Wednesday, September 22, 2010



Well, I know I'm late, but I have a note from the moon. We just got back from the Full Moon Party. It almost didn't happen. Read on.

"I Will Survive" was a snap for most of you. The singer was Gloria Gaynor, for those who were confused. Let's see how you do with this one. "Every time I think that I'm the only one who's lonely someone calls on me. And every now and then I spend my time in rhyme and verse, and curse those faults in me. And then __ __ __..."
Hint: This '66 hit was shrouded in mystery and speculation. Of course no ones really knows. (5) Three word title about a travels of a person. Hmm.

It may be symbolic, but one of the things we expect to see at a Full Moon Party is the moon. The day began with a few puffy clouds, and by afternoon there were big formations sometimes blocking the sun. As the sun began to set there was a brief sprinkle. Meanwhile, the moon was coming up but there were clouds where it was going.

When we arrived at Jaffee's house the moon was visible through a thin cloud cover. There was hope. We sat on his patio that was set up for dining. I guess we all just assumed that it wouldn't rain. Eight of us settled in as food was brought from the kitchen. An assortment of chicken styles, a delicious rice dish, fish, and condiments created quite a feast. At times there seemed like four or more conversations going on at the same time. Then someone would hear something and enter a different one. When the conversations were in English, we could move about like that. When they spoke in Thai, I could follow some things for a bit, and then I was swimming up stream. Everyone spoke English, but some things work better in one's native tongue. We talked about everything from politics, to art, to snakes.

After dinner the moon was completely uncovered, clear as a bell. We all went out on the back lawn, took some pictures, and then Jaffee suggested we move the chairs out on the grass. That was really cool, sitting on the lawn in the moonlight. Next time, we just might start on the lawn. I'm looking forward to the next full moon.

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


‎"Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The
sleeper must awaken."
~Frank Herbert

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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