Well, according to the weather reports, we reached 100 F today. We still have to translate from celsius, which was 38 degrees. Either way, it's hot. There is a prediction for rain this weekend. I won't hold my breath.
I'm sure more than one of you knows the 'Easy Monday' song. There aren't a lot of lyrics to this tune, so here's the bridge and the first verse again: "I've known a secret for a week or two, nobody knows, just we two. Listen, __ __ __ __ __ __ __? Do you promise not to tell? Whoa oh, oh...." Hint: It's the Fab Four again. Shh, don't tell.
This morning, as I drove out into the street, I saw a sign on our property between the road and our front wall. It was in Thai and there was the number 50 on it. I became irate at the idea that someone had just pounded this sign on our land without asking. When I returned home Lisa talked to Boot and we found out it was cautioning drivers about the dump trucks 50 meters down the road. There is a very large piece of land that is being 'filled' and it's been a constant procession of big trucks for several days. It wouldn't be so bad except when they dump the load of dirt, they rock the trucks to get all of the dirt out. The tailgate bangs against the bed of the truck and makes a loud booming noise that is startling every time. Eventually they will finish the job and it will be quiet. Our biggest concern is what will become of this big lot. If they build apartments or condos, the traffic will change our little road forever. On the other hand, they may be filling it to sell it, which means it might stay vacant for years. Hmm.
The air quality, or the lack of it, has become the subject of many conversations lately. Friends who ride bicycles are parking them until things clear up. More and more people can be seen wearing masks on the street, especially motorbike riders. What's really ironic is the fact that southeast of us, in the province of Loei, they had hail and the countryside looked as if it had snowed. Can we please have some of that? It's funny, when Thais hear about cold weather in America, they assume that the whole country is cold. Lisa explained to Boot that there are many kinds of weather in America because it's a very large country. Now we can say the same for Thailand. Maybe not as large, but there is certainly diversity in the weather.
One of the nice things about taking Cat to school in the morning has been the light traffic. It gives me a chance to see things I normally would miss, dealing with all the motorbikes, cars and trucks. Today's photo is a patch of vacant land in the middle of town. I stopped one morning last week and captured this photo just for you.
Have a Happy Tuesday.
~Les Brown
Gettin' Funky, Thai Style
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