Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Today we had one of those days that looked like rain would come any minute. Rain can't tell time. A little after 6pm it dumped. While it was dry I bought a new camera, Lisa finished another masterpiece, and taught a ballet class.

I just love getting mail on my Tuesday, with 'Easy' answers. I know I haven't heard from everyone.
"I loved you since I knew you, I wouldn't talk down to you. I have to tell you just how I feel, I won't share you with another boy... __, you don't have to put out the red light, __ you don't have to put out the red light, __ __, __ __ ..." Hint: Many readers like Eddie Murphy's version better than the original. Hmm.

This morning when we got up the ground was dry. That's the first thing we look at when we open the shades. Did it rain overnight? It had that 'look' that makes you want to go back to bed. Not so easy to do with a hungry dog running the morning show. We're quite used to it now (Ha), and if it's dry outside, then it's easier to deal with dog things.

We have a new project that is in it's infancy, and involves video. I've been doing a lot of research on just what camera to get, and went out today to find one. The Sony counter at Chiang Rai Mall had the model I wanted in stock. The salesman spoke 'workable' English, and was able to answer all my questions. We are now the proud owners of a HDR-CX550E, which probably means very little to you, but it records beautiful, crisp High Definition video. Now comes the study and practice in operating the thing. Before long I'll be making moving pictures.

While I was out and about I followed a motorbike carrying a man, a woman, and two large baskets of fresh vegetables. They had a log about 3" in diameter placed across the seat behind the woman, and the baskets were on either end of the log. There were string beans, chili peppers, potatoes, and things I'm not familiar with, on their way to market. It was quite a sight considering we were on the Super Highway. On Clock Tower street, on the way to the mall I saw a young woman in a school uniform complete with white blouse, mini-skirt, and high-heels riding sidesaddle on the back of a bike. We see this every day, but she had a computer CPU on her lap. Amazing Thailand.

When I got home, Lisa was close to the finishing touches on a beautiful cast acrylic print featuring two giraffe faces. By the time the show comes in February, it will be hard to say which one is my favorite. You'll just have to come and see for yourself.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"Dig deep into the soil of your giving.
No matter what we think we've accomplished,
we have only scratched the surface of our own generosity."
~Mary Manin Morrissey

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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