Tuesday, September 28, 2010



A cloudy morning turned into a beautiful day today. We had a major rain incident last night, but none during the day. This bodes well for tomorrow. More on that later. Today Lisa got a Thai lesson, I scrubbed terrazzo, and Daku got a new toy, briefly.

I heard from a lot of friends yesterday. You really got this one quick. Here's the bridge and a verse just in case you need more: "Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend. I have always thought that it's a crime, so I will ask you once again. Try to see it my way, only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong. While you see it your way, there's a chance that we might fall apart before too long. __ __ __ __ __, __ __ __ __ __." Hint: It's an 'Easy Monday' song. Do you really need a hint?

We have new temporary neighbors. For about a week now, the men who were working on our neighbors property have been back, pounding, sawing, and grinding. Not only do they work on what ever they're working on, but they also live there as well. The reason they're so present is because they're living outside basically. I think a couple live in the carport, and some are in a little house on stilts. Tonight they had a TV, and company in the carport. It was like a party. Hmm. Extinguisher Man is a little upset because they burn their trash. We all know that's just not OK. So far I've been quite neighborly, but if our house fills up with smoke, I will have to learn the words to convey my dissatisfaction.

This morning I went to the home supply store and got a product for cleaning the terrazzo deck in the back yard. With all the rain and humidity, algae has built up and it's just not very pretty. (5) Fortunately I found a product with instructions in English. I got about a third of the job done today. Tomorrow I'll finish with a little stronger solution.

This afternoon Tye came over before ballet class to give Lisa a Thai lesson. She brought teaching aids and everything. They had a very intensive study time. Tye is a good friend and wants to help. She speaks to us in Thai in an effort to get us to hear phrases. She speaks enough English that she can explain what she just said. It's very practical since most of it's based around everyday conversation. I learned a new word today. While getting my cleaning supplies, I was sent to the sister store to get another product. I handed the woman the note with the name in Thai. She looked on the computer and said "Mote". I repeated the word with a questioning tone and she said those words I know so well, "mai me" (no have). When I got home I asked Boot what mote meant and she said it means 'end'. So the supply had ended, which is different from not having it at all. The adventure continues.

Tomorrow we will attempt, once again, to have our little swimming party. Since Thursday seems to be 'rain day', we are trying Wednesday. If it turns out like today, it should be a great day.

This evening Lisa presented Daku with a new toy. We weren't sure how long it would last since part of it is made out of hard plastic. He waved it around, threw it in the air, and then got down to business. The chewing didn't last long before we heard a crunching sound. The plastic had met it's match. Lisa had to take it from him and replace it with a rawhide bone. He looked at her with a pleading face, but took the bone and seemed very happy.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone."
~Maxwell Maltz

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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