Today's message is the 1,900 edition of "Adventures in Thailand." I actually began writing this daily email in 2001 when we returned from our first trip to Thailand. I am grateful for all the loyal readers through the years. You keep me going (555).
The 'Zany Day' song was "Monster Mash" by Bobby 'Boris' Pickett. That means it's time for 'Old School Friday'. Here's one you may remember: "I don't like you, but I love you. Seems that I'm always thinking of you. Oh, oh, oh, you treat me badly, I love you madly, __ __ __ __ __ __ __..." Hint: The singer is caught in the grip of love. It would take a miracle to break free.
Daku made the rounds of the vets today. He's been shedding more than usual and we wanted to get him checked out so we went to out first vet's clinic. It's the first time Daku has been out in the world in a long time and he enjoyed the ride, but as soon as we got to the clinic he knew something was up. Nothing was determined and we decided to talk to our other vet, to see if she had any ideas. That meant another ride in the van in the afternoon. Dogs have good memories and Daku remembered that the last time he was at this vet he got two shots. He finally settled down and let her do her job. It turns out he's fine and we still don't know the reason for the shedding, so we'll keep researching. I think Daku deserves a road trip that doesn't end at the vets.
I did a lot of driving today but it was all worth it. I got to see a lot of Chiang Rai, and that's always fun. Cat had her last morning trip to The Brain before school starts, since she'll spend the last week of vacation at her sister's house in the village.
Today's photo was taken at Central Plaza last Sunday. The mall was a busy place, with the annual 'Beetle Festival', and a Taiko Drum exhibition. The drummers in the photo did several sets and the sound was thunderous in the mall. The Beetle Festival was smaller this year, which was OK with us. This is the deal when stag beetles are displayed, bought, and traded. They're creepy bugs with big vertical pinchers and are the mascot of the Chiang Rai United Football team. I think they are the local bug or something, holding a place of honor with things like flowers and trees. What?
None of the rain that's been forecasted has arrived. I'm hoping we have a dry weekend as well. On the other hand, the lawns need watering. Hmm.
Have a Wonderful WeekEnd. And now, the 'Funnies'.
"The worst thing about parallel parking is
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
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