Based on our current weather pattern, Chiang Rai may be out of the rainy season business. Today we had a clear sky. The cool morning turned into a hot day with no sign of rain. Break out the water hoses.
The ‘Old School Friday’ song was “Reach Out, I’ll Be There” by The Four Tops. This week’s ‘Easy Monday’ is here:
“We’ve been together since way back when, sometimes I never want to see you again, but I want you to know after all these years, you're __ __ __ I want whisperin’ in my ear. You’re __ __ __ I want to talk to in bed, __ __ __ that turns my head. We’re still havin’ fun, and you’re __ __ __.” Hint: Group is named after a city.
Thailand is in mourning and the effects can be seen everywhere. Saturday night there was no Walking Street. The giant advertising displays show a simple black screen with a message in Thai. There was no music on the stage at the Night Bazaar Sunday night. Vendors were selling their goods, but the tone was quiet and respectful. Many shops have run out of black shirts and blouses. The Bangkok Post and The Nation, both Thai newspapers that publish in English, have converted their entire websites to black and white. For 30 days from the passing of The King, either black or white is the preferred color to wear. If that is not possible, a black ribbon pinned to the shoulder is acceptable.
Last night we went to the Night Bazaar and after dinner we walked around. Three of our old friends were eager to have conversations about The King and how much he meant to them and the country. It was very touching. For everyone we know, he was the only King in their lives. The examples he set and the changes he made were monumental and it is a very different kind of reverence than we’ve ever been around.
Tomorrow we will begin studying Thai again. Khun Awe will come to the house and we will become students. Lisa has been studying on her own, I have some catching up to do. We’re looking forward to being able to communicate with more ease and confidence.
Today’s photo is a splash of color from lobby of the D2 hotel in Chiang Mai.
Have a Great Week.
“Feelings are just visitors.
Let them come and go.”
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