Thursday, September 30, 2010



After a torrential downpour overnight, we had another beautiful day today. I guess the Thursday rain hex has been shattered. We spent the morning getting more beautiful (Ha), I got stuck again, and Daku and I had an evening run, sort of.

Looks like there are still some 'Funkateers' out there. I hope my clue about a group with two names didn't throw any of you. This particular record was under one of the two names they throw around. Here's some more lyrics for you: "We love to funk you, __ your funk is the best. Take my body, give it the mind to funk with the rest (kiss me on my ego). Hit me with the one and then, if you like hit me again..." Hint: He doesn't have a medical degree, but he has higher learnin' in the art of the funk. There are so many wonderful lines in this song.

Our morning was spent at our respective salons. There's something about letting someone take care of you that is relaxing. I got a chance to watch the Thai version of The View, and then some kind of musical contest show which was full of slap-stick comedy as well as music.

I have renamed the government offices where the train lives as 'The Train Station'. Now we have a name for the street as well. (555) Tonight there was lots of activity around the place. Chairs were set up under an awning. I guess there's going to be some sort of dedication. Someone has got to know what this is all about. Hmm.

This afternoon I went back for my last series of acupuncture. After two weeks, if I'm still having problems then I can go back. While I was lying there with needles in my hand, I got into a conversation with an American woman on the next bed. She's been in Thailand for 10 years, and an expat since 1980. That's a long time. Our conversation was mostly about how nice the treatment is at the hospital, and how the staff makes things bearable.

I went into town this evening, and Daku was waiting for my return. He was all excited about going out to play. Lisa had to calm him down while I changed clothes. We went out to the front lawn with the fishing pole toy. He chased that thing like there was a piece of meat on the end. I finally let him catch it, and that turned into a short game of tug-o-war. Then another chase and he just walked off, signifying that he'd had enough. Now he's sleeping at the foot of the bed. What a guy.

Tomorrow night we're going to the Night Bazaar with our friend Tye, to take pictures of products she might export with a friend. We haven't been there in two weeks so it will be nice to see our friends, and see what's new.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


"The path to our destination is not always a straight one.
We go down the wrong road, we get lost, we turn back.
Maybe it doesn't matter which road we embark on.
Maybe what matters is that we embark."
~Barbara Hall

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



We started the day with a heavy downpour. By the afternoon it was one of the most beautiful days we've had in weeks. Needless to say, the party happened, and it was a huge success.

The song we sang for 'Easy Monday' was "We Can Work It Out" by The Beatles. There's also a really hot cover by Stevie Wonder. And now for some madness: "Whoa! They say the bigger the headache, the bigger the pill. Call me the big pill. __ __, the disco fiend with the monster sound, the cool ghoul with the bump transplant....Swift lippin', ego trippin' and body snatchin'. I'll blow you mind..." Clues: Title is two words, by a group with two names, and hovering above is a mothership.

For about three weeks we have been trying to have this little gathering at our house. Our friends from The Sold Project, along with some of our Thai friends. We thought there was some kind of Thursday rain thing, since we kept planning it on Thursday, but always got rained out. Today (Wednesday) worked with everyone's schedule so we figured we had a chance. This morning we had a little storm that tried real hard to discourage us. When the rain stopped, I could see what looked like a thin bit of clear sky along the horizon to the west. Slowly the clouds headed east and by party time the sky was clear and blue.

There were eleven of us present for an afternoon of hanging out. We had picked up some watermelon, and our guests brought a variety of things ranging from brownies to chicken puffs. We talked around the table for a while, then the pool became a conversation pit. Later, as some parties do, we ended up with the guys on one side of the pool, and the women at the table. We talked about living in Thailand, the state of things in America, and everything in between. I'm not sure about the table conversations, but there was a lot of laughter. New friends were made, and we plan to get together again soon.

The word for sugar is the same as the word for brown. We've also learned that some Thai words were misspelled a long time ago when they were translated to the Western alphabet. The town we live in is not spelled in Thai, the way it sounds in 'Western'. We've been saying it wrong. It should be pronounced Cheung Rai. That's actually how Thais say it. A whole lot of people have been saying it wrong for a very long time. Make one wonder how many other words, in as many languages, have been distorted by translation. Hmm.

Tomorrow is Thursday. I wonder if it will rain. If any of you in California would like some rain, we've got plenty to spare. Oh, this morning, after the rain, there was a big cow on the other side of our wall, grazing in the brush, all by itself. It was like the biggest salad in town, with no competition. It's so weird to have cows appear, and then just go away. Usually it's a small herd, but this solo thing was odd. I'm sure we won't see that again for awhile. Let me know if you see any cows in your neighborhood.

Time for Wacky Wednesday.


"Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker.
Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour,
not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by
saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing."
~Denis Waitley

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, September 28, 2010



A cloudy morning turned into a beautiful day today. We had a major rain incident last night, but none during the day. This bodes well for tomorrow. More on that later. Today Lisa got a Thai lesson, I scrubbed terrazzo, and Daku got a new toy, briefly.

I heard from a lot of friends yesterday. You really got this one quick. Here's the bridge and a verse just in case you need more: "Life is very short, and there's no time for fussing and fighting, my friend. I have always thought that it's a crime, so I will ask you once again. Try to see it my way, only time will tell if I am right or I am wrong. While you see it your way, there's a chance that we might fall apart before too long. __ __ __ __ __, __ __ __ __ __." Hint: It's an 'Easy Monday' song. Do you really need a hint?

We have new temporary neighbors. For about a week now, the men who were working on our neighbors property have been back, pounding, sawing, and grinding. Not only do they work on what ever they're working on, but they also live there as well. The reason they're so present is because they're living outside basically. I think a couple live in the carport, and some are in a little house on stilts. Tonight they had a TV, and company in the carport. It was like a party. Hmm. Extinguisher Man is a little upset because they burn their trash. We all know that's just not OK. So far I've been quite neighborly, but if our house fills up with smoke, I will have to learn the words to convey my dissatisfaction.

This morning I went to the home supply store and got a product for cleaning the terrazzo deck in the back yard. With all the rain and humidity, algae has built up and it's just not very pretty. (5) Fortunately I found a product with instructions in English. I got about a third of the job done today. Tomorrow I'll finish with a little stronger solution.

This afternoon Tye came over before ballet class to give Lisa a Thai lesson. She brought teaching aids and everything. They had a very intensive study time. Tye is a good friend and wants to help. She speaks to us in Thai in an effort to get us to hear phrases. She speaks enough English that she can explain what she just said. It's very practical since most of it's based around everyday conversation. I learned a new word today. While getting my cleaning supplies, I was sent to the sister store to get another product. I handed the woman the note with the name in Thai. She looked on the computer and said "Mote". I repeated the word with a questioning tone and she said those words I know so well, "mai me" (no have). When I got home I asked Boot what mote meant and she said it means 'end'. So the supply had ended, which is different from not having it at all. The adventure continues.

Tomorrow we will attempt, once again, to have our little swimming party. Since Thursday seems to be 'rain day', we are trying Wednesday. If it turns out like today, it should be a great day.

This evening Lisa presented Daku with a new toy. We weren't sure how long it would last since part of it is made out of hard plastic. He waved it around, threw it in the air, and then got down to business. The chewing didn't last long before we heard a crunching sound. The plastic had met it's match. Lisa had to take it from him and replace it with a rawhide bone. He looked at her with a pleading face, but took the bone and seemed very happy.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone."
~Maxwell Maltz

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, September 27, 2010



We had a weekend of sporadic rain here in Chiang Rai. The Grand Prix was very exciting, and besides cars, our thoughts were also on planes and trains. What?

Friday's 'Old School' song was "Mona Lisa" as sung by Nat 'King' Cole. Now it's back to 'Easy Monday', and I'm sure you all know this one: "Try to see it my way, do I have to keep on talking till I can't go on? While you see it your way, run the risk of knowing that our love may soon be gone. __ __ __ __ __, __ __ __ __ __." Hint: Four lads sang this song with five words in the title. It's about conflict resolution. See, I told you you knew it.

Sunday we lunched and shopped at Big C. On our way home, Lisa spotted a train in front of the government offices on a street we use to go across town. There was an 'old school' streamliner at the head of the train, and several passenger cars, all sitting on tracks that led to nowhere. It should be mentioned that there is no rail service in Chiang Rai whatsoever. There is a train that runs from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, but the mountain passes prohibited extending the service to the far north. This obviously calls for further investigation. As soon as I know, I'll pass the info on to you. There's got to be a story here.

A long time ago there was a shop in the Night Bazaar that sold earrings and fancy hair clips. In the back of the shop there were model airplanes on shelves and hanging from the ceiling. Every time we'd go to this shop I'd check out all the models. They were scale model, motorized, functional flyers. A few weeks ago we heard a buzzing sound across the road from our house, and at first I thought it was some kind of saw or weed machine. Then I noticed something in the sky. It was a model airplane looping and diving. They must have been flying it from across the river at the fair grounds. Then one day, as we passed the new government building by the bridge to town, we saw another plane flying over the big parking lot. The next time I hear that sound I'm going to go and check it out. You just never know what's going to happen next here in Chiang Rai.

We've been swimming in fairly cool water these days. The sun doesn't have enough time to warm things up before the clouds come. Today we raced out, thinking we had a shot at some sun, but after about 15 minutes, a big dark cloud blocked the rays. Soon, it was warmer in the water than on the deck. It's not time for the cold season yet. We've been reading about the 'warm' weather in Southern California. Hang in there. At least you don't have the high humidity that seems to live here. Imagine everyday, the same heat, over and over again. I'd tell you that I'm used to it, but there are times when I'm not. Still, we love it here.

Have a Great Week.


"Re-examine all you have been told . . .
Dismiss what insults your Soul."
~Walt Whitman

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Funnies


Chiang Rai weather is back in the rain groove. We had rain last night, and it hit again this afternoon. This has been a very rainy season. We've been lucky around here. In some areas of the country there has been flooding, and rivers have overflowed.

That song from the 60s that a few of you knew was "Along Comes Mary" by The Association. Now it's time for 'Old School Friday' and I'm going to the vault. This song was #1 for 8 weeks in 1950, and it won an Oscar.
"__ __, __ __, men have named you. You're so like the lady with the mystic smile. Is it only 'cause you're lonely they have blamed you? For that __ __ strangeness in your smile?" Clue: The artist started out as a piano player, but was forced to sing when a singer didn't show for work. The rest is history. Oh, it's two words.

Most of today was spent here at the house. Lisa's been working on her art, and I've been studying video editing. This afternoon I had an acupuncture appointment. There is a sign by the elevator buttons in the hospital that is worth a thousand words. It's a picture of the Durian fruit with a big red 'X' over it. Family and friends are allowed to bring food to patients, and for themselves while they wait. Durian is the one thing that is not allowed. Just thought you should know. (555)

There was a photo on the front page of the Bangkok Post yesterday showing the arrival of Rafael Nadal here in Thailand. He's here to participate in the PTT Open. Also arriving in the Kingdom were the Kings of Salsa, direct from Cuba. Who says there isn't diversity in the entertainment here. Hmm.

This weekend Singapore will host the Formula One Grand Prix. It's an amazing night race. Maybe this is the weekend you'll finally watch a race with me.

If it's not raining tomorrow evening we're planning on going to Walking Street. We haven't been in a long time. If we go early enough we can see all the booths, and actually stop and look at things. When it get crowded it's like being caught in a strong current that just takes you where the river goes.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd, and enjoy the 'Funnies'.


The following was published by an insurance company for internal distribution. These reports were submitted when policy holders were asked for a brief statement describing their particular accident:

The other car collided with mine without giving warning of its intention.

I thought my window was down but found it was up when I put my hand through it.

The accident occurred when I was attempting to bring my car out of a skid by steering it into the other vehicle.

I was driving my car out of the driveway in the usual manner, when it was struck by the other car in the same place it had been struck several times before.

I was on my way to the doctor’s with rear-end trouble when my universal joint gave way, causing me to have an accident.

As I approached the intersection, a stop sign suddenly appeared in a place where no stop sign had ever appeared before. I was unable to stop in time to avoid the accident.

The telephone phone pole was approaching fast. I was attempting to swerve out of its path when it struck my front bumper.

My car was legally-parked as it backed into the other vehicle.

An invisible car came out of nowhere, struck my vehicle and vanished.

When I saw I could not avoid a collision, I stepped on the gas and crashed into the other car.

Coming home, I drove into the wrong house and collided with a tree I don’t have.

The indirect cause of this accident was a little guy in a small car with a big mouth.

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, September 23, 2010



It was only a matter of time before Chiang Rai got more rain. About 5am it finally happened, with a bang. Then it turned into a steady drizzle for the rest of the morning. If it's Thursday here, it means rain.

I got a few clever responses to the current song. It was noted that there was a certain association with a controversial bit of nature. "When we met I was sure out to lunch, now my empty cup tastes as sweet as the punch." Hint: I don't think the person in the title has a little lamb.

Once again, we had to cancel the swimming party that we've been trying to have for the past three weeks. By the early afternoon it seemed like the cancellation might have been premature. The sun was shining, but the air was still cool, and there were still big clouds lurking. We'll try again next week. This time we'll avoid Thursday. (Ha)

For the record, the Full Moon Party we attended was nothing like the ones that go on in the south. Those parties have gained a reputation for all sorts of wild partying. Ours was calm and collected. I mentioned that one of the conversations was about snakes. Bob and Nong live outside of town in the country. The grass has grown tall with all the rain, and they have spotted lots of snakes on their property. I guess this is why grass cutting is done on a regular basis in some areas. There are lots of open fields and periodically we'll see men on motorbikes carrying long-handled, motorized weed cutters. They do a good business clearing the lots that attract the snakes.

At the wedding reception I was asked if there were 'auspicious' dates for weddings in America. It seems that here in Thailand there are certain dates that are published, based on various factors, that make them a good day to get married. The closest I could come up with was the month of June, and Valentine's Day. Our friends got married on September 16. The day of the week means nothing. The same thing happened when we built the house. The monks were consulted as to which day would be best for the blessing of the house. Living in a different culture is an ongoing exercise in open-mindedness.

This evening the dogs were out roaming the yard, and playing. Daku came in the kitchen door and made a point of making Lisa go outside with him to play with the fishing pole toy. He usually will not 'mouth' her elbow because he knows it's not OK. This time it was urgent in his mind, that she come out and play. She went with him and he ran like the wind.

Have a Fantastic Thursday.


"The consciousness of loving and being loved
brings a warmth and richness to life
that nothing else can bring."
~Oscar Wilde

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, September 22, 2010



Well, I know I'm late, but I have a note from the moon. We just got back from the Full Moon Party. It almost didn't happen. Read on.

"I Will Survive" was a snap for most of you. The singer was Gloria Gaynor, for those who were confused. Let's see how you do with this one. "Every time I think that I'm the only one who's lonely someone calls on me. And every now and then I spend my time in rhyme and verse, and curse those faults in me. And then __ __ __..."
Hint: This '66 hit was shrouded in mystery and speculation. Of course no ones really knows. (5) Three word title about a travels of a person. Hmm.

It may be symbolic, but one of the things we expect to see at a Full Moon Party is the moon. The day began with a few puffy clouds, and by afternoon there were big formations sometimes blocking the sun. As the sun began to set there was a brief sprinkle. Meanwhile, the moon was coming up but there were clouds where it was going.

When we arrived at Jaffee's house the moon was visible through a thin cloud cover. There was hope. We sat on his patio that was set up for dining. I guess we all just assumed that it wouldn't rain. Eight of us settled in as food was brought from the kitchen. An assortment of chicken styles, a delicious rice dish, fish, and condiments created quite a feast. At times there seemed like four or more conversations going on at the same time. Then someone would hear something and enter a different one. When the conversations were in English, we could move about like that. When they spoke in Thai, I could follow some things for a bit, and then I was swimming up stream. Everyone spoke English, but some things work better in one's native tongue. We talked about everything from politics, to art, to snakes.

After dinner the moon was completely uncovered, clear as a bell. We all went out on the back lawn, took some pictures, and then Jaffee suggested we move the chairs out on the grass. That was really cool, sitting on the lawn in the moonlight. Next time, we just might start on the lawn. I'm looking forward to the next full moon.

It feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


‎"Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The
sleeper must awaken."
~Frank Herbert

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, September 21, 2010



Another sunny day in Chiang Rai. The rainy season isn't over yet, just taking a break. We had a morning swim, an afternoon nap, and an evening wedding reception. What a day.

It has certainly been a busy 'Easy' day. Lots of email on this tune. I think these next lyrics will really bring it home: "Go on now go, walk out the door, just turn around now 'cause you're not welcome anymore. Weren't you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye? You think I'd crumble, you think I'd lay down and die? Oh no, not I, __ __ __, as long as I know how to love I know I will stay alive..." Hint: Now do you remember? This part of the song became an anthem.

This morning we decided it was the best time to swim since we had an early evening affair that would require preparation. While we were in the pool we got a free beetles concert. That's right, they're on tour. There are these bugs that we've never seen, only heard, and there is no mistaking them. I think the North American counterpart would be the sequeda. They make a buzzing sound that almost sounds mechanical. It grows in intensity and then just shuts off, like someone threw a switch. It sounds like an alien invasion of some kind. The plowing of the field next door probably sent them into the waterfall garden temporarily. They gave us a show, and then moved on. We're so glad.

This evening was the wedding reception for Wui and Jaa (my spelling), who were married last week in Bangkok. The affair was held at a new housing development northeast of us. There were about 100 guests for a buffet dinner. We sat with our friends Nukoon and Sutheera. It turned out that Sutheera was asked, at the last minute, to be the M.C. for the festivities. After we'd finished eating several young people were shown to our table. Pui, younger brother of Wui, introduced us to some of them and we did the rest. Apparently introductions are optional in Thailand. We have noticed on many occasions, that people just expect you to introduce yourself. Most of them spoke English, one of them knew who we were from his business, and all of us had a very interesting time together.

The young man who knew us is general manager of Sinthanee, where we get our major appliances. They also sell motorcycles and this became a topic of discussion when a young woman named Pui joined our party. Her family owns a motorcycle business and she poked fun at the Sinthanee operation because they have 21 locations. Her family has one. It was an evening of conversation, laughter, and perhaps new friends. As the guests were leaving we were all handed a bottle of laundry detergent. I don't know the connection yet, but if I find out I'll report back. We have now been to our first Thai wedding party. The adventure continues.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"We look at some people as if they were special, gifted, divine.
Nobody is special and gifted and divine.
No more than you are, no more than I am.
The only difference, the very only one,
is that they have begun to understand
what they really are and have begun to practice it.
~Richard Bach

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, September 20, 2010



Chiang Rai went through a whole weekend without rain. We went to an art show, saw new sights, got a new plant, and found that we have bats in our belfry.

'Old School Friday' was the unforgettable "Ten Commandments of Love" by Harvey & The Moonglows. Put on your dancin' shoes 'cause it's time for 'Easy Monday'. "First I was afraid, I was petrified. Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side, but I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong, I grew strong, I learned to carry on..." Hint: A three word title declaring that life will go on. Remember disco? Tomorrow's lyrics will make it clear.

Saturday night was the opening of an art exhibit of a friend of ours. It was a fun evening, made even more fun by the fact that we knew so many people there. The show was a wide range of styles and mediums covering many years of work. One of the most interesting things about the evening was the realization that in a small town the degrees of separation are probably less that six. We kept finding out that people we knew were friends with other people we knew.

Sunday night we went to the Night Bazaar for dinner. Earlier in the day at Big C, we had run into the owner of the restaurant and his daughter. She had been playing in the kiddie arcade while her mom shopped upstairs. That evening after we had finished our dinner, the father came out to ask how our meal had been. He does most of the cooking. We ended up having a long discussion about the state of the economy, politics, and life in Chiang Rai.

This morning, when we went downstairs to start the day, Daku saw something on the screen of the back door. At first I thought it was a frog, but frogs don't climb the screens. It was a small bat that was between the glass door and the screen door. We got Daku distracted enough to go outside to handle his morning business. He always gallops back to the house for his breakfast. That gave me a chance to free the trapped bat. I watched it fly around in a sort of figure eight, always going to the eaves of the upper roof, and then flying out again. It finally went under one of the tiles of the roof. Hopefully, tonight it will reunite with the rest of the group and be alright. Hmm.

This afternoon our friend Kay came by with a plant for us. Apparently Lisa had admired it the last time we were at their house for dinner. We had done a 'garden walk' before dinner. It was a very nice surprise. We planted it in the front. She told Lisa it will get very big. Time will tell.

The other day, as I was waiting to pull out of the driveway, a guy drove by on a motorbike with an interesting helmet on his head. It was a Dallas Cowboy football helmet, complete with face-guard. I just shook my head and chalked it up to ingenuity. Not on the approved list, but it probably saved him from getting a ticket.

Have a Great Week.


"To do the useful thing,
to say the courageous thing,
to contemplate the beautiful thing:
that is enough for one man's life."
~T.S. Eliot

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, September 17, 2010

Friday Funnies


Believe it or not, we had a day of sunshine. It was so sunny we took a chance and got the car washed. Today was mostly spent at the house. Lisa worked on art, and I worked on my understanding of the camera.

Some of us have been humming various parts of "Good Vibrations" by The Beach Boys. 'Old School Friday is going way back this week. The year was 1958, and one of the favorite slow songs was this gem. The numbers were sung by the group, and then the lead would sing the rest. I just write'em as they sang'em. Who's old enough to know?
"One, thy shall never love another. Two, and stand by me all the while. Three, take happiness with the heartaches. Four, and go through life wearing a smile. Oh, how happy we will be, if we keep the __ __ __ __."
Clue: This song is probably one of many adaptations of a set of rules. That's all you get.

This afternoon I went for another acupuncture treatment. While I was getting 'stuck', I had a little conversation with one of the nurses. It was the usual list questions that foreigners get asked, but it was all in Thai. Miraculously, I understood most of her questions. The one I didn't get, the doctor helped me with. I learned that she has been at the hospital for 13 years, and lives across the street in what they call the 'convent', which is actually a dorm for nurses. The banter took the sting out of a few of the needles, and it was good to practice my Thai.

When I got back from my appointment we decided to go downtown and get the car washed. It was a bold move. Fortunately, the carwash was almost empty so we wouldn't have to wait too long. It really didn't matter since we were going to hang out at Doi Chaang Coffee, which is next door. While we were there, a friend of ours came in and we had a little visit with her. Her name is Nong, and her husband Bob is having an art exhibit that opens tomorrow night at 9 Art Gallery. We're really looking forward to going to this show. We met them at Lisa's first show and we see them at every opening, and many parties. This will be a solo show for him, and what we've seen in email makes me want to see it all in full size.

We're moving into the busy part of this month. Next week we'll be going to our first Thai wedding reception, and going to another Full Moon party. That's in addition to all the other stuff we do. Life is good here in Chiang Rai.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd. Enjoy the recycled 'Funnies'.


Following a woman with a dog out of the movie theater, a man stopped
her and said, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I was amazed that your dog
seemed to get into the movie so much. He cried at the right spots,
moved nervously at the boring spots, and laughed like crazy at the
funny parts. Don't you find that unusual?" "Yes," she replied. "I find
it very unusual. Especially considering that he hated the book!"

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, September 16, 2010



Today we had sunshine and rain. We went to the market for you know what, dined at a semi-outside cafe, had a visit from a friend, and Daku 'performed'.

Well, I got a few responses on this one. Maybe today's clues will jar your memory. The group liked the beach.
"I don't know where, but she sends me there..... I'm pickin' up __ __, she's givin' me excitations, I'm pickin' up __ __ (oom bop bop, __ __)..." Hint: The title in two words describes a pleasurable feeling. Hmm.

This morning the yard was dry. We had scheduled, once again, a little swim party. By the looks of the sky it seemed like it might not be such a good idea. On top of that, the water was cold. At exactly 2pm, the time for the party, it began to rain. It's a good thing we had called it off.

We had some errands to run so we went to the market, picked up our treats, and did the shopping we needed. It was time for lunch so we went to the Hub Kaffe across from the Clock Tower. We learned an important lesson during lunch. Always point to the item on the menu that you wish to order. There was much confusion with the waiter and I ended up not getting anything to eat. When we brought it to his attention, they brought out the same thing that Lisa had ordered. I didn't make a fuss, I just ate it. Now we know.

Atom came by this afternoon. On her last visit we had mentioned that we were looking for dishes, and had ask her if she knew a place to get them. She arrived with four beautiful dessert plates that she picked up at Walking Street last Saturday night. She also brought us a jar of Thai herbal liniment that she said was very effective. We had a fun visit, and she and Daku bonded. At one point Lisa was going to show her a couple of Daku's tricks. She told him to 'roll over', and he just sat there and looked at her. A repeat of the command brought the same result. Then we realized that there were no treats involved. As soon as she came back with a treat he performed like a pro. What a dog.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


"Recognize joy when it arrives in the plain brown
wrappings of everyday life."
~Judith Viorst

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, September 15, 2010



We had a night and day of rain. During the day it would start and stop, but wet just the same. We had lunch at Big C, and dinner at the Night Bazaar.

If you found yourself humming "Roxanne" at inopportune times, you can thank me, and The Police. You may even thank Eddie Murphy if you sang it the way he did in 48 Hours. See if you can vibe in on this one: "I, I love the colorful clothes she wears, and the way the sunlight plays upon her hair. I hear the sound of a gentle word, on the wind that lifts her perfume through the air..." Hint: The product of a different kind of family affair, this song became one of the signature pieces for this Southern Calif. group. More tomorrow.

Today we had to fend for ourselves since Boot wasn't feeling well. We were going to go by Bliss Photo to pick up Lisa art, so we decided to lunch at Big C. We usually eat at Black Canyon, but today we checked out S&P. We've never eaten there, but I heard someone mention that the food was good so we gave it a try. We were not disappointed. There was an extensive menu, and what we ordered we enjoyed. After lunch we looked at the 'Moon Cake' display in the center of the restaurant. All over town there are tables with assortments of moon cakes. Our waiter brought me a sampler of 'berries with nuts'. I tried a piece and it tasted like fruitcake. I bought two. The cakes are part of the observance of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and also to celebrate the full moon with family and friends. Next Wednesday we will go to Khun Jaffee's house for our second Full Moon Dinner. This tradition is Chinese in origin, but is widely practiced all over Asia today.

This morning the pool guy came while it was raining. I fully expected him to check the salt level, and leave. Instead, he stayed and did his whole routine. This is not the first time he's worked in the rain. It seems so ironic, watching him vacuum the pool while water falls from the sky.

At Bliss we picked up Lisa's original art, and a CD with about half of her show photographed in proper style. When it comes time to print the catalog for the show there should be no discrepancies about color.

There are some words in Thai that are spelled one way, for the benefit of foreigners, but never pronounced that way. At least not in the north. One of those words is the most common phrase used every day: 'Sawatdee' followed by 'ka' for women and 'kup' for men. The restaurant where we eat at the Night Bazaar is spelled 'Sawasdee', but no one says that. Also, when learning Thai the instruction for men is to end phrases with 'krup', but you don't hear men say the 'r'. It's just 'Kup', as in cup. I once got into a heated discussion with an American acquaintance who lives in the south, about how things are said in the north. It began when he corrected me for saying Chiang Rai with an 'R'. He said it was Chiang Lai. Well, he doesn't live here, and 'r' and 'l' seem to have a life of their own anyway. Tonight Lisa ordered water and the waiter looked at her with no clue as to what she said. It's all in the tone. If you don't use the proper tone, you just get a blank look. When she corrected her tone he got it immediately. The adventure continues.

Have a Wacky Wednesday.


"Things turn out best for the people
who make the best of the way things turn out."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Today we had one of those days that looked like rain would come any minute. Rain can't tell time. A little after 6pm it dumped. While it was dry I bought a new camera, Lisa finished another masterpiece, and taught a ballet class.

I just love getting mail on my Tuesday, with 'Easy' answers. I know I haven't heard from everyone.
"I loved you since I knew you, I wouldn't talk down to you. I have to tell you just how I feel, I won't share you with another boy... __, you don't have to put out the red light, __ you don't have to put out the red light, __ __, __ __ ..." Hint: Many readers like Eddie Murphy's version better than the original. Hmm.

This morning when we got up the ground was dry. That's the first thing we look at when we open the shades. Did it rain overnight? It had that 'look' that makes you want to go back to bed. Not so easy to do with a hungry dog running the morning show. We're quite used to it now (Ha), and if it's dry outside, then it's easier to deal with dog things.

We have a new project that is in it's infancy, and involves video. I've been doing a lot of research on just what camera to get, and went out today to find one. The Sony counter at Chiang Rai Mall had the model I wanted in stock. The salesman spoke 'workable' English, and was able to answer all my questions. We are now the proud owners of a HDR-CX550E, which probably means very little to you, but it records beautiful, crisp High Definition video. Now comes the study and practice in operating the thing. Before long I'll be making moving pictures.

While I was out and about I followed a motorbike carrying a man, a woman, and two large baskets of fresh vegetables. They had a log about 3" in diameter placed across the seat behind the woman, and the baskets were on either end of the log. There were string beans, chili peppers, potatoes, and things I'm not familiar with, on their way to market. It was quite a sight considering we were on the Super Highway. On Clock Tower street, on the way to the mall I saw a young woman in a school uniform complete with white blouse, mini-skirt, and high-heels riding sidesaddle on the back of a bike. We see this every day, but she had a computer CPU on her lap. Amazing Thailand.

When I got home, Lisa was close to the finishing touches on a beautiful cast acrylic print featuring two giraffe faces. By the time the show comes in February, it will be hard to say which one is my favorite. You'll just have to come and see for yourself.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"Dig deep into the soil of your giving.
No matter what we think we've accomplished,
we have only scratched the surface of our own generosity."
~Mary Manin Morrissey

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, September 13, 2010



Chiang Rai encountered more rain over the weekend. The river is way up, the beach is gone, and the current seems to be moving at a good clip. Our calendar was pretty open so it was rather laid back. It was only fitting that Ferrari won the Italian Grand Prix.

Congrats to all of you who knew the 'Old School' song. It was "Tutti Frutti" by Richard Penniman, aka Little Richard. Now let's see how we do with 'Easy Monday'. I expect to get a lot of mail on this one.
"__, you don't have to put on the red light, those days are over, you don't have to sell your body to the night..." Hint: The title is one word, and it's someone's name. It's sung by a group named for those who probably would have arrested the subject of the song.

Saturday we went to the market in the morning, mainly for treats. While we were waiting for the woman to bag up our 'usual', we noticed some little things she had on the hot plate. They looked like miniature tacos with something white inside. We tasted one, and bought a bunch. It was a sweet dough filled with a coconut cream filling of some kind. Yummy.

In the afternoon our friend Atom came over for a visit. We ate the little treats, learned their name, and added them to our list of favorites. They're called 'canome tokyo' (my spelling). We spoke of many things, and discussed the title for Lisa's coming show. Atom and her sister translated the catalog for the last show, and she has been very helpful in helping us understand what concepts translate into Thai and those that don't. It's amazing how we take a word for granted, not realizing that it may mean nothing in another culture. Hmm.

Sunday we went to Big C, of course. There is a space on the downstairs floor where different vendors put up displays for various products, or services. For the last two weeks it's been a company that sells electric pianos, guitars, and ukeleles. This week, while we were eating I spotted a guy trying out a bright pink guitar. They also sell DVDs of lessons for the instruments. Not a bad idea. Upstairs in the actual 'Big C' store we asked a clerk in the electronics department if they had Sony video cameras. Without missing a beat, he directed us to a store outside in the mall area. We find it interesting that there seems to be no problem in helping you find what you're looking for. Nice.

In between the rain, the dogs get to go out and play. When they're out on the yard BamBam doesn't like the collar that Daku has to wear, and it makes for some great chases. She like to chase balls, and he couldn't be bothered. He like to chase the fishing pole toy. It's a device we got the last time we were in America. Looks like a fishing pole with a stuffed toy on the end of the line. Right now there's a skunk tied to the end, and he love to run in circles trying to catch it. We let him grab it a few times, but he loves to run and jump for it. Every time we go out, he expects that game.

Have a Great Week.


"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart
and can sing it back to you
when you have forgotten the words."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday Funnies


Well, that old rain did it again. Chiang Rai is getting a little bogged down, but the sun came out to play this afternoon. We encountered 'Bliss', and acupuncture in the same day.

Oh people, how could you not remember "Last Train To Clarksville" by The Monkees? (555) 'Old School Friday' is next: "Bop bopa-a-lula, a whop, bam, boo. __ __, oh Rudy. (repeat 4 times) A whop bop-a-lula, a whop bam boo. Got a girl named Sue, she knows just what to do. (repeat) She rocks to the east, she rocks to the west, but she's the girl that I know best. __ __, oh Rudy (x 4)" Hint: This '55 hit was by one of the most outrageous showman of several generations. The title, in two words, is either nonsense or a flavor. Either way, it was early Rock & Roll at its best.

A light rain greeted us this morning. It was a steady light rain with occasional downpours until around 10:30. Now we have a way to tell if it rained all night. If the yard is flooded, then chances are it rained on some level, for many hours. This morning the yard was flooded.

We went back to Bliss photo studio today to leave more cast acrylic prints to be photographed. I was going to wait in the car but Chalit, the photog, suggested I just park on the sidewalk apron in front of the studio. That was an easy solution. We've noticed that many businesses have space in front of their shops and we're assuming that it's for this very reason. Many times parking is very hard to find. In this morning's case, the whole side of the street was 'red'.
It's also very convenient that all of the curbs are rounded, like a berm, so they're easy to drive over. Hmm.

This afternoon we showed up for acupuncture at the appointed time, and spent about an hour just waiting, on a table. It was comfortable enough, but I could have napped at home. After about 35 minutes with a hand full of needles, I was released. Lisa talked to the doctor about the wait, and we're going to go in at 3pm on Monday. We'll see how that works. I'm taking headphones, and some new tunes on my phone just in case.

Tomorrow our friend Atom will come over for a visit, then we'll get a massage, and in the evening watch the qualifying for the Monza Formula One Grand Prix. You folks in America are lucky that you have SpeedTV to bring you the race. We get it from a Hong Kong affiliate of ESPN, and it's just not the same. There was a time, when we first moved here, that we had SlingBox working and we could watch everything on that. I say all that because you really should watch a couple of races at least. OK, promo over.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd. Now it's time for some 'Funnies'.


Dispatcher : 9-1-1 What is your emergency?
Caller: I heard what sounded like gunshots coming from the brown house on the corner.
Dispatcher: Do you have an address?
Caller: No, I have on a blouse and slacks, why?

Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What is the nature of your emergency?
Caller: I'm trying to reach nine eleven but my phone doesn't have an eleven on it.
Dispatcher: This is nine eleven.
Caller: I thought you just said it was nine-one-one
Dispatcher: Yes, ma'am nine-one-one and nine-eleven are the same thing.
Caller: Honey, I may be old, but I'm not stupid.

Dispatcher: 9-1-1 What's the nature of your emergency?
Caller: My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart
Dispatcher: Is this her first child?
Caller: No, you idiot! This is her husband!

Dispatcher: 9-1-1
Caller: Yeah, I'm having trouble breathing. I'm all out of breath. Darn....I think I'm going to pass out.
Dispatcher: Sir, where are you calling from?
Caller: I'm at a pay phone. North and Foster.
Dispatcher: ! Sir, an ambulance is on the way. Are you an asthmatic?
Caller: No
Dispatcher: What were you doing before you started having trouble breathing?
Caller: Running from the Police.

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, September 9, 2010



That rain that had been lurking finally came, big time. We spent the day inside, the party had to be postponed, but the 'yard lakes' drained more quickly.

Well, you may not have liked the group, or the song, but a lot of you knew it right off the bat. If you still don't remember, maybe this will help: "Take the __ __ __ __, and I'll meet you at the station. You can be there by four thirty, 'cause I made your reservation. Don't be slow, oh, on, no, no! Oh, no, no, no!" Hint: They even had a TV show that was very silly. Christopher reminded me that Jimi Hendrix opened for them once.

Sometime in the middle of the night the rains came, and they stayed all day. Overnight it rained hard, and then again this morning. The thunder freaks BamBam out. She always runs to one of her 'safe' spots. It wasn't until late afternoon that it stopped and the sun came out. It did make for a cooler evening which was nice. We'll have the party next week, if it doesn't rain again.

Last night our exploration of the Night Bazaar with Tye was really fun. Her husband Pong came with her, and the four of us cruised the aisles, noting things that might be good items for export. They saw many of their friends and so did we. At one point Tye remarked that a lot of people knew us. That's because we're usually there at least once a week. We're going back tomorrow night so she can take pictures of the things she liked.

Tomorrow afternoon we go back for another acupuncture treatment. The doctor wants us to try it for three weeks in order to determine if it's being effective. At $10.50 a treatment, it's not such a bad experiment.

I went out this evening, and I heard a commercial on Fat 93 FM that caught my ear. The music in the background of the ad was salsa music. What? The world is definitely shrinking.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


"Try not to become a person of success, but rather a person of value."
~Albert Einstein

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Chiang Rai had more of the same weather today. Clouds that looked like they'd bring rain, but didn't, and hot muggy air. We paid a visit to the photo studio, did a little shopping, and had an afternoon swim. Tonight we're going to the Night Bazaar with a friend. Tomorrow we're having a party.

This week's 'Easy Monday' song was a big success. The song was "Hound Dog" as sung by Elvis Presley. 'Cool Points' go to Cousin Trudye, and my dear friend Stuart, for knowing that Big Momma Thornton was the first to record the song. Here's something a little different: "'Cause I'm leavin' in the morning and I must see you again. We'll have one more night together 'til the morning brings my train. And I must go, oh, no, no, no! And I don't know if I'm ever coming home." Clues: These lyrics are from the second verse of a song with four words in the title. One of those words is in the verse. It's by an American group in the mid 60s with the mis-spelled name of an animal.

This morning we took some of Lisa's art to Bliss Studio to have it photographed. Eventually, all her work will be done by them so we can have a digital catalog with accurate color, and lighting.

Top's is a chain of markets that have a western 'feel'. They have many items for expats, fresh fruits and vegetables, and a bakery. We go there sometimes to get certain things we can't find at Big C. What starts out as a stop for a few items ends up being several bags of things we actually need. It's nice to have the shopping options we have here, even if they sometimes seem limited. Major progress is being made on Chiang Rai Central, a major multi-story, mall type shopping experience. We've been to the one in Chiang Mai and it always dazzles the mind.

Tomorrow afternoon we're having another swim party with our friends from The Sold Project. This may be the biggest one yet, with at least 10 guests. Imagine, a party where everyone speaks English. Hmm.

Tonight we're going to the Night Bazaar with our friend Tye. We're going to help her look for things that might be appropriate for export. This should be fun, looking at things from that perspective.

From the driving in Chiang Rai file: The horn has always been used as a device for warning other motorists or pedestrians of one's presence. Sometimes though, the voice can be equally effective. Today, while in traffic, a girl on a motorbike simply yelled at another biker who was about to cut into her lane. It worked. I smiled. Amazing Thailand.

Feels like a Wacky Wednesday.


"Don't let yesterday use up too much of today."
~Native American Proverb

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Tuesday, September 7, 2010



A bunch of dark clouds messed with the sun today. Chiang Rai has been dry for a couple of days, so it made sense that we were due for more rain. We spent most of the day here on the compound. Daku went to the doctor, Lisa taught ballet, and I talked to friends in America.

It was nice to hear from so many of you. 'Easy Monday' was clearly easy for some. Today's clues may be of some help.
"When they said you was high classed, well, that was just a lie. (repeat) You ain't never caught a rabbit...." Clues: The song it clearly a blues. The singer who made it famous was known as 'The King' ('Thank you very much'). It was written by a team who had tons of hits in the 50s and 60s. They originally wrote it for a woman whose 'first name' was 'Big'. That oughta hold you 'til tomorrow.

There are many little weather systems here in Chiang Rai. For example, today Lisa left for ballet in the late afternoon. A few minutes after she left, she called me to say that it had rained on the other side of the bridge near our house. So much rain that an intersection by the hospital was flooded. Not long after that there was a brief shower at the house and then it was gone.

Daku had to go to the vet today. We have learned that Golden Retrievers, at least here in Thailand, are susceptible to skin problems from insect bites. This time we asked if he could just treat it locally, without all the pills and the answer was 'yes'. He's doing much better as a result. He's not lethargic like before, and we all like that better.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


"Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good
we oft might win, by fearing to attempt."
~William Shakespeare

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Monday, September 6, 2010



The sun has been shining on Chiang Rai. Over the weekend we did some of the usual, and had a special evening with friends. There was also a reconnection with someone we'd been looking for.

The 'Old School' song was "Wonderful World" by Sam Cooke. Now it's time for 'Easy Monday'. I'll try to be easy on you this time. "You ain't nothin' but a __ __, cryin' all the time. (repeat) Well, you ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine." Clue: Really now, you need a clue? Extra 'Cool Points' if you can tell me who first sang this song. Note that these are not the original lyrics, but the ones that became famous. What does it all mean?

The weather has been great, which means it hasn't been storming. On the other hand, it has been quite warm, and humid. We've been dodging the heat by using the air/con, going into the pool, and just hanging out. Saturday we did the evening massage thing.

Sunday was a full day. It began with a morning swim. That's a bit of a departure for us, but could easily turn into a routine. We went to Big C for lunch, and shopping. From there we went to the pet food store. After all, the dogs need stuff too. In the afternoon Lisa gave a private ballet class to Napa.

We went to dinner Sunday evening with our friends Sutheera and Nukoon. We met at Mu Mai, and had a table in the garden, under a canopy. Very nice atmosphere. We were celebrating Sutheera's promotion to Assistant Professor at Chiang Rai University. Not long after we ordered, I heard a familiar voice coming from the main dining area. It was a singer we had heard at another restaurant, and I wanted to talk to her about an idea I have. As I approached the stage, she was in the middle of a song, but she gave me a big smile of recognition. Later, Lisa and Sutheera went in to see her, and Sutheera asked her to come to our table when her set was over. We had an interesting conversation with her about her nightly schedule. She does five sets at four locations each evening. She starts, and finishes at Mu Mai, and goes to three other locations and performs. The set we heard her do was mostly in English, singing old American hits. You'll be hearing more about this in the future.

Today we had another morning swim, and then went to the market for treats. While we were there we noticed a little girl of about four taking care of a toddler. Later we saw her mother sitting with her children selling some vegetables that appeared to have been pulled fresh from the ground. She had three piles of different plants, trying to sell them. I guess you do what you have to do. The scene was rather touching.

Have a Great Week.


"Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought."
~Napoleon Hill

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Friday, September 3, 2010

Friday Funnies


Another storm overnight, another beautiful day. It's gotten to the point where we can judge the intensity of the storm by the size of various puddles around town. (5) Today we made progress on the acupuncture project, and it looks like this is the night for the Bazaar.

There's no question about it. One of your favorite songs is "A Horse With No Name" by America. I haven't had such a big, enthusiastic response in a very long time. It also seems that this little pastime brings up many fond memories.
Let's see who's old enough to remember our 'Old School Friday' song: "Don't know much about history, don't know much biology, don't know much about a science book, don't know much about the French I took. But I do know that I love you, and I know that if you love me too..." Hint: The title is two words and both of them begin with the same letter. We heard from this artist recently, like last Friday.

The yard crew just left, as the sun was setting. The lawns always look a bit strange right after they leave because the fine art of mowing is still developing. There are ways to do it, but more sophistication is needed. The one thing that may have been an improvement is the unclogging of our 'lawn drains' in both yards. When the house was landscaped, Kek put in tubing that went from a low spot in the yard, and ran it through the wall and into the field next door. Over the last two years the tubes have gathered grass and dirt. This has contributed to our 'lakes' when it rains heavily. Now we'll see if it makes a difference. Over all, the yard looks like it just got a hair cut, all neat and tidy. (Did I say tidy?)

This morning we went to Overbrook Hospital to try again to get the info on acupuncture appointments. We know it's there, and they told us to come back so we did. We did the usual check-in, got weighed and had our blood pressure taken. I weigh the same thing I did over two years ago. Now we enter the hall of weird: We both had the same blood pressure. It was 130/70, which is great. After that, one of the nurses recognized us from yesterday, and told us to come back at 2pm. We returned on time and were taken to the 3rd floor by a very happy guy. Whenever you have to go to a different department, the hospital always has an escort take you. Our guy today started humming quietly in the elevator. At one point we made eye contact and I got a big smile. The acupuncturist is actually a medical doctor that has been specializing for three years. I found that to be very interesting. We both had a treatment and will return in a week.

A funny thing happened on the way from the hospital: Lisa mentioned that if we go to the Night Bazaar, we could pay the water bill. I said, 'the what'? She said, 'the water bill'. This went back and forth for three more times, and then she got it: The water bin. We both fell out laughing. Or maybe you had to be there. (555)

I think it's time for the 'Funnies'. Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.



Dickson's Gardening Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are
removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes
out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.

The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a

An unbreakable toy is useful for breaking other toys.

A closed mouth gathers no feet.

It's not hard to meet expenses, they're everywhere.

Jury -- Twelve people who determine which client has the better lawyer.

If you want your spouse to listen and pay strict attention to every word
you say, talk in your sleep.

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Thursday, September 2, 2010



It was a stormy night in Chiang Rai. We didn't get much thunder, but there was a lightning 'light show' off in the distance. There was a strange sighting in town, we went to the nursery, and I learned more 'Thai'.

The song we're working on brought a flood of right answers. Many of you couldn't remember the group. See the clue.
"After two days in the desert sun, my skin began to turn red. After three days in the desert fun, I was looking at the river bed. And the story it told of a river that flowed, made me sad to think it was dead. You see I've been to the desert on __ __ __ __ __ ... La la la la la la la la..." Clue: The group derives it's name from the country they're from. The real subject of the title is a conveyance. Hmm.

This morning the yard was once again a lake. There were major puddles everywhere. Daku got bold and marched right through a big one in the back. So much for cleaning the dog. He was delighted to run back to the house with soggy feet. He still doesn't get the concept of wiping his feet off when he gets inside. (Ha) Yesterday evening Boot's friend Jindah and her daughter Leah came over for dinner on the patio. At one point Lisa took Daku out to visit with them. While he was lying down Leah came over and stroked his head and played with his fur. He was very gentle with her and stayed still. What a nice doggie.

This morning, while driving down Clock Tower street I saw a very eerie sight. It looked like the sidewalk was on fire. White smoke was billowing up from the curb, all the way down the street. I knew what it was but I'd never seen it on such a large scale. In an effort to keep down the mosquito population, they flood the storm drains with this 'smoke', and today they must have used a pumping truck to do it. Usually there's a guy walking down the street with what looks like a big vacuum cleaner, sticking a nozzle in each vent in the drain. I have no idea what effect this has on humans, but with the windows up, and the vent in the car closed, I just drove through.

Tomorrow the yard crew comes to do their monthly grooming of the grounds. We have some ideas on plants that we'd like, and we want to replace a tree in the back. We went to the big nursery on the highway with hopes of finding some examples. The lot was a mass of pot-holes, and standing water. We didn't see anything so we'll see if we can go back with Khun Kek, since he's the one who will be planting them. Besides, if we see something he can put it in his truck. The whole place was an amazing assortment of greens, and colors. The rains have been good for everything growing. This is a beautiful time of year in Thailand.

I heard some kind of commercial on one of the roving loud-speaker trucks, and I realized that the words for Night Bazaar are 'Nigh Bazah'. There's your Thai lesson for today.

Have a Thrilling Thursday.


"In the confrontation between the stream and the rock,
the stream always wins - not through strength,
but through perseverance."

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

Wednesday, September 1, 2010



It's another classic day here in Chiang Rai. We made a Big C run, washed the dogs, and went for a swim. It doesn't get any better than that. Hmm, maybe it does.

Once again, the second day clues pulled it out of a few more memories. The song was "The Leader of the Pack" by The Shangri-Las. Today I'm not horsing around. You get a song that will stay in your head and drive you crazy. (555)
"On the first day of the journey, I was looking at all the life. There were plants, and birds, and rocks, and things, there was sand and hills and rings... I've been to the desert on __ __ __ __ __, it felt good to be out of the rain..."
Clue: This song from '72 is about enjoying the solitude of the open space of the desert. Now any good cowboy would know his steed, but this time it's different. Hmm.

We went out fairly early today before the crowds built up at Big C. On the way into the building we stopped to check out some mattress pads that were on sale. Here in Thailand beds are either firm or firmer. We've managed to adapt but keep an eye out for a softer sleep. We got one of the pads, had it loaded into the car, which was a tight fit, and continued to shop. It was pretty routine stuff, and when we came out, the ground was wet. We'd missed a downpour. Nice how that works out.

While we were away the bug spray guys, and the pool guys showed up and did their things. It seems to happen a lot that the bug guys come and then it rains. This afternoon the sky is clear, and blue with some puffy white clouds here and there. Perfect for dog washing. Daku has finally learned that it's going to happen, just surrender. He did try and escape right at the beginning, but once he was wet, he remained pretty calm. BamBam has loved baths since she was a puppy. Boot used to bathe her every day. She'd never had a dog, so she treated BamBam like a baby. Oh, so that's where she gets that spoiled streak.

After a nap, Jaffee came by with the 'plates' of polyethylene that we had cut. Then it was time for a dip in the pool. Every time we get in the pool, there is a portion of time spent on garden appreciation. The entire yard looks different from water level. During the rainy season it's all so green and lush that it's hard not to just get carried away.

We're heading out to the Night Bazaar so I'm sending this early (for you). It's such a beautiful night that it seems only right to be outside.

Time for a Wacky Wednesday.


"Wise sayings often fall on barren ground,
but a kind word is never thrown away."
~Arthur Helps

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style