even with the nap, it's getting to be that time and it's only 9:45 pm. Whatever. It's been a full day and there's more to come.
Have a Wonderful WeekEnd. Enjoy the 'Funnies' sent in by Michael.


Please read to end (funny)

Having already downed a few power drinks, she turned around, faced
him, looked him straight in the eye and said, 'Listen up, Buddy. I
screw anybody, any time, anywhere, your place, my place, in the
car, front door, back door, on the ground, standing up, sitting
down, naked or with clothes on, dirty, clean . . . It doesn't
matter to me. I've been doing it ever since I got out of college
and I just love it.
Eyes now wide with interest, he responded, ''No kidding. I'm a
lawyer, too. What firm are you with?'

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Driving in Thailand


The decompression has begun. Naps are in order and it will probably take a few days to normalize. Me and the phone are getting along fine, and there's nothing like a dog for unconditional love.
It would appear that a few of you knew the song from the middle. Now the rest of you can take it from the top. Here goes:
"Giant steps are what you take __ __ __ __ I hope my legs don't break __ __ __ __..." Clue: One small step for.... Hmm.
By now it is very predictable, the getting over the long flight from California to Thailand. I think the long sleep I had over the Pacific Ocean may have helped this time. Although we both hit the wall in the afternoon, I'm doing pretty good this evening.
This morning we went to Big C for a few basic things. It was my first time behind the wheel on the other side of the car/road and after three weeks, there'll be some decompression there as well. I put on the wipers four times in our little outing. I just had an idea. Why not have the Thai vehicle converted so the turn signal is on the left and the wipers on the right? That way I could drive in both countries without getting crossed up. (Ha) Driving in Thailand is still a bit less complicated than in L.A. even though not quite as orderly. Oh, and it's a lot slower. I guess that's why we use less fuel. Hmm.
BamBam is noticeably bigger. Her body and legs are longer. When we arrived last night she got so excited that she kept making a little whimpering sound. Boot told us she went upstairs every day looking for us. We brought her some toys but only gave her one. While unpacking, she spotted another one in the suitcase and dove in after it. Somehow she knew it was for her.
She spent lots of time with us today and that was really nice.
I almost forgot to tell you something funny. Anna pointed out that Hello Kitty has no mouth. The more we think about it the funnier it gets. What does she do when you say 'Hello'? Think about it.
Today I got some 'Apps' for my iPhone. Yes, that's what applications are called for the phone. Anyway, I'd been shown a few and couldn't wait to get them. One of them is called 'Pocket Guitar' and it's got guitar strings that you strum while holding your fingers on the fret board. Very cool. Then there is a piano, a four-track recording studio, and a voice sampler that lets you play a keyboard using whatever you sing into it as the note sound. That could prove to be a little frightening. (Ha) I'll have plenty to keep me busy on long bus and plane rides.
Have a Cool Thursday.


"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
~Martin Luther King Jr

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


We just arrived back in Chiang Rai. This has been a very long day. It's good to be back. Boot and BamBam would agree. They were so happy to see us.
The song was "Do You Know What I Mean" by Lee Michaels. Try this one on: "Some may say I'm wishing my days away, no way..." Hint: The line is from the bridge and it's by 'law enforcement'. (Ha)
I don't have the energy to give you a blow by blow of our journey, but stay tuned. When I'm in better form I'll fill you in. Let me just say that we managed to make pretty good use of our time, and we got a little therapy thrown in. The homecoming was sweet.
Eyelids are getting very heavy, must sign off now. Have a Wacky Wednesday.


"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
~Ruth Ann Schabaker

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Greetings from Taipei


Greetings from Taipei International Airport. It's 6:15 in the morning here on Wednesday. How's that for twisting your time awareness. I'm writing you from the future. And the winning lottery tickets are......
I guess the song can't be considered too obscure if three of you got it on the first day. Here's more of this sad song:
"So I asked her if she still cared. She didn't hear me, she just stared. __ __ __ __ __ __ ?" Clue: Not only did she leave, but she told him why. Ouch. Can anybody hear him?
The evening of our departure was spent with the boys. We hung out in our apartment for a while and then said our goodbyes in the driveway. It was a different kind of sad this time. Not as many tears, but the faces said it all. Maybe someday this will get easy.
The August Chronicles: With his mom working on the Bonnie Hunt Show, it was inevitable that the show would meet August. He was in heaven and before it was over, he had a job. We have some pictures of him attaching microphones to Bonnie and others. He's all about plugging things in and getting a good sound. I'll post the pics when we get home.
We had what looked like a full plane for the main segment of our trip. I slept longer than I ever have on the 14 hour flight. I suppose I could attribute that to all the running around L.A. over the last three weeks. Whatever, it certainly makes the time pass faster. (of course, that's not really true) A good nap, a couple of movies, two meals and the whole thing seems easy. (Ha)
Three hours in the Taipei airport will not be so bad since we now have 'EVA Lounge' privileges. It's a large room with very comfortable chairs, side tables, and a free buffet. There's also a game room and a relaxing room with vibrating chairs. Yum. The internet signal is strong and there are plenty of outlets, so we're quite comfortable here. It used to be that we'd have to wander the corridors, just passing the time. That would be really strange this time since most of the shops are still closed.
The biggest ordeal of this journey will be after we arrive in Bangkok. We will just miss the noon to Chiang Rai which means we have to wait seven hours for the last leg of our trip. What makes matters worse is that we don't get to use the lounge at BKK because we're not connecting on the same airline. Hmm.
If you're new to the list and are wondering about some of the names I drop from time to time, go to the blogsite and read the column on the right entitled: 'Cast of Characters'
It's time for Happy Tuesday.


"Courage is not the absence of fear,
but rather the judgment that
something else is more important than fear"

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, January 12, 2009

Back To Thailand


I know, I'm a little late today. Lots of last minute acquisitions for the trip back to Thailand. There are little things that we just can't find there so we have to take them with us. Oh, the weight.
The weekend song was "Where Did Our Love Go?" by The Supremes. Yeah, you knew that. Let's see if you know this one:
"Been forty days since I don't know when, I just saw her with my best friend. __ __ __ __ __ __ (repeat) ?" Hint: It's another song that asks a question. Like, can you relate? From the early 70's.
Oh fine. Just as we're about to leave, the weather warms up. We had another busy but wonderful weekend. Spent time with The Boys, visited with my Mom, and I learned a few things about my iPhone. I am in 'student mode' right now. It's going to take a minute to absorb all the 'talents' this thing has. In any event, I'm happy as a kid with a new toy.
There's another landmark I thought I'd tell you about. It's a place called Junior's at the corner of Wilshire and Fairfax. It's closed now but the giant light display is still going strong every night. Hmm, what?
We didn't make it out to Venice Beach this trip since it was basically too cold to enjoy. That will be something on the list for the summer trip. Yes, we'll will return in late June. Just make sure to turn the heat on. (Ha)
There's more packing to do, more odds and ends (there's another one of those phrases) and coffee with our friend Kristin, who just got back in town. If we missed seeing you on this trip, maybe next time.
You may not hear from me on schedule since we're going into the twilight zone of overseas travel. Maybe I can shoot something off from the airport in Taipei.
Have a Great Week.


"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.
Small people always do that,
but the really great make you feel that you, too, can be great."
~Mark Twain

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, January 9, 2009

Back to Thailand - Friday Funnies


As we near the end of this little adventure, I start to reflect. Yes, lights are flashing back from my toothy grin. I did it. I captured the beast. The hunt is over. To the victor goes the blah, blah, blah. But it's not over. Read on.

That place of temporary lodging was referring to The Motels, who sang "Only The Lonely". Back in time for the weekend:

"Ooh, baby Baby, baby __ __ __ __ __ ? And all your promises of a love forever more..." Hint: Wigs and gowns asking the proverbial question. Hmm.

So I crept up real quiet like and noticed that the creature was sleeping. With a net in one hand and a money-whip in the other, I pounced. There was no struggle and no one got hurt. Now, I have to tame this wild beast. It has a mind of it's own which I attribute to some spoiling by it's previous owner. Without going into detail, I have to show it who's boss before the long trip back to Thailand. Couldn't have it escape and run wild over there. (Ha) How ironic that I get a phone and can't make a call. Ugh.

Yesterday we had lunch in Pasadena at SalaDang Thai restaurant. If you're ever in the area, it's on south Fair Oaks and it's something to experience. After lunch we went back to my Mom's and set up a new phone system, and Lisa gave her a lesson on the computer. She's becoming quite the 'tech head' lately. She had to dismantle her little workstation so a painter could do his thing. Mom drew diagrams of what plugged into what so she could put it all back together. (applause)

More running around today. I will leave you with another 'Funny' from my friend Lee. Have a Warm (Ha) WeekEnd.




My wife and I were sitting at a table at my high school reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table.

My wife asked, 'Do you know her?'

'Yes,' I sighed, 'she's my old girlfriend. I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear she hasn't been sober since.'

'My God!' says my wife, 'Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?'

And then the fight started.....

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Vacation In Thailand


A busy day is over. The creature got away. Traffic cooperated and we have five days left on this 'tour'. I think a vacation is in order when we return to Thailand.
I'm impressed by the number of positive responses to the song. Here's a little more to tickle your memory: "You mention the time we were together. So long ago, well, I don't remember. All I know is, it makes me feel good now. It's like I told you, __ __ __ can play..." So, do you really need a hint/clue? If you know, you know.
Yesterday morning we headed out to Glendale. Lisa was to have coffee with our friend Kerrina, and I was getting close to capturing my prey. Well, once again it eluded me by running into some bushes. I gave chase but the thorns were just too much. Another wild goose chase. I will not be put off by something so small. I set up traps and something is nibbling at the bait. I'm going to check the traps this morning and see if I've caught anything.
Our trip to Glendale was actually rather smooth as far as the driving went. No bottle-necks or accidents to impede our progress. On the way home there was a drastic slow-down approaching our normal off-ramp but an alternate route was taken and it worked out fine. You see, time has become a very important factor when it comes to squeezing in all the things and people we have on our daily lists.
A brief stop at the house and we were off to the Marina where Lisa had a lunch date. From there we had a little 'chill' time before our next adventure.
Anna, mother of 'The Boys', is a hair stylist for television. She is currently working on the Bonnie Hunt show and went to watch a taping. She took us in before the rest of the audience and we got some really good seats. Then the crowd arrived. A 'warm up guy' came out and rehearsed us on our clapping and screaming and gave us our cues. There was some audience interviewing, lots of laughter. Then it was show time. We had fun and it was interesting to see all the behind the scenes activity.
This morning we have early coffee with Norm and Irina, our friends who put us up right before we moved to Thailand. Then we hunt for the creature and head for Pasadena to have lunch with my Mom and Blue. Whew, tired already.
Have a Wonderful Thursday.


"Don't believe everything you think."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Driving In Chiang Rai


The days are winding down and in less than a week we'll be winging our way back to Thailand. For some reason that we don't fully understand, this has been the busiest visit yet. There have been breakfasts, lunches, dinners, coffees, meetings, and of course phones calls. I must admit, it's nice to know that we have so many wonderful friends who even want to spend time with us. After all, we did ditch you all. (Ha)
By now you should all be humming "All You Need Is Love" by The Beatles. The songs have been rather easy so far. I've been asked to step up the challenge so I'll drop this on you: "We walked, the loneliest mile, we smiled, without any style, we kiss altogether wrong, no intention..." Hint: Group named for a place of temporary lodging. (We covered this before)
Today I did a bit more driving in L.A. Whew. It is definitely different from driving in Chiang Rai. As you guessed by now, I notice things. Some of them are trivial, but they're noticed just the same. Here in L.A. there are many types of parking meters and methods of monitoring them. There's the old fashion kind where you put in a coin and twist a nob. Then there's the new ones that require you to buy a card or token and they have a digital screen. In Chiang Rai we have people who approach your car as you park and you pay them four baht (about 12 cents) and they put a little receipt on your window. That's it. No parking enforcement meter-maid business.
Parking lots are another story altogether. Everyone here is sort of on their own when it comes to the flow of traffic. In Chiang Rai there are usually one or more men walking around with whistles, blowing them wildly and waving their arms. Sometimes it's hard to tell just what they want you to do, but eventually you learn to follow until they stop blowing the whistle. We call them all Mr. Whistle. I even bought a whistle and some day I'll get up the nerve to whistle back. That should crack them up.
The August Chronicles: Even though our little inventor is back in school (with homework in the third grade), he found time to position his slide projector so it was beaming light outside. He discovered that in the darkness of the yard the beam hit the wall and he could make shadow puppets that were outside. Hmm.
C-Bass, our resident football coach, decided that it was time to put some of his players in the NFL Draft and then go to another game and draft them. I'm not sure how this worked out but it's an interesting idea. I don't know a thing about the complexities of video games so I just sit and watch and try to sound encouraging.
I spent the afternoon at my friend Frankie's, way up at the top of the Hollywood hills. I could see the San Fernando Valley on one side and Santa Monica on the other. It was amazing. A view like that in Thailand would offer fields of rice and corn and trees. I hope that doesn't change anytime soon. It was another wonderful adventure that I'll always remember.
The hunt for that creature I mentioned yesterday continues. One was spotted in the dale of Glen (Glendale) and tomorrow I will stealthily creep up and see if I can catch it. I made contact with the spotter so spirits are high here at the camp. Of course you'll hear about it tomorrow. (Ha)
Time now for another Wacky Wednesday.


"The more you teach positive ideas to others,
the better you learn them yourself."
~Brian Tracy

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Los Angeles Landmarks


This week started out with a bang. I sold a phone, school started up, and a local tour reveals that not much has changed on the streets of L.A. Hmm.
Our first song this week got a good response. If you don't recall the song, this first line may help... or, you'll kick yourself.
"There's nothing you can do that can't be done. There's nothing you can sing that can't be sung. Nothing you can say, but you can learn how to play the game, it's easy. __ __ __ __ __ , __ __ __ __ __ " (over and over) Clue: It's what the world needs.
The first Monday of the new year found me taking Lisa to work. Actually, to where she used to work. Then I continued my quest for the elusive original iPhone. The dogs had picked up the scent but their little noses were so cold that we lost it. In the meantime I made my way through traffic to Westwood. There I made a parking lot deal for my old Treo. It felt like something out of a movie.
One of the things that hasn't changed since the summer is the traffic. Where are all these people going? Where was I going? (Ha) I was trying to get to Melrose just east of Fairfax. We were hot on the scent again and the dogs were pulling. The problem was, our prey was trying to throw us off by zigging and zagging. Persistence paid off and we found someone who had seen the beast. Still no capture. On with the hunt.
Mr. August started back to school and that left an odd quiet in the house. But it didn't mean that he wasn't there in spirit. Boxes, cords, tape, markers, screens and speakers told the tale of the lair of a mad scientist. When we returned in the afternoon, he was working with his tutor. Since he was on a break, he had to run out and let me know she was there. He also made it clear that she was a 'girl'. August loves girls. Then he took her to the family room and showed her his latest work.
There are landmark buildings in every city. There are places we just assume will be there forever. I have found that there are also landmark people who just seem to always be there. At the corner of Midvale and Venice there is a woman with a cart who has been arranging her things for years. On Robertson, north of Third there is a person who wears wild costumes, always in tights and usually on rollerblades. A trademark boom-box lets you know it's him. Saw him yesterday, still dancin'. There are more of these landmarks around town. As I see them I'll let you know. You could even tell me about your landmarks if you want.
It's time for a Happy Tuesday.


"Forgiveness is a funny thing.
It warms the heart and cools the sting.
Those who cannot forgive others
break the bridge over which they themselves must pass."
~Confucius (551 - 479 B.C.)

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, January 5, 2009

Winter in Thailand


Another cold weekend in Southern California. Mr. August continues to amaze, C-Bass coaches football, and a weekend of iPhone fiascos. Stay tuned.
So, a few of you knew the weekend song. It was "Wake Up Little Susie" as performed by The Everly Brothers. You have a chance to score with all your friends if you memorize the info graciously provided by our resident researcher, Lane. Here goes:
"Wake Up Little Susie" is a popular song written by Felice and Boudleaux Bryant and published in 1957.
The song is best known in a recording by The Everly Brothers, issued by Cadence Records as catalog number 1337. The song reached #1 on the Billboard Pop and Country charts and the Cash Box Best Selling Record charts, despite having been banned from Boston radio stations for lyrics that—at the time—were considered suggestive. It got to #2 on the United Kingdom song charts. The song is ranked #311 on the Rolling Stone magazine's list of The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time. Now you know.
We'll kick off the week with lyrics from the end of a song you should know, even if you were born too late (Ha)
"Nothing you can know that isn't known. Nothing you can see that isn't shown. Nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be, it's easy. __ __ __ __ __. (repeat as long as you want)" Hint: Mop-heads got deep on this one. It's about a simple solution, among other things.
Winter in Thailand is a relative thing. If you're from SoCal, it doesn't feel like winter the first time you go through it. The second winter, different story. Some nights found me putting on a thermal undershirt for an evening out. Daytimes warmed to short-sleeve temps. Going down to Bangkok it's even warmer. Now, coming back to sunny L.A. in winter, at least this winter, has me wearing two thermals during the day. Oh, and then there's the sweater and the jacket. I guess I've become acclimated to Thailand weather.
Over the weekend August created more 'things'. He scraped the emulsion off of an old roll of film and created a film strip that he connected to a small motor so it 'crawled' across the screen of his overhead projector. He wrote a message and his name in the order required (backwards) and then made his presentation. That was Saturday. Sunday he cut up a big box to make a presentation module for his laptop and his second monitor. You could watch a 3D presentation on the monitor or play a video game on the laptop. His visual entertainment center. Finally, he took an old slide projector and put an LED flashlight inside and projected it through the lens, onto the wall. School started today so I guess there will be a slowdown until the weekend. (Ha)
C-Bass was into his college football game, coaching, recruiting and winning. Sometimes he's come to me and asked me a question and I found myself not knowing a thing about it. Behind the scenes of football is a mystery to me. Like I've told you, I don't keep up with it. I can watch and understand, but I don't get excited and want to know everything. Oh, and some of you may recall my rant a long time ago about the phrase 'Play Action'. What? I rest my case. C-Bass understands the whole deal and one day I'll let him teach me.
Sunday morning I was supposed to meet a guy and buy his iPhone. I waited and waited, after obsessing about it all night of course. He didn't show and I said 'Oh well'. I think he told me the wrong coffee shop. No matter, there are lots of them out there and I have a few days left. This morning I'm selling my old Treo and I'm lowering the price on my Nokia so I can leave the mainland with one phone. (555)
Have a fantastic week and stay warm.


"We can choose to see life as a series of trials and tribulations,
or we can choose to see life as an accumulation of treasures."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, January 2, 2009

Friday Funnies

So now we're in a new year and it slowly starts looking like the last one. We get past the folly of resolutions and just keep trying to do something that seems better/different. Oh well, the new calendar is pretty.
Our last song was the one that won't go away. "Auld Lang Syne". You can thank Lane for this overview that tells it all:
"Auld Lang Syne" is a Scottish poem written by Robert Burns in 1788 and set to the tune of a traditional folk song. It is well known in many English-speaking countries and is often sung to celebrate the start of the new year at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Day.
The song's (Scots) title may be translated into English literally as "old long since", or more idiomatically, "long long ago" or "days gone by". The phrase "Auld Lang Syne" is also used in similar poems by Robert Ayton (1570–1638), Allan Ramsay (1686-1757), and James Watson (1711) as well as older folk songs predating Burns. In his retelling of fairy tales in the Scots language, Matthew Fitt uses the phrase "In the days of auld lang syne" as the equivalent of "Once upon a time." In Scots "syne" is pronounced like the English word sign. Now you know.
Old, but not that old is what I'd call our weekend song. "...what you gonna tell you momma? What you gonna tell your pa? What you gonna tell your friends when they say 'ooo la la' __ __ __ __....." Hint: Song about a date that could have used an alarm. Hmm.
This weekend I'll be going through a phone transition. It looks like I'm finally going to get an iPhone. That means that I may be out of touch for a bit. Timing is everything and I'm hoping to get the new one before I sell the one I'm using. If not, I'll be using Lisa's phone as a base. That number is: (310) 284-8597. If a man answers, don't hang up, it's me. (Ha)
Does it feel like Monday to you? Well it really is Friday and you know what that means. It's time for the 'Funnies', sent in by my good friend Lee. Have a Great WeekEnd.


Financial Planning

Dan was a single guy living at home with his father and working in the family business. When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune when his sickly father died, he decided he needed a wife with which to share his fortune.

One evening at an investment meeting he spotted the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty took his breath away. 'I may look like just an ordinary man,' he said to her, but in just a few years, my father will die, and I'll inherit $65 million.'
Impressed, the woman obtained his business card and three days later, she became
his stepmother.

I guess some women are better at financial planning than men.

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Right Now

Happy New Year came twice last night, the weather is warming (Ha), fog remains mysterious, and Mr. August displays new talents.
Several responses to the song. I suppose that's to be expected. There are probably lots of computers on vacation until next week. "We'll drink a toast to kindness..." Clue: That's a good idea I guess. The song is from Scotland, has a three word title and it's got a deep history. Oh, and it only seems to be sung around this time of year.
We continue our Northern adventure as we leave Jack London Square in Oakland. After figuring out how the machines worked in the underground parking lot, we were able to get a ticket that would allow us to leave. Lisa had printed out directions to the coffee shop that was our next destination. We were to meet Bill, Rochelle and Cordelia in San Jose. Things were going just fine and then we (I) missed the exit. It's important to note that diagonal (with regards to east/west/north/south) streets can really mess up your day. We got totally turned around until I surrendered and asked for directions.
It's always a pleasure to spend time with the Athas family. There are updates, questions about culture that we love to answer, and of course, the eternal answer of an Apple scientist. In case you've never heard that answer, it's: "I can't tell you". Now you know. We had to cut our visit a little short so we could gas up the Cruiser and return it and get to the airport and check in.
Our entrance to the airport was smooth. No buzzers were set off and we were cleared for take-off. Or so we thought. After sitting for awhile we were informed that our flight might be delayed because the plane was coming from San Diego and it was fogged in. A little time passed and rumors started. We watched a bit of TV from my archives, Lisa checked for dinner options, and I watched people walk back and forth. The waiting was just another part of the adventure for us since we had no place to be. Many others were under pressure to be somewhere and you could feel the tension. Cellphones were blazing as arrangements had to be changed, rides contacted, etc.
The time for our flight had come and gone and the airline reps were getting overwhelmed with questions. Then, as I was getting a cookie I overheard some flight attendants saying that they heard the flight was canceled. Oh my. I got my cookie and went to the counter to inquire. I got double talk that amounted to 'We're still working on it' and I ate my cookie. Then the announcement came that we needed to come to the counter or go to gate 3 where the plane would arrive. We made a mad dash to the new gate and watched a strange dance proceed. We stood in line and watched as names were called for reassignment. So why were we standing in line? We sat down. They never called our name. Oh no. Then they asked if there was anyone left. Bottom line, we got on the flight and arrived in L.A. at 10:30 p.m instead of 7:30
The traffic outside the terminal was in a state of gridlock. The bus to lot C had to go all the way around, but we finally got out. And to think, we could have spent more time with The Athas family.
The August Chronicles: Our resident everyman announced that he wanted to learn how to braid hair. After a couple of lessons he is now braiding hair, and doing variations with yarn and thread. The focus is amazing. He sets his mind on the task and works until it's done.
We toasted the big ball in New York at 9 p.m. and again at midnight. August said he wanted to stay up and after C-Bass encouraged his folks to let him try, he did it. It was the latest he's ever stayed up and he was a ball of energy all evening. Not much to say about the fog except that it's weird.
Once again, Happy 2009.


"Your life is right now! It's not later! It's not in that time of
retirement. It's not when the lover gets here. It's not when you've moved
into the new house. It's not when you get the better job. Your life is
right now. It will always be right now. You might as well decide to start
enjoying your life right now, because it's not ever going to get better
than right now--until it gets better right now!"

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style