Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday Funnies


The rain teased us all day.  Never really happened, not that we were begging for it to happen (555).  I'm just about at that point where it’s time for daily rain to appear on a weekly basis.  Oh well, I can dream.

The ‘Zany Day’ song was “People Are Strange” by The Doors, of course.  ‘Old School Friday’ is also brought to you, courtesy of The Doors.  “Well, she’s fashionably lean and she’s fashionably late.  She’ll never rank a scene, she’ll never break a date.  But she’s no drag, just watch the way she walks, she’s a __ __ __, she’s a __ __ __.”  Hint:  Something to do with the last century and all.

This morning we went to the hospital again.  While Lisa was being treated, she had a conversation with the doctor about a giant statue that will be mounted on the hospital this Sunday.  I have only seen it under wraps, so it wasn’t really a photo op, but you can be sure that next week you will see it.

We had a quiet cup of coffee and roti at The Wanderer.  Our hope was to see the two dogs, Mercy and Joey, but they were either out for a walk or still inside.  They can be quite entertaining.

The nursery was our next stop.  It’s a drive-through affair (no, they don’t hand you plants at a window), which means that if you’re not exactly sure what you want, you must drive very slowly up and down the ‘streets’ until you see it.  We ended up finding things for the balcony garden as well as one side of the house.  Lisa planted the ones for the balcony and will supervise Gong on the yard plants.  We have to go to a different nursery to find the larger trees we want for a barrier to the new house behind us.  

Today’s photo was taken last year in Bangkok, at the opening of an exhibit of Somluk’s clay on canvas series.  Here we are standing with the artist.

In the background, we can hear the rolling of distant thunder.  It’s not in our neighborhood yet, but the night is young.

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.      Time for the ‘Funnies’.


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