Wednesday, March 19, 2014



The Chiang Rai forecast is more of the same, only hotter.  What we need is a heavy rain to clean everything up.  

The 'Easy Monday' song was "Do You Want To Know a Secret?" by The Beatles.  Do you know this 'Zany Day' song?
"__ __ like a pendulum do, Bobbies on bicycles, two by two.  Westminster Abbey, the tower of Big Ben.  The rosy red cheeks of the little children."  Hint:  This chorus will probably haunt you (555).  Artist/writer had a string of novelty country-style 'Zany' tunes.  We featured one last week.  Hmm.  Oh, it's about a place.

The official date for the observance of Songkran, the celebration of the Thai New Year, is April 13.  Preparations have already begun for the wettest week of the year.  We went to Big C today and there were large displays of colorful flower shirts.  It's the same thing all over town.  Places that don't even sell clothes are selling 'Songkran shirts'.  Big C also has a giant section of water guns, pool toys, and bathing suits.  The water shooting devices will be used on the streets to wet down passers by, the pool toys will probably be used for frolicking in the river, and the bathing suit sales will most likely be low since most Thai people swim in their clothes.  Cat asked us what we will do for Songkran and we told her, 'Hide'.  Most people are surprised that we don't get out there and mix it up, but the idea of being dowsed with water for fun is not on my list.  We do like to ride around a bit, with the windows up, and watch the kids play.

If today's temp reached 100 F, it's going to be even hotter tomorrow.  One prediction is for 106.  It's unfortunate the air is so bad, or we'd be camping out in the pool.  The water is finally near our 'minimum' temp and we have to just gaze on it from inside.  

During one of our many interesting conversations at dinner this evening, Cat looked at me and said, 'You are very strong'.  OK, what did she mean?  She told us that in her village, people my age seemed very old, but I seemed to be able to do many things.  We talked about it more and the conclusion was that the hard physical life, an unbalanced diet, and lack of preventative measures probably contribute to a faster aging process.  I'll keep taking my vitamins and eating my vegetables.

Today's photo is an update on our local 'Coffee Guy' on the corner.  His business has picked up and today you can see for yourself.  He now has someone helping him fill orders.  Nice to see it working for him.

It's time for Wacky Wednesday.


"The joy is in the journey
the destination is always changing."

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