Tuesday, May 26, 2009



It was another hot day in Chiang Rai. We stayed out of most of it. There was a helmet crackdown (excuse the unintentional play on words) and lots of 'night cruising'. What?

Well, at least two of you knew the song. I don't really want to stump you, just challenge you. This may help:
"Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am __ __ __ __ __ __." Clues: This tune was a hit in '72 and has had many covers. One of them by a Serbian Rock band called Cactus Jack. I know you've heard of them. (Ha) One of the writers of the song went on to have a solo career. If you get stuck, write me. Hmm.

With all the hot weather, many motorbike riders are opting to ride with the wind in their hair. This has given the police a new stream of revenue as they set up 'inspection points' in unexpected spots all over town. They're catching riders on blind corners, narrow access roads and any place where they can't be spotted early for a U-turn. Very clever.

This evening I went down to the Night Bazaar to meet with Paradorn, the artist that will be in the show with Lisa. On my way into town I noticed many small families out cruising on their bikes, three and four to a bike. They were out enjoying the relative cool of the evening.

Speaking of families, with our daily visits to the hospital I've had an opportunity to make many unscientific observations. When a Thai family member has to go to the hospital, often everybody goes. Especially if it's a senior member of the family. Yesterday in order to get to the treatment room where Lisa was taken, we had to pass a hallway for intensive care. In the 'lobby' of that unit there were two rows of chairs and behind that a large open space of bare floor. On the floor there were several families with blankets spread out. They had food and beverages and were just camping out. Watching the unity of these families is heartwarming.

Tonight I set up some speakers in the bedroom and put on some music. Daku is really into sound and seems to love music. He just sat there, right in the middle and listened. He reminded me of the dog on the old R.C.A. logo: "His master's voice'. Who remembers that?

It's time for Happy Tuesday.


"Don't let yesterday use up too much of today."
~Native American Proverb

Gettin' Funky, Thai Style

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