Friday, August 2, 2019

Friday Funnies


The sky went through a few changes during the day, and finally settled on an afternoon downpour.  As the sun was setting, dark clouds loomed over the area.  Not necessarily bringing rain, but looking like they could.

The ‘Zany Day’ song was “Like A Rolling Stone” by Mr. Zimmerman aka Bob Dylan.  Until we visit more of his catalog, here’s an ‘Old School Friday’ where the title is not sung in the song:  “Well, they’ll stone ya when you’re trying to be so good.  They’ll stone ya just a-like they said they would.  They’ll stone ya when you’re trying to go home.  Then they’ll stone ya when you’re there all alone.  But I would not feel so all alone, everybody must get stoned.”  Hint:  There are numbers and water from the sky involved.

This morning we had coffee with our friend John, at Polar.  It’s near his house and he can ride his bicycle there so it’s convenient.  We had another of our free-form, streaming conversations that always leads us to new information and lots of laughs.  One of our recurring themes had to do with memory; when does it start to go and can we get some more (555). 

Today’s photo was taken at Polar coffee and bakery.  The sign says it all:  “Two Wheels Parking”.  Oh, that’s John’s bike in the proper place.

When we left Polar, we followed the suggestion of the owner and John, and tried taking a different way to the main road.  The access road we usually take is bumpy, cracked concrete and is not fit to drive on if you want to keep your tires and your teeth.  The alternate way we took was smooth.  There is also another way that uses the new highway, but it’s not officially opened until this weekend.  Maybe next time.

I’ve been doing some ‘research’ into the Hz Frequency therapy I mentioned a few weeks ago.  It turns out there are two types:  Binaural beats and Isochronic tones.  There are suggestions that various frequencies can cure, enhance or alter anything you need changed, including memory.  One must approach such things with a grain of salt and more than a few trials.  Last night we tried an isochronic sleep tone that started as a theta wave and turned into a sub-harmonic delta wave after an hour or so.  We had the volume up a little too much, but I did return to sleep faster.  It doesn’t require headphones so it made it easier to try.  It could usher in a brand new world, or render me a walking wave tone.  

Have a Wonderful WeekEnd.   Stay for the ‘Funnies’.  Formula 1 is in Hungary this weekend.  Zoom!


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