Tuesday, August 6, 2019



Just because it looks like rain, doesn’t mean that it will rain.  It was like that all day.  It was a nice break from yesterday.  Tomorrow?  Who knows, we’ll be here either way.

"They took all the trees, and put them in a tree museum.  Then they charged the people a dollar and a half just to see’em.  Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone.  They paved paradise, put up a parking lot.”  Clue:  The actual title is in the last verse.  There is a color involved.

This morning we went to Bangkok Hospital so the doctor could treat Lisa’s ankle.  This will be a daily thing, probably for the rest of the week.  We were joking during our ‘stay at the BKK’ that we might just check in and relax.  Since we got such good service, we could get pampered for a few days.  When we pulled up to the doors this morning, a young man opened Lisa’s door and ask if she needed a wheelchair (she didn’t).  Sometimes it's the little things.

We went to The Wanderer for coffee and roti and had a nice visit with Kwan.  She showed us a plant she had in mind for Daku’s grave and it’s beautiful.  It will become a bushy tree with big fragrant white flowers.  We talked about her dogs and how they are doing on the veggie mix we gave them.  Mercy and Joey like it a lot and we all agreed that Jai Dee will come and be a regular visitor.  Mercy and Joey can show him how to play and get dirty in the woods (555).  At one point, Kwan mentioned how she wished she could have lived through the major technological transitions that we’ve seen.  That led to some telephone memories and then a brief history of the internet.  That’s when we realized it was almost lunch time.  We were having such a good time, but that was the point.

This afternoon I noticed what looked like a big plume of smoke just west of us.  I quickly closed the upstairs windows and as I watched, it moved.  Then, from inside the cloud I saw a figure and immediately knew that it was a fumigator.  We’re in mosquito season so the city sends these brave men into the streets with motorized blowers that spew insecticide into the air, the storm drains, standing water and under brush.  It was pretty eerie, especially when he got to our front gate and suddenly it was inside the cloud.  If it helps with the mosquito infestation I’m all for it.  This is being a bad year for Dengue fever, so we’re all being cautious.  

Last night there was an animal sound that went from interesting to annoying in about 2 minutes.  It sounded like someone sitting in the bushes by the pool, tapping on a wood block.  It was one of many frogs that like our little tropical corner whenever it gets rainy.  This one just stuck out from the rest.  It finally got tired and stopped.  It’s a jungle out there.

Today’s photo shows the pool and the lair of the frogs on the left, where it’s dark and mysterious.

Have a Happy Tuesday.


“You will not be punished for your anger,
you will be punished by your anger.”

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