Tuesday, December 17, 2013



It's so cold that we're dressing in layers of clothing and sleeping with quilts and blankets.  Tonight it will be 40 F, and go up to the mid 70s during the day.  A bit colder than in L.A.  This is very strange.  

So far only two people have written with an answer to the 'Easy Monday' song.  Oh, what happened?  Second verse:
"Do I have to tell the story of a thousand rainy days since we first met.  It's a big enough umbrella, but it's always me that ends up getting wet.  __ __ __ __ __ __ __, everything she do just turns me on...."  Hint:  You may have to call the police when you feel the sting of the answer you forgot.  Everything depends on your memory (555).

There has been a run on anything warm over the last few days.  People are selling scarves, hats, gloves and jackets like crazy.  We went to Central Plaza this afternoon and even some of the shops have added warm stuff to their stock.  Before we went into the mall, we decided to try the car detailing service in the parking garage.  We opted for the basic 'silicone shine' and left the van for them to clean while we shopped.  We could have gone for the 'teflon treatment', but it seemed like $140 was a bit much to spend on a vehicle that was going to sit still for 3 weeks.  

Half way through our shopping it was time for something warm to drink.  Eliza's has become our favorite hang out because we can see the shoppers and they have good coffee, tea, and cookies.  Today they brought Lisa some cookies on a plate and included utensils.  Hmm, you eat a cookie with your fingers, right?

When all the 'malling' was done we went to get our van.  It looks better than when we drove it from the dealer.  It's a very clean machine inside and out.  I just hope it doesn't rain before we leave.  I'd hate to get it wet and muddy so soon.  Today we got to experience rush hour traffic on the way home.  Now we understand why we don't go too far after 4pm.  Where did all those cars and trucks come from?  What happened to our sleepy little town?  The funny thing is that after around 9pm the question is:  Where is everybody?  

Tonight we braved the cold and went to the Night Bazaar right after dinner.  'High Season' is definitely happening in Chiang Rai.  The place was very busy, with lots of languages being heard as we pushed through the crowds.  The first conversation after the traditional greeting was about how cold it is.  We figured that some of the European visitors would not consider this to be cold, and I guess seeing people in T-shirts proves the point.  After stops at our favorite shops, we finished our shopping and came back to warmer-than-outside house.  Heaters are not a part of normal comfort consideration here.  Our car doesn't have one and neither does our house.  We have a space heater that we can use to heat a small area, but central heating would normally only be used for a few days a year, and not cost effective.  So, we wrap ourselves in the clothes we wear for maybe one or two weeks a year.  Looks like we may be bringing some of them to the states on this trip.  (555)

Time to get a suitcase, just to get in the mood.  

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"It will always seem impossible
until it's done."

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