Wednesday, September 1, 2010



It's another classic day here in Chiang Rai. We made a Big C run, washed the dogs, and went for a swim. It doesn't get any better than that. Hmm, maybe it does.

Once again, the second day clues pulled it out of a few more memories. The song was "The Leader of the Pack" by The Shangri-Las. Today I'm not horsing around. You get a song that will stay in your head and drive you crazy. (555)
"On the first day of the journey, I was looking at all the life. There were plants, and birds, and rocks, and things, there was sand and hills and rings... I've been to the desert on __ __ __ __ __, it felt good to be out of the rain..."
Clue: This song from '72 is about enjoying the solitude of the open space of the desert. Now any good cowboy would know his steed, but this time it's different. Hmm.

We went out fairly early today before the crowds built up at Big C. On the way into the building we stopped to check out some mattress pads that were on sale. Here in Thailand beds are either firm or firmer. We've managed to adapt but keep an eye out for a softer sleep. We got one of the pads, had it loaded into the car, which was a tight fit, and continued to shop. It was pretty routine stuff, and when we came out, the ground was wet. We'd missed a downpour. Nice how that works out.

While we were away the bug spray guys, and the pool guys showed up and did their things. It seems to happen a lot that the bug guys come and then it rains. This afternoon the sky is clear, and blue with some puffy white clouds here and there. Perfect for dog washing. Daku has finally learned that it's going to happen, just surrender. He did try and escape right at the beginning, but once he was wet, he remained pretty calm. BamBam has loved baths since she was a puppy. Boot used to bathe her every day. She'd never had a dog, so she treated BamBam like a baby. Oh, so that's where she gets that spoiled streak.

After a nap, Jaffee came by with the 'plates' of polyethylene that we had cut. Then it was time for a dip in the pool. Every time we get in the pool, there is a portion of time spent on garden appreciation. The entire yard looks different from water level. During the rainy season it's all so green and lush that it's hard not to just get carried away.

We're heading out to the Night Bazaar so I'm sending this early (for you). It's such a beautiful night that it seems only right to be outside.

Time for a Wacky Wednesday.


"Wise sayings often fall on barren ground,
but a kind word is never thrown away."
~Arthur Helps

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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